Now showing items 496-515 of 1611

    • The end of balloons? Our take on the UK-REBOA trial 

      Brede, Jostein Rødseth; Rehn, Marius (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) is increasingly used. The recently published UK-REBOA trial aimed to investigate patients suffering haemorrhagic shock and randomized to standard ...
    • End-of-life practices in traumatic brain injury patients: Report of a questionnaire from the CENTER-TBI study 

      van Veen, Ernest; van der Jagt, Mathieu; Citerio, Guiseppe; Stocchetti, Nino; Epker, Jelle; Gommers, Diederik; Burdorf, Lex; Menon, David K; Maas, Andrew I.R.; Lingsma, Hester F; Kompanje, Erwin J.O.; Andelic, Nada; Andreassen, Lasse; Anke, Audny; Frisvold, Shirin; Helseth, Eirik; Røe, Cecilie; Røise, Olav; Skandsen, Toril; Vik, Anne; Åkerlund, Cecilia; Amrein, Krisztina; Antoni, Anna; Audibert, Gerard; Azouvi, Philippe; Azzolini, Maria Luisa; Bartels, Ronald; Barzo, Pal; Beauvais, Romuald; Beer, Ronny; Bellander, Bo-Michael; Belli, Antonio; Benali, Habib; Berardino, Maurizio; Beretta, Luigi; Blaabjerg, Morten; Bragge, Peter; Brazinova, Alexandra; Brinck, Vibeke; Brooker, Joanne; Brorsson, Camilla; Buki, Andras; Bullinger, Monika; Cabeleira, Manuel; Caccioppola, Alessio; Calappi, Emiliana; Calvi, Maria Rosa; Cameron, Peter; Lozano, Guillermo Carbayo; Carbonara, Marco (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Purpose We aimed to study variation regarding specific end-of-life (EoL) practices in the intensive care unit (ICU) in traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients. Materials and methods Respondents from 67 hospitals ...
    • Endpoints in clinical trials in cancer cachexia: where to start? 

      Balstad, Trude Rakel; Solheim, Tora Skeidsvoll; Laird, Barry J. A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Purpose of review The lack of agreement and knowledge of optimal endpoints in cachexia trials have impeded progress in finding interventions counteracting the devastating effects cancer cachexia has on morbidity and ...
    • Endringer i opioidbruken i Norge må tas på dypeste alvor 

      Odsbu, Ingvild; Handal, Marte; Borchgrevink, Petter Chr.; Clausen, Thomas; Skurtveit, Svetlana Ondrasova (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    • ENIGMA-Sleep: Challenges, opportunities, and the road map 

      Tahmasian, Masoud; Aleman, André; Andreassen, Ole; Arab, Zahra; Baillet, Marion; Benedetti, Francesco; Bresser, Tom; Bright, Joanna; Chee, Michael W.L.; Chylinski, Daphne; Cheng, Wei; Deantoni, Michele; Dresler, Martin; Eickhoff, Simon B.; Eickhoff, Claudia R.; Elvsåshagen, Torbjørn; Feng, Jianfeng; Foster-Dingley, Jessica C.; Ganjgahi, Habib; Grabe, Hans J.; Groenewold, Nynke A.; Ho, Tiffany C.; Bong Hong, Seung; Houenou, Josselin; Irungu, Benson; Jahanshad, Neda; Khazaie, Habibolah; Kim, Hosung; Koshmanova, Ekaterina; Kocevska, Desi; Kochunov, Peter; Lakbila-Kamal, Oti; Leerssen, Jeanne; Li, Meng; Luik, Annemarie I.; Muto, Vincenzo; Narbutas, Justinas; Nilsonne, Gustav; O’Callaghan, Victoria S.; Olsen, Alexander; Osorio, Ricardo S.; Poletti, Sara; Poudel, Govinda; Reesen, Joyce E.; Reneman, Liesbeth; Reyt, Mathilde; Riemann, Dieter; Rosenzweig, Ivana; Rostampour, Masoumeh; Saberi, Amin; Schiel, Julian; Schmidt, Christina; Schrantee, Anouk; Sciberras, Emma; Silk, Tim J.; Sim, Kang; Smevik, Hanne; Soares, Jair C.; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Stein, Dan J.; Talwar, Puneet; Tamm, Sandra; Teresi, Giana l.; Valk, Sofie L.; Van Someren, Eus; Vandewalle, Gilles; Van Egroo, Maxime; Völzke, Henry; Walter, Martin; Wassing, Rick; Weber, Frederik D.; Weihs, Antoine; Westlye, Lars Tjelta; Wright, Margaret J.; Wu, Mon-Ju; Zak, Nathalia; Zarei, Mojtaba (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Neuroimaging and genetics studies have advanced our understanding of the neurobiology of sleep and its disorders. However, individual studies usually have limitations to identifying consistent and reproducible effects, ...
    • Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of immunocompromised patients infected with Pneumocystis jirovecii in a twelve-year retrospective study from Norway 

      Grønseth, Stine; Rogne, Tormod; Hannula, Raisa; Åsvold, Bjørn Olav; Afset, Jan Egil; Damås, Jan Kristian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
    • An epidemiological study on the prevalence of hallucinations in a general-population sample: Effects of age and sensory modality 

      Larøi, Frank; Bless, Josef J; Laloyaux, Julien Freddy; Kråkvik, Bodil; Vedul-Kjelsås, Einar; Kalhovde, Anne Martha; Hirnstein, Marco; Hugdahl, Kenneth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Epidemiological studies have repeatedly shown that a significant minority of the general population have experienced hallucinations, however, a potential effect of age on the prevalence of hallucinations in the general ...
    • Epidemiology and practice variations of shunt surgery for hydrocephalus: a nationwide registry-based study 

      Mansoor, Nadia; Gulati, Sasha; Fredriksli, Oddrun Anita; Salvesen, Øyvind Olav; Solheim, Ole Skeidsvoll (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      OBJECTIVE Indications for surgical treatment of hydrocephalus (HC) can vary across centers. The authors sought to investigate the frequencies of surgically treated HC disorders and to study variations in the practice ...
    • Epidemiology of paediatric trauma in Norway: a single-trauma centre observational study 

      Nesje, Eirik; Valøy, Nadine Nalini; Krüger, Andreas; Uleberg, Oddvar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      BACKGROUND: Trauma is a major cause of mortality and morbidity in children globally. The burden of injury shows substantial geographical differences, with a significant mortality reduction in children in Norway during the ...
    • Epidurals during normal labour and birth — Midwives’ attitudes and experiences 

      Aune, Ingvild; Brøtmet, Siri; Grytskog, Katrine Heggem; Sperstad, Eldri Bakken (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Background Midwives have their own beliefs and values regarding pain during childbirth. Their preferences concerning labour pain management may influence women’s choices. Aim To gain a deeper understanding of midwives’ ...
    • Epigenetics in the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease: influence of exercise and nutrition 

      Gevaert, Andreas B.; Wood, Nathaneal; Boen, Jente R A; Davos, Constantinos H.; Hansen, Dominique; Hanssen, Henner; Krenning, Guido; Moholdt, Trine; Osto, Elena; Paneni, Francesco; Pedretti, Roberto F E; Plösch, Torsten; Simonenko, Maria; Bowen, T Scott (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Increasing evidence links changes in epigenetic systems, such as DNA methylation, histone modification, and non-coding RNA expression, to the occurrence of cardiovascular disease (CVD). These epigenetic modifications can ...
    • Epilepsy and other seizure disorders in acute psychiatric inpatients 

      Nakken, Erlend Iversen; Grinde, Frithjof; Vaaler, Arne; Drange, Ole Kristian; Brodtkorb, Eylert; Sæther, Sverre Georg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background: It is well known that patients with epilepsy have a high rate of psychiatric comorbidity. However, studies exploring epilepsy in psychiatric cohorts are scarce. The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence ...
    • Epilepsy is overrepresented among young people who died from COVID-19: Analysis of nationwide mortality data in Hungary 

      Horwáth, Réka A.; Sütö, Zsófia; Cséke, Balázs; Schranz, Dániel; Darnai, Gergely; Kovács, Norbert; Janszky, Imre; Janszky, József (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background : Studies examining epilepsy as a COVID-related death risk have come to conflicting conclusions. Our aim was to assess the prevalence of epilepsy among COVID-related deaths in Hungary. Methods Each COVID-19 ...
    • Epitope-resolved profiling of the SARS-CoV-2 antibody response identifies cross-reactivity with endemic human coronaviruses 

      Ladner, Jason T.; Henson, Sierra N.; Boyle, Annalee S.; Engelbrektson, Anna L.; Fink, Zane W.; Rahee, Fatima; D'ambrozio, Jonathan; Schaecher, Kurt E.; Stone, Mars; Dong, Wenjuan; Dadwal, Sanjeet; Yu, Jianhua; Caligiuri, Michael A.; Cieplak, Piotr; Bjørås, Magnar; Fenstad, Mona H.; Nordbø, Svein Arne; Kainov, Denis; Muranaka, Norihito; Chee, Mark S.; Shiryaev, Sergey A.; Altin, John A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The SARS-CoV-2 proteome shares regions of conservation with endemic human coronaviruses (CoVs), but it remains unknown to what extent these may be cross-recognized by the antibody response. Here, we study cross-reactivity ...
    • ESPEN practical guideline: Clinical Nutrition in cancer 

      Muscaritoli, Maurizio; Arends, Jann; Bachmann, Patrick; Baracos, Vickie E.; Barthelemy, Nicole; Bertz, Hartmut; Bozzetti, Federico; Hütterer, Elisabeth; Isenring, Elizabeth; Kaasa, Stein; Krznaric, Zeljko; Laird, Barry J.A.; Larsson, Maria; Laviano, Alessandro; Mühlebach, Stefan; Oldervoll, Line Merethe; Ravasco, Paula; Solheim, Tora S; Strasser, Florian; van Bokhorst- De van der Schue, M; Preiser, Jean-Charles; Bischoff, Stephan C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background This practical guideline is based on the current scientific ESPEN guidelines on nutrition in cancer patients. Methods ESPEN guidelines have been shortened and transformed into flow charts for easier use in ...
    • Establishing Serum Reference Ranges for Antihypertensive Drugs 

      Rognstad, Stine; Søraas, Camilla Lund; Bergland, Ola Undrum; Høieggen, Aud; Strømmen, Magnus; Helland, Arne; Opdal, Mimi Stokke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Background: Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) involves the measurement of serum drug concentrations to optimize pharmacotherapy. Traditionally, blood pressure measurements alone, and not TDM, have been used to evaluate ...
    • Establishment of an in vivo rat model for chronic musculoskeletal implant infection 

      Witsø, Eivind; Hoang, Linh; Løseth, Kirsti; Bergh, Kåre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Background The aim of the study was to establish an experimental chronic musculoskeletal infection model in vivo characterized by (a) a small bacterial inoculum, (b) no general or local signs of infection, (c) several ...
    • An Estimation Model for Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Adults with Rheumatoid Arthritis 

      Liff, Marthe Halsan; Hoff, Mari; Fremo, Thomas; Wisløff, Ulrik; Videm, Vibeke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Purpose Cardiopulmonary exercise testing of peak oxygen uptake (V˙O2peak) is the gold standard to measure cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF). For resource-intensive evaluation, equations estimating CRF (eCRF) may be used. ...
    • Etiske dilemmaer ved suicidalitet hos pasienter med kort forventet levetid 

      Fredheim, Olav Magnus; Magelssen, Morten (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      BAKGRUNN Enkelte pasienter i palliativ fase med kort forventet levetid gir uttrykk for selvmordsplaner eller utfører alvorlige selvmordsforsøk. I denne situasjonen reises utfordrende etiske spørsmål. Er det rett med ...
    • EULAR recommendations for a core data set for pregnancy registries in rheumatology 

      Meissner, Yvette; Fischer-Betz, Rebecca; Andreoli, Laura; Costedoat-Chalumeau, Nathalie; de Cock, Diederik; Dolhain, Radboud; Förger, Frauke; Goll, Doreen; Moltó, Anna; Nelson-Piercy, Catherine; Özdemir, Rebecca; Raio, Luigi; Rodríguez-García, Sebastian Cruz; Sciascia, Savino; Wallenius, Marianne; Zbinden, Astrid; Zink, Angela; Strangfeld, Anja (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Background and objective: There is an urgent need for robust data on the trajectories and outcomes of pregnancies in women with inflammatory rheumatic diseases (IRD). In particular when rare outcomes or rare diseases are ...