Now showing items 2189-2208 of 6704

    • En parallell løsning av cellulær utvikling i maskinvare 

      Øyan, Mats Jørgen (Master thesis, 2006)
      Dagens elektroniske kretser utvikles som regel med en top-ned designstrategi. Siden kretsene blir større og mer komplekse blir designet av kretsene også en større og vanskeligere jobb. For å takle denne økende kompleksiteten ...
    • En sammenligning av Amazon Web Services og Microsoft Azure 

      Helmersen, Ådne (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Oppgaven er en selvvalgt bacheloroppgave på studiet informasjonsbehandling ved NTNU. Jeg ønsket å bli bedre kjent med skyteknologi, og se om det er mulig å avdekke større forskjeller mellom de 2 største leverandørene, ...
    • En sammenligning av RTA og CTA:: testsituasjonens innvirkning på resultatet 

      Aarøe, Øyvind (Master thesis, 2007)
      CTA har vært utsatt for sterkt kritikk av eksperter. Dette er kritikk som spesielt fokuserer på metodens validitet og gjennomførelse. Denne masteroppgaven fokuserer på brukbarhetstester med et annet perspektiv; brukernes ...
    • En sammenligning mellom mikrorammeverk brukt for rask webutvikling 

      Kile, Andreas Nes (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Teknologi og programvare går raskt framover, og det kan derfor være vanskelig å holde styr på det. IT-avdelingen i BE-ICS (The Industrial Controls Infrastructure Group i Beam Department) ved CERN (European Organization for ...
    • En teoretisk oppgave om crowdfunding, dens muligheter og fremtidsspådommer: Vil aksjebasert crowdfunding bli en større finansieringskilde enn investeringsselskaper for oppstartsbedrifter i nær fremtid? 

      Berggren, Phillip Lukas Rake (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Dette er en teoretisk oppgave om crowdfunding, dens muligheter og fremtidsspådommer. Crowdfunding er en moderne finansieringsmetode som baserer seg på små investeringer fra et stort publikum. Det er privatpersoner som ...
    • En tilnærming til universell elektronisk ID 

      Svehagen, Christian (Master thesis, 2005)
      En universell elektronisk ID kan brukes på tvers av systemer. Den kan brukes over alt. Det er en del sider ved dagens situasjon som hindrer bruk av elektronisk identitet på samme måte som et fysisk identitetskort. I oppgaven ...
    • En tjenesteorientert evaluering av XRI. 

      Røe, Audun (Master thesis, 2006)
      I løpet av de seneste årene har omfanget av digital informasjon økt kraftig. Internett er blitt stadig mer utbredt, og behovet for globalt unik og persistent identifikasjon i forvaltningen av digitale ressurser er samtidig ...
    • Enabling a Ubiquitous Location Based Service on Campus 

      Karlsen, Bjarte Stien (Master thesis, 2005)
      This thesis have looked at two subjects that are a necessary part of a Location Based Service. Guidelines on how to make a Location Model of the campus has been suggested. The proposed model enhanced already existing ...
    • Enabling a Ubiquitous Location Based Service on Campus 

      Karlsen, Bjarte Stien (Master thesis, 2005)
      This thesis have looked at two subjects that are a necessary part of a Location Based Service. Guidelines on how to make a Location Model of the campus has been suggested. The proposed model enhanced already existing ...
    • Enabling an automated monitor layer for RDF using integrity constraints 

      Valen-Sendstad, Øyvind (Master thesis, 2011)
      The Semantic Web has introduced several innovations to the existing field of Integrated Operations and sparked a shift in the development of the ISO 15926 standard. Industries that want to implement ISO 15926 need to ...
    • Enabling an automated monitor layer for RDF using integrity constraints 

      Valen-Sendstad, Oyvind (Master thesis, 2011)
      The Semantic Web has introduced several innovations to the existing field of Integrated Operations and sparked a shift in the development of the ISO 15926 standard. Industries that want to implement ISO 15926 need to ...
    • Enabling automation and edge intelligence over resource constraint IoT devices for smart home 

      Nasir, Mansoor; Muhammad, Khan; Ullah, Amin; Ahmad, Jamil; Wook Baik, Sung; Sajjad, Muhammad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Smart home applications are pervasive and have gained popularity due to the overwhelming use of Internet of Things (IoT). The revolution in IoT technologies made homes more convenient, efficient and perhaps more secure. ...
    • Enabling Autonomous Teams and Continuous Deployment at Scale 

      Dingsøyr, Torgeir; Jørgensen, Magne; Carlsen, Frode Odde; Carström, Lena; Engelsrud, Jens; Hansvold, Kine; Heibø-Bagheri, Mari; Røe, Kjetil; Sørensen, Karl Ove Vika (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      In this article, we advise on transitioning to a more agile delivery model for large-scale agile development projects based on experience from the Parental Benefit Project of the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration. ...
    • Enabling data-driven decision support in healthcare 

      Røst, Thomas Brox (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:448, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      Healthcare professionals make decisions every day. These decisions can have a profound impact on those they concern, such as a decision on how to treat a patient. Patients and their families can experience prolonged illness ...
    • Enabling Research on Energy-Efficient System Software Using the SHMAC Infrastructure 

      Bjørnseth, Benjamin (Master thesis, 2015)
      The energy efficiency of computer systems is becoming an increasingly important constraint in the design of microprocessors. Energy consumption impacts battery life and electricity bills, while power consumption is ...
    • Enabling software process improvement : an investigation of the importance of organizational issues 

      Dybå, Tore (Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2001:101, Doctoral thesis, 2001)
      Software development and maintenance involves oraganizational as well as technical issues. While software engineering has been offtered as a way of resolving the intrinsic technical problems, the organizational problems ...
    • Encoding Two-Dimensional Range Top-k Queries 

      Jo, Seungbum; Lingala, Rahul; Satti, Srinivasa Rao (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      We consider the problem of encoding two-dimensional arrays, whose elements come from a total order, for answering Top-k queries. The aim is to obtain encodings that use space close to the information-theoretic lower bound, ...
    • Encyclopedia Fact Extraction, Querying and Answer Generation: Based On MRS Representations of Natural Language 

      Lyngaas, Ståle (Master thesis, 2008)
      This master's thesis explores the possibility of using the Linguistic Knowledge Builder (LKB) in conjunction with a Prolog based program in a framework which integrates encyclypedia search for finding answer to natural ...
    • End User Development Toolkit for Developing Physical User Interface Applications 

      Abrahamsen, Daniel T; Palfi, Anders; Svendsen, Haakon Sønsteby (Master thesis, 2014)
      BACKGROUND: Tangible user interfaces and end user development are two increasingresearch areas in software technology. Physical representation promoteopportunities to ease the use of technology and reinforce personality ...
    • End User Programming for TILES: Methods and Tools 

      Kirkemyr, Jonas (Master thesis, 2016)
      Simplifying the process of creating applications for TILES has been the goal for this work, which have been made possible through a simple development environment, and the use of a Domain-Specific Language, designed for ...