Now showing items 141-160 of 602

    • Data Aggregation, Processing and Visualisation 

      Fagralon, Rune; Sørdal, Tor-Arne; Eidsheim, Henning (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Denne bachelor-oppgaven er skrevet av tre studenter som går automasjonsingeniør-studiet ved NTNU i Ålesund. Prosjektet ble gjennomført i vår-semesteret 2019. Oppgaven ble gitt av Seaonics, som er et selskap som leverer ...
    • Data Analysis and Prediction of Turbine Failures Based on Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques 

      Qaiser, Muhammad Talal (Master thesis, 2023)
      Turbines, the backbone of numerous industries for power generation, assume a critical role in ensuring seamless operations and a continuous power supply to the system. Their uninterrupted working conditions and performance ...
    • Data and knowledge manangement in field studies A case for semantic technologies 

      Schaathun, Hans Georg; Tran, Que; Tollefsen, Mikael; Gernez, Etienne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Ship design is a knowledge-intensive industry. To design safe ship systems for demanding operations, there is an increasing need for comprehensive knowledge of the operational context. Field studies is an important source ...
    • Data Device Control 

      Rogne, Kristoffer; Nygård, Erik Haram; Todal, Thomas Skarshaug (Bachelor thesis, 2018)
      Digitalisering av hverdagen er i full sving, og mange av produktene du kan få kjøpt i dag kan kobles til internettet på en eller annen måte. Utfordringen er å få en lett tilgjengelig sentral der du kan styre det som er ...
    • Data Kollektivet 

      Valde, Frank Even; Lie, Kristoffer (Bachelor thesis, 2018)
      I Norge bor det i gjennomsnitt 2 personer per hushold. Det gjør at veldig mange må forholde seg til andre mennesker når det kommer til oppgaver og gjøremål i hjemmet. For å hjelpe med denne problemstillingen ville vi ...
    • Data Version Control for Relational Databases: Small and Start-up Business Perspective 

      Strazdins, Girts (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Data-related businesses is an emerging trend in the recent decade. However, the availability and amount of information make it difficult to ensure quality in terms of data fusion and version control. Completely automated ...
    • Data-Driven Maritime Processes Management Using Executable Models 

      Richta, Tomáš; Wang, Hao; Osen, Ottar; Styve, Arne; Janoušek, Vladimír (Journal article, 2018)
      In this paper we describe a decision support system for maritime traffic and operations, based on formal models and driven by data from the environment. To handle the complexity of system description, we work with a ...
    • Decision Transparency for enhanced human-machine collaboration for autonomous ships 

      Madsen, Andreas Solnørdal; Brandsæter, Andreas; Aarset, Magne Vollan (Chapter, 2023)
      Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) are quickly emerging as a gamechanging technology in various parts of the world. They can be used for a wide range of applications, including cargo transportation, oceanographic ...
    • Deep Ensemble Learning for the Automatic Detection of Pneumoconiosis in Coal Worker’s Chest X-ray Radiography 

      Devnath, Liton; Luo, Suhuai; Summons, Peter; Wang, Dadong; Shaukat, Kamran; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Alrayes, Fatma S. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Globally, coal remains one of the natural resources that provide power to the world. Thousands of people are involved in coal collection, processing, and transportation. Particulate coal dust is produced during these ...
    • Deep learning for fault detection of guardrails 

      Sedighi, Basir (Master thesis, 2020)
      Mennesker er uendelig flinke til å trekke ut informasjon fra bilder i kompleks natur å finne og klassifisere et objekt. I løpet av de siste årene har algoritmer og metoder blitt presentert for å gjøre det samme. Avanserte ...
    • Deep Learning for Low-Resource and Morphology-Rich Language Processing 

      Sun, Mengtao (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:50, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      Since data-driven Natural Language Processing (NLP) approaches emerged in the late 60s, many practical applications have been proposed, such as automatic sentiment analyzers and named entity recognizers. Today, the robust ...
    • Deep Privacy based Face Anonymization for Smart Cities 

      Hassan, Muhammad Umair; Stava, Magnus; Hameed, Ibrahim A (Journal article, 2023)
      Interest in privacy has increased due to the public’s increased attention given to it by the introduction of the EU’s GDPR. The number of images containing identifiable features has multiplied dramatically in an increasingly ...
    • Deep Reinforcement Learning for Interpretable Autonomous Navigation of Surface Vessels 

      Shen, Xiangming (Master thesis, 2024)
      The emerge of artificial intelligence (AI) in past years had gained great attentions in academic research and successful applications in industries. Deep reinforcement learning (DRL), as an ultimate approach of AI, in which ...
    • Deformable Body Based Salmon Model - For iterative development and testing of equipment within Isaac Sim 

      Glomsrud Andreas (Master thesis, 2023)
      I denne oppgaven utnyttes Isaac Sim sin kapasitet for ”Soft Body” simulering for ˚a lage en robust og dynamisk modell av Fisk. Modellen er delvis basert p˚a tidligere kunnskap innhentet under arbeid utført i løpet av ...
    • Den lille burger fabrikken 

      Vederhus, Vinjar; Tomasgard, Olai; Ustad, Håkon (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven tok for seg utvikling av et sammensatt mekatronisk system for automatisk produksjon av ferskmat. Det ble utviklet moduler for produksjon og montasje av en hamburger fra råvarer - med steking av farse, ...
    • Den tause kunnskapen i IT-studia 

      Schaathun, Hans Georg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Michael Polanyi er kjend for omgrepet taus kunnskap. Han viste at me ofte veit meir enn me kan fortelja. Dette ser me tydleg i profesjonsstudia. Studentane treng ein praktisk kompetanse som førelesarane slit med å setja ...
    • Design and Implementation of a Microservices-Based Digital Twin Architecture 

      Hajnoruzi, Farhad (Master thesis, 2023)
      Digitale tvillinger gjør det mulig for informert beslutningstaking basert på komplekse simuleringer og prediktiv analyse ved å forbinde de digitale og fysiske verdener. Digitale tvillinger trenger arkitekturer som opprettholder ...
    • Design and Stability Analysis of Sliding Mode Controller for Non-Holonomic Differential Drive Mobile Robots 

      Azar, Ahmad Taher; Abed, Azher M.; Abdul-Majeed, Farah Ayad; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Jawad, Anwar Ja’afar Mohamad; Abdul-Adheem, Wameedh Riyadh; Ibraheem, Ibraheem Kasim; Kamal, Nashwa Ahmad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This paper presents a novel extended state observer (ESO) approach for a class of plants with nonlinear dynamics. The proposed observer estimates both the state variables and the total disturbance, which includes both ...
    • Design og produksjon av autonom drone 

      Roset, Espen Tømmerstøl; Remøy, Håvard Gausemel (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Denne rapporten omhandler vår utførelse av bacheloroppgave nr.25,Design, bygging og regulering av autonom drone. Gruppen tok utgangspunkt i et eksisterende design, tilpasset dette og produserte en drone med gode flygeegenskaper. ...
    • Detecting face presentation attacks in mobile devices with a patch-based CNN and a sensor-aware loss function 

      Almeida, Waldir; Andaló, Fernanda; Padilha, Rafael; Bertocco, Gabriel; Dias, William; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva; Wainer, Jacques; Rocha, Anderson (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      With the widespread use of biometric authentication comes the exploitation of presentation attacks, possibly undermining the effectiveness of these technologies in real-world setups. One example takes place when an impostor, ...