• Automatic Creation of 3D Printable Brace from Scan of Broken Hand 

      Joar Olai Røyset Lier (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Målet med dette prosjektet var å lage et brukervennlig automatisk program for å 3d-skanne hånden, med intensjonen om at dette senere skulle brukes til å lage en pasientspesifikk støtteskinne for håndbrudd. Resultatet var ...
    • Automatic Face Anonymization in Videos Data Based on YOLOv7 

      Saharkhizan, Mahdis (Master thesis, 2023)
      Med den utbredte tilgjengeligheten av digital visuell data på tvers av ulike bransjer, som videoovervåking, sosiale nettverk og media, har bekymringene knyttet til personvern økt betydelig. Ansiktsanonymiseringsteknikker ...
    • Automatic Markerless Motion Detector Method against Traditional Digitisation for 3-Dimensional Movement Kinematic Analysis of Ball Kicking in Soccer Field Context 

      Palucci Vieira, Luiz H.; Santiago, Paulo R P; Pinto, Allan; Aquino, Rodrigo; Torres, Ricardo; Barbieri, Fabio A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Kicking is a fundamental skill in soccer that often contributes to match outcomes. Lower limb movement features (e.g., joint position and velocity) are determinants of kick performance. However, obtaining kicking kinematics ...
    • Automatic production of patient adapted orthopaedic braces using 3D -modelling technology 

      Kleppe, Paul Steffen; Rekdalsbakken, Webjørn (Chapter, 2020)
      The research group in biomechanics at NTNU Aalesund works in close cooperation with the orthopaedic surgeons at Aalesund Hospital. One of the research activities has been to develop an automatic procedure for producing ...
    • Automatic segmentation of human knee anatomy by a convolutional neural network applying a 3D MRI protocol 

      Kulseng, Carl Petter Skaar; Nainamalai, Varatharajan; Grøvik, Endre; Geitung, Jonn Terje; Årøen, Asbjørn; Gjesdal, Kjell Inge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background: To study deep learning segmentation of knee anatomy with 13 anatomical classes by using a magnetic resonance (MR) protocol of four three-dimensional (3D) pulse sequences, and evaluate possible clinical usefulness. ...
    • Automatic Visual Features for Writer Identification: A Deep Learning Approach 

      Rehman, Arshia; Naz, Saeeda; Razzak, Muhammad Imran; Hameed, Ibrahim A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Identification of a person from his writing is one of the challenging problems; however, it is not new. No one can repudiate its applications in a number of domains, such as forensic analysis, historical documents, and ...
    • Automating and simplifying the creation of virtual machines for students - An on-premises cloud 

      Klubbenes, Lars Ivar; Fylling, Marius Blindheim (Bachelor thesis, 2018)
      This thesis is based on a project in cooperation with NTNU. Most people will at some point have sat down in front of a computer, performing some task, and realized: "This isn’t going to work. I have a hammer, but right ...
    • Automatisk brems av barnevogn 

      Trælvik, Joakim Indergård (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Målet for dette prosjektet er å utvikle et produkt som skal bremse en barnevogn automatisk. Bremsen blir utløst av at en knapp på håndtaket blir sluppet, og bremsingen blir gjort av en elektrisk motor. Motoren kobles til ...
    • Autonomous Drone Props in Theatre 

      Amtedal, Jakob Andreas (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Denne Bachelor’s oppgaven omhandler den potensielle bruken av droner i skuespill. Motivasjonen for ˚a ha flyvende droner i skuespill er ˚a kunne f˚a en mer fortryllende teateropplevelse med ˚a ha svevende rekvisitter i ...
    • Autonomous Inshore Navigation with Lidar 

      Waldum, Håkon Bjerkgaard; Jørundland, Ruben Svedal; Natvik, Ruben Ole Berg; Wille, Vebjørn Rimstad (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Denne rapporten omhandler utviklingen av en prototype som autonomt skal navigere og legge til kai ved bruk av Lidar som syn. Poenget i denne undersøkelsen er å utforske hvordan man implementer et slikt system, og hvor ...
    • Autonomous inspections for process industry by a quadruped robot with use of neural networks 

      Drønnen, Petter; Solheim, Vegard; Øye, Magnus (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Dette prosjektet har som mål å utvikle en firebent robotprototype for autonome inspeksjoner i prosessindustrien med bruk av nevrale nettverk. Dette inkluderer modellering og bygging av en prototype som kan utstyres med ...
    • Autonomous Ships: A Velocity Obstacle Particle Swarm Optimization Hybrid Algorithm 

      Valderhaug, Arild; Molvær, Karl-Oskar Norheim; Sandøy, Magnus Heggdal; Sæterøy, Ola (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Hovedmålet med denne oppgaven var å designe en kollisjons-unngående hybrid-algoritme basert på Velocity Obstacle og Multi Objective Particle Swarm Optimization. Formålet var å forbedre ytelsen i områder som anses om svakheter ...
    • Autopacker 

      Nicholasson, Aron; Nor, Liban; Nogva, Bendik (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Når en lærer må laste opp et prosjekt til en server for en spesifikt forelesning eller lab, kan det innebære kjedelige og repeterende konfigurasjoner og til og med programvareoppdateringer på grunn av endringer og oppdateringer ...
    • AutoPacker - An open-source project 

      Thue, Eirik (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      In this thesis described AutoPacker as an open-source project, which contain the experiences of working in an open-source project, the research needed to enter an already established project and the development that goes ...
    • Banking Comprehensive Risk Management System Based on Big Data Architecture of Hybrid Processing Engines and Databases 

      Ma, Shenglan; Wang, Hao; Xu, Botong; Xiao, Hong; Xie, Fangkai; Dai, Hong-Ning; Tao, Ran; Yi, Ruihua; Wang, Tongsen (Chapter, 2018)
    • Bankruptcy Prediction of a New Data Set of Companies in Norway 

      Jizhen, Cai (Master thesis, 2019)
      I de siste årene har flere og flere forskere fokusert på forskning om konkursforutsigelse. Tradisjonelle metoder basert på statistiske modeller kan imidlertid ikke være i stand til å håndtere relevante datasett, som blir ...
    • BERT- and TF-IDF-based feature extraction for long-lived bug prediction in FLOSS: A comparative study 

      Gomes, Luiz; Da Silva Torres, Ricardo; Côrtes, Mario Lúcio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Context: The correct prediction of long-lived bugs could help maintenance teams to build their plan and to fix more bugs that often adversely affect software quality and disturb the user experience across versions in ...
    • A BFS-Tree of ranking references for unsupervised manifold learning 

      Pedronette, Daniel; Valem, Lucas; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Contextual information, defined in terms of the proximity of feature vectors in a feature space, has been successfully used in the construction of search services. These search systems aim to exploit such information to ...
    • A Bibliometric Analysis of Corona Pandemic in Social Sciences: A Review of Influential Aspects and Conceptual Structure 

      Nasir, Adeel; Shaukat, Kamran; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Luo, Suhuai; Mahboob, Talha; Iqbal, Farhat (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Corona pandemic has affected the whole world, and it is a highly researched area in biological sciences. As the current pandemic has affected countries socially and economically, the purpose of this bibliometric analysis ...
    • Bifurcation Analysis, Synchronization and FPGA Implementation of a New 3-D Jerk System with a Stable Equilibrium 

      Vaidyanathan, Sundarapandian; Azar, Ahmad Taher; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Benkouider, Khaled; Tlelo-Cuautle, Esteban; Ovilla-Martinez, Brisbane; Lien, Chang-Hua; Sambas, Aceng (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This research paper addresses the modelling of a new 3-D chaotic jerk system with a stable equilibrium. Such chaotic systems are known to exhibit hidden attractors. After the modelling of the new jerk system, a detailed ...