• A New Maximum Power Point Tracking Framework for Photovoltaic Energy Systems Based on Remora Optimization Algorithm in Partial Shading Conditions 

      Alanazi, Abdulaziz; Alanazi, Mohana; Arabi, Saber; Sarker, Shiplu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      In this paper, a new maximum power point tracking (MPPT) framework for photovoltaic (PV) systems is presented based on the remora optimization algorithm (ROA) subjected to standard and partial shading conditions. The studied ...
    • “Nobody” matters in circular landscapes 

      Wuyts, Wendy; Marin, Julie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This paper aims to apply an intersectional environmentalist lens to the circular economy (CE) transition in Flanders. CE discourse often takes a deterritorialised approach, that is, a focus on innovation and growth. This ...
    • Non-Cooperative Power Control Game in D2D Underlying Networks with Variant System Conditions 

      Al-Samman, Ahmed (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In this paper, the problem of power control using a game theoretic approach based on sigmoid cost function is studied for device-to-device (D2D) communications underlying cellular networks. A non-cooperative game, where ...
    • Norway's First Learning Factory - A Learning Outcome Case Study 

      Granheim, Malin Victoria (Master thesis, 2016-09-29)
      Purpose: with this master thesis, Norway’s first learning factory was built. The purpose was to conduct a case study and find the learning outcomes students had by partaking on the activity. Approach: a thorough literature ...
    • A Novel Approach to Improve the Adaptive-Data-Rate Scheme for IoT LoRaWAN 

      Al-Gumaei, Yousef A.; Aslam, Nauman; Aljaidi, Mohammad; Al-Samman, Ahmed; Alsarhan, Ayoub; Ashyap, Adel Y. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The long-range wide-area network (LoRaWAN) uses the adaptive-data-rate (ADR) algorithm to control the data rate and transmission power. The LoRaWAN ADR algorithm adjusts the spreading factor (SF) to allocate the appropriate ...
    • A Novel Hybrid Machine Learning-Based System Using Deep Learning Techniques and Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Various Medical Datatypes Classification 

      Kadhim, Yezi Ali; Guzel, Mehmet Serdar; Mishra, Alok (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Medicine is one of the fields where the advancement of computer science is making significant progress. Some diseases require an immediate diagnosis in order to improve patient outcomes. The usage of computers in medicine ...
    • A Novel Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Based Carbon Nanotube-Coated Microwave Sensor for Selective Detection of Methanol Gas 

      Hasan, Mohammad Mahmudul; Cowen, Todd James; Cheffena Gebresilassie, Michael (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      In this letter, a novel molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP)-based carbon nanotube (CNT)-coated microwave sensor is developed for the selective sensing of methanol gas. First, a 2.45 GHz broadband monopole antenna with a ...
    • A Novel Molybdenum Disulfide-Based High-Precision Microwave Sensor for Methanol Gas Detection at Room Temperature 

      Hasan, Mohammad Mahmudul; Alev, Onur; Goldenberg, Eda; Cheffena Gebresilassie, Michael (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      This letter reports, for the first time, a molybdenum-disulfide (MoS2)-coated microwave gas sensor for methanol gas detection. A wideband monopole antenna, resonating at 2.45 GHz for wireless applications, is fit with a ...
    • Novel self-similar re-entrant auxetic metamaterials (SREAM): Design, mechanical property, and geometric optimization 

      Dong, Peng; Hou, Runsheng; Hu, Jiayi; Lin, Chen; Liu, Yuqing; Qin, Lei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In this study, a novel self-similar re-entrant auxetic metamaterial (SREAM) was designed to improve its mechanical performance compared with the conventional re-entrant structure (CRS). Experimental and numerical analyses ...
    • NS vs NS-EN 

      Bech, Bjørn Tore; Skundberg, Tormod (Bachelor thesis, 2009)
      I mars 2010 vil den nyeste standarden for betongdimensjonering, NS-EN1992-1-1:2004 + NA:2008, være den gjeldene standarden for prosjektering i Norge. Da fases dagens NS 3473:2003 ut. Intensjonen med denne oppgaven er en ...
    • NSGA III for CNC End Milling Process Optimization 

      Ghosh, Tamal; Martinsen, Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) end milling processes require very complex and expensive experimentations or simulations to measure the overall performance due to the involvement of many process parameters. Such problems ...
    • Numerical and Physical Analysis on the Response of a Dam’s Radial Gate to Extreme Loading Performance 

      Faridmehr, Iman; Farokhi Nejad, Ali; Hajmohammadian Baghban, Mohammad; Ghorbani, Reza (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Maintaining the reservoir safety of large dams has considerable importance for the public where they are constructed in heavily populated and industrialized areas. The extreme hydrodynamic force caused by ground acceleration, ...
    • Numerical simulation of piggyback pipelaying under current loadings 

      Lee, Chern Fong; Ji, Guomin; Janocha, Marek Jan; Ong, Muk Chen; Borsheim, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      For piggyback pipelaying operations, current-induced force and its effect on the piggyback pipe have not been thoroughly studied. In the present study, an improved method in hydrodynamic load calculation and structural ...
    • Nye Mjøsbru 

      Skjærstad, Andreas; Larsen, Snorre; Valler, Espen (Bachelor thesis, 2014)
      NORSK: I forbindelse med utvidelsen av europaveg 6 på strekningen Moelv-Biri er det planlagt en ny brukonstruksjon over Mjøsa. Statens vegvesen har i samarbeid med Ringsaker- og Gjøvik kommune utført konsekvensutredningen ...
    • Nytt bindingssystem til Forsvarets ski i samarbeid med Rottefella AS. 

      Amlien, Even; Herlofsen, Stian Norum; Møller, Martin Bolin; Vammeli, Kristoffer-Didrik Rossvik (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Hensikten med dette prosjektet har vært å utvikle et nytt bindingssystem til Forsvarets ski i samarbeid med Rottefella AS, som tilbyr økt sikkerhet og brukervennlighet. Utviklingsarbeidet er basert på Bryan Lawson’s fem ...
    • Nyutdannedes rolle med tanke på BIM-implementasjon 

      Pettersen, Kenneth Selebø (Master thesis, 2023)
      Det er flere indikasjoner på at byggebransjen ligger etter andre bransjer når det gjelder digitalisering, og har behov for flere ingeniører med digital kompetanse. Spesielt med tanke på at digitalisering har blitt utpekt ...
    • Nyutviklet konsept og design av innfestningsmekanisme for bilmoduler 

      Natys, Klaudijus; Pettersen, Andreas Rånes; Tran, Minh Tien (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Innledning: 3D-TEC er en ideell organisasjon med fokus på forskning og utvikling av el-biler med modulært konsept og 3D-printede karosserideler i plast. Denne oppgaven omhandler utviklingen av en innfestningsmekanisme med ...
    • Nødstrøm til nytt sykehus i Drammen 

      Rapp, Synne Eide; Stefansson, Thale Vassnes (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Rapporten tar for seg nødkraftforsyningen til det nye sykehuset i Drammen, med utgangspunkt i Høyspent AS med samarbeidspartnere (Glitre Energi Produksjon AS og sykehusledelsen i Drammen) sitt forslag. Hensikten med oppgaven ...
    • Nøyaktighetsstudie av fotografisk kartlegging med rimelige kommersielle droner 

      Johnsen, Eirik Nigardsøy (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Ved dronekartlegging i dag benyttes ofte dyre droner med muligheter til en form for etterprosessering av GNSS data for å oppnå god nøyaktighet på produktene. Dette krever ofte noe forarbeid i området som skal kartlegges, ...
    • Obtaining approximations for range-based free-network adjustment 

      Ladai, Andras Denes; Toth, Charles K. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Abstract. Airborne and ground mobile mapping platforms are increasingly used in group formations to increase productivity or complement each other in terms of improving observation capacity and efficiency in the surveyed ...