Now showing items 1067-1074 of 1074

    • What are the main barriers to energy efficiency and energy management in Albanian industry? 

      Beqiraj Emiljano (Master thesis, 2024)
      kende etterspørsel etter energi blir mer og mer kritisk i disse dager. Industrisektoren, en av de viktigste sektorene innen økonomisk og teknologisk utvikling i den globale rangeringen, er på tredjeplass i totalt energiforbruk. ...
    • What is and how to develop sustainable innovation? 

      Ottosson, Stig Roland; Moldavska, Anastasiia; Ogorodnyk, Olga; Skogsrød, Torbjørn (Chapter, 2017)
      Today the terms sustainable development and sustainable innovation are often used. But what is meant by these terms, other than that they in some ways are connected to the terms ‘green’ and ‘ecological’ seen in a long-term ...
    • Wideband Channel Characterization for 6G Networks in Industrial Environments 

      Al-Samman, Ahmed; Mohamed, Marshed Kassim; Cheffena, Michael; Moldsvor, Arild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
    • Wind turbine blade icing detection: a federated learning approach 

      Cheng, Xu; Shi, Fan; Liu, Yongping; Liu, Xiufeng; Huang, Lizhen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Wind farms are often located at high latitudes, which entails a high risk of icing for wind turbine blades. Traditional anti-icing methods rely primarily on manual observation, the use of special materials, or external ...
    • Workarounds in application and use of manufacturing software as enablers to organizational change 

      Larsson, Catrine Eleonor; Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot; Martinsen, Kristian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      In this paper we look at four Norwegian manufacturers’ Information System and stages of Information Technology adaptation, explaining how practice of technology and actions/workarounds to IT systems, that enables, hinders, ...
    • Yield improvements in anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic feedstocks 

      Hashemi, Sayedbehnam; Sarker, Shiplu; Lamb, Jacob Joseph; Lien, Kristian Myklebust (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The new EU bioenergy sustainability criteria demonstrate that bioenergy sustainability can be a challenge (Schlegel and Kaphengst, 2007). In 1990s, the energy crops were the main source for biogas production in Europa; ...
    • ZEB - En energibærende lekter 

      Skjong, Jakob Giske; Holmslet, Siri; Wenstad, Herman (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
    • Økonomiske insentiver i planfasen 

      Johansen, Daniel (Master thesis, 2024)
      Nye Veier AS ønsker å utfordre tradisjonelle metoder i veiplanlegging. Det har de lykkes med viser flere studier og en av årsakene til dette skyldes bruk av nye kontrakter. Et av tilleggene som er benyttet i rammeavtalen ...