• Time-varying on-body wireless channel model during walking 

      Cheffena, Michael (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-02-22)
      A novel dynamic channel model for on-body wireless communication during walking is proposed. The developed model utilizes a human walking model which provides detailed information on the movement of the human body parts. ...
    • Tinghuset Gjøvik : Jernbanegata 26 

      Børthus, Thomas; Fosnes, Anders; Harkinn, Jon Hugo; Taralrud, Anders (Bachelor thesis, 2008)
      Vi har i denne oppgaven som er basert på et tinghus med kontorer, rettsaler, trapperom med mer. Det vi har lagt mest vekt på og som har vært den største utfordringen rundt dette bygget har vært de statiske beregningene og ...
    • To solcelleanlegg på svakt IT-nett 

      Rosario, Anyelo; Idress, Anwar Mohamad; Dalhaug, Leif Petter; Ahmadi, Reza (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven ser på utfordringer og løsninger knyttet til to solcelleanlegg på et svakt vekselstrøms IT-nett. Oppgaven er utført i samarbeid med nettselskapet Griug og NTNU Gjøvik, som tar for seg solcelleanlegg ...
    • Toalettvaskemaskin 

      Eide, Adrian (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Sammendrag: Dette prosjektet tar for seg utviklingen av en innovativ toalettrengjøringsmaskin. Dette er et produkt som har potensiale til å revolusjonere måten renholdsarbeidere utfører en av de mest uønskede arbeidsoppgavene ...
    • Tolerancing from STL data: A Legacy Challenge 

      Leirmo, Torbjørn Langedahl; Semeniuta, Oleksandr; Martinsen, Kristian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Part representation in additive manufacturing (AM) is dominated by the stereolithography (STL) file format as a universal mode for communicating and transferring part geometry from one system to another. However, when the ...
    • Tonn til minutt 

      Bye, Jørgen; Klev, Vegard (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven har til hensikt å evaluere omleggingen av mengdeoppgjøret for norske driftskontrakter, med hensyn til strøing av veger med sand og salt. Studien er utført på vegne av Viken fylkes seksjon for drift ...
    • Tool Guiding System on Large Bore Connectors 

      Sira, Henning; Kristoffersen, Magnus (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      For å koble sammen rørledninger på havbunnen benyttes et subsea koblingssystem, koblingssystemet består hovedsakelig av to huber som til sammen lager en gasstett sammenkobling mellom to rør. Ved installasjon eller vedlikehold ...
    • Tordenskjoldsgate 4B ombygging/påbygg Gjøvik 

      Eriksen, Eivind; Mogilevskaya, Olga; Rolstad, Geir (Bachelor thesis, 2007)
      Tordenskjoldsgate 4B i Gjøvik sentrum hvor Strøms konfeksjonsfabrikk holdt til er bygget i to byggetrinn. Det første ca 1964 (under etasje og to etasjer), og det andre i 1968 (en ny tredje etasje). Dette bygget skal nå ...
    • Towards a general application programming interface (API) for injection molding machines 

      Ogorodnyk, Olga; Larsen, Mats; Lyngstad, Ole Vidar; Martinsen, Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Injection molding is a complicated process, and the final part quality depends on many machine and process parameters settings. To increase controllability of the injection molding process, acquisition of the process data ...
    • Towards an improved framework for enterprise BIM: The role of ISO 19650 

      Bjørn, Godager; Knud, Mohn; Christoph, Merschbrock; Klakegg, Ole Jonny; Lizhen, Huang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Enterprise BIM aims to optimise business management and asset management throughout the lifecycle of buildings and infrastructures. This follow-up study of the Enterprise BIM concept analyses the potential for international ...
    • Towards increased intelligence and automatic improvement in industrial vision systems 

      Semeniuta, Oleksandr; Dransfeld, Sebastian; Martinsen, Kristian; Falkman, Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Robots and in-process inspection systems equipped with machine vision solutions are used for increased flexibility and quality in automated manufacturing. Although vision systems have found wide industrial use, there are ...
    • Towards Intelligent Process Control for Thermoplastics Injection Molding: Machine Learning for prediction of quality of injection molded parts 

      Ogorodnyk, Olga (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:71, Doctoral thesis, 2021)
      Injection molding is a process that is widely used for production of plastic parts of different shapes, sizes and applications. Some of its advantages are high production rates and efficiency. However, to be able to produce ...
    • Towards Selection Charts for Epoxy Resin, Unsaturated Polyester Resin and Their Fibre-Fabric Composites with Flame Retardants 

      Ramadan, Noha; Taha, Mohamed; La Rosa, Angela Daniela; Elsabbagh, Ahmed (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Epoxy and unsaturated polyester resins are the most used thermosetting polymers. They are commonly used in electronics, construction, marine, automotive and aircraft industries. Moreover, reinforcing both epoxy and unsaturated ...
    • Towards Smarter Buildings - An IoT Maturity Index Approach 

      Quinn, Christer N A (Master thesis, 2021)
      Tingens Internet (IoT) har potensialet til å transformere bygge-, anleggs- og eiendomsnæringen (BAE) og ta den inn i en ny epoke av bygg, smarte bygg. Smarte bygningsstyringssystemer skiller seg fra tradisjonelle ...
    • Towards solutions and infrastructure for circular neighbourhoods in rural areas 

      Wuyts, Wendy; Majidi, Abdul Naser (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Recently, there has been an increase in circular cities and research on the concrete meaning of circularity at the city mesolevel. However, circular solutions or requirements for rural areas are often overlooked. This can ...
    • Track parameter propagation through the application of a new adaptive Runge-Kutta-Nyström method in the ATLAS experiment 

      Lund, Espen; Bugge, Lars; Gavrilenko, Igor; Strandlie, Are (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      In this paper we study several fixed step and adaptive Runge-Kutta methods suitable for transporting track parameters through an inhomogeneous magnetic field. Moreover, we present a new adaptive Runge-Kutta-Nyström method ...
    • Transformation of reclaimed materials from barn buildings - Design of a new timber building frame 

      Planke, Terje; Nore, Kristine; Rygh Nordhagen, Victoria; Bockelie, André; Kraniotis, Dimitrios (Chapter, 2023)
      Norsk Folkemuseum, the Norwegian Museum of Cultural History, plans to build a centre for traditional wood crafts and building customs, TradLab TRE. TradLab will be built as a modern and traditional building with the reuse ...
    • Transport of covariance matrices in the inhomogeneous magnetic field of the ATLAS experiment by the application of a semi-analytical method 

      Lund, Espen; Bugge, Lars; Gavrilenko, Igor; Strandlie, Are (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      In this paper we study the transport of track parameter covariance matrices - the so-called error propagation - in the inhomogeneous magnetic field of the ATLAS experiment. The Jacobian elements are transported in parallel ...
    • Treningsdata og bildeklassifisering av satellittbilder. Bruk av GeoNorge som kilder til treningsdata. 

      Steinskog, Gjermund (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      NTNU Gjøvik og University of Winnipeg utvikler et prosjekt med bruk av nevrale nettverk innenfor landarealklassifisering. I denne bacheloroppgaven undersøkes mulighetene for å hente treningsdata fra Kartverket sin geodataportal ...