Deformable Body Based Salmon Model - For iterative development and testing of equipment within Isaac Sim
I denne oppgaven utnyttes Isaac Sim sin kapasitet for ”Soft Body” simulering for ˚a lage enrobust og dynamisk modell av Fisk. Modellen er delvis basert p˚a tidligere kunnskap innhentetunder arbeid utført i løpet av sommeren 2022 i samarbeid med MANULAB under Forskningsprogrammet Fisk 4.0. Modellen best˚ar av en 3D-modellert laks, en ”Rigid Body” modell ogen Finite Element Method mesh som sammen skaper en robust simuleringsmodell. Modellenkan brukes til iterativ testing av utstyr og fabrikkoppsett for transportb˚and. In this thesis, the capabilities of Isaac Sim as a simulator of Soft Bodies have been utilized tocreate a robust and dynamic Fish Model. The model is based partially on previous knowledgeobtained during work in the summer of 2022 in collaboration with MANULAB under the Fisk4.0 Research Program. The model consists of a 3D-modelled Salmon, a rigid body structure,and a Finite Element Method mesh that together create a robust simulation model. Themodel can be utilized for the iterative testing of equipment and factory conveyor layouts..