• MATLAB FEM Code - From Elasticity to Plasticity 

      Sherif, Feysel Nesru (Master thesis, 2012)
      A MATLAB Finite Element code for plane strain analysis of footings on an Elasto-plastic material using the Mohr Coulomb failure criteria has been developed. The first step is to develop codes for mesh generation and Gaussian ...
    • Maturity of TVD Implementation in Norwegian Public Building Projects 

      Smoge, Gard Ytterdal (Master thesis, 2020)
      Tema for studien er prosjektering basert på målsum (Target Cost) og verdistyrt prosjektering (Target Value Design eller ‘TVD’). Dette er ‘retningslinjer’ for prosjekteringsprosesser og kjennetegnes ved en iterativ prosess ...
    • Måken Sameie: Produktivitet på betongarbeider 

      Hansen, Connie (Master thesis, 2011)
      Som følge av et sterkt konkurrerende marked i byggebransjen blir det stadig satt høyere krav til kortere byggetid og lavere byggekostnader. For å være blant de ledende på markedet, har NCC Construction AS satt som et ...
    • Målformulering i store statlige investeringsprosjekt 

      Klakegg, Ole Jonny (Concept Rapport, 0804-5585; 6, Research report, 2004)
      Det er dokumentert at mål virker som et prestasjonshevende hjelpemiddel når det brukes rett. Denne rapporten tar for seg teorigrunnlaget og dokumentasjon av dagens praksis, for deretter å trekke ut anbefalinger om hvordan ...
    • Måling med Traffic Speed Deflectometer på riks- og fylkesveger i Hedmark høsten 2015 

      Antonsen, Vegar Jermund (Master thesis, 2016)
      Bæreevne beskriver hvilken trafikkbelastning en veg tåler over en viss tid uten at tilstanden faller under et gitt nivå. I forbindelse med denne oppgaven ble det utført målinger med Traffic Speed Deflectometer (TSD) for ...
    • Målinger i prosjekteringsprosessen 

      Rezaei, Laleh (Master thesis, 2021)
      I løpet av de siste årene har flere norske entreprenører tatt i bruk Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) for å øke produktiviteten i byggeprosjekter. VDC er et rammeverk som bygger videre på Lean-filosofien og har som ...
    • Målinger i VDC-prosjekter 

      Belsvik, Matilde Reinholdt (Master thesis, 2019)
      De siste årene har flere norske entreprenører begynt å utnytte metodikker som Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) for å øke produktiviteten i byggeprosjekter. VDC handler om å strømlinjeforme prosjekter i en Lean tankegang ...
    • Målpris i norske IPD-prosjekter 

      Hustad, Eirik (Master thesis, 2020)
      Kompensasjonsmodellen i tradisjonelle byggeprosjekter bidrar til lav produktivitet og høyt konfliktnivå som bygge- og anleggsbransjen opplever i dag. Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) er en gjennomføringsmodell som forsøker ...
    • MBBR and IFAS systems 

      Ødegaard, Hallvard (Chapter, 2018)
      Even though the moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR)- and integrated fixed film activated sludge system (IFAS)-processes are designed and used more or less as they were from the beginning (in the 1990s), there have been several ...
    • Mean Sea Surface and ocean circulation in North Atlantic and the Arctic Sea 

      Ghazavi, Kourosh; Nahavandchi, Hossein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      High resolution Mean Sea Surface (MSS) model and its error estimation over the study region (56°N
    • The Meaning of Comfort in the Intensive Care Unit 

      Olausson, Sepideh; Isabell, Fridh; Lindahl, Berit Kristina; Torkildsby, Anne Britt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Providing comfort in an intensive care unit (ICU) setting is often related to pain relief and end-of-life care; environmental factors are often neglected, despite the major role of the environment on the patients’ well-being ...
    • Measurement and prediction of tunnelling-induced ground settlement in karst region by using expanding deep learning method 

      Ning, Zhang; Annan, Zhou; Pan, Yutao; Shuilong, Shen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This paper presents the measurement and prediction of the tunnelling-induced surface response in karst ground, Guangzhou, China. A predictive method of ground settlement is proposed named as the expanding deep learning ...
    • Measurement of the convective moisture transfer coefficient from porous building material surfaces applying a wind tunnel method 

      Talev, Goce; Jelle, Bjørn Petter; Næss, Erling; Gustavsen, Arild; Thue, Jan Vincent (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This article presents results for the average convective moisture transfer coefficients of several porous building material samples exposed to airflow. The experimental measurements explore the effect of the various air ...
    • Measurements and Modelling of Arctic Coastal Environments 

      Monteban, Dennis (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:213, Doctoral thesis, 2020)
      The most pronounced effects of climate change are observed in the polar regions, especially in the Arctic, which is currently warming more rapidly than the rest of the world. The Arctic is losing sea ice, and the oceans ...
    • Measurements of ionic liquids thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity 

      Zhao, Yansong; Zhen, Yingpeng; Jelle, Bjørn Petter; Boström, Tobias (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of ionic liquids (ILs) are investigated in this work. A hot disk method for ILs thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity measurement is utilized. Firstly, the thermal ...
    • Measurements of sea-ice flexural stiffness by pressure characteristics of flexural-gravity waves 

      Marchenko, Aleksey; Morozov, Eugene G.; Muzylev, S (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      A method to estimate the flexural stiffness and effective elastic modulus of floating ice is described and analysed. The method is based on the analysis of water pressure records at two or three locations below the bottom ...
    • Measuring efficiency and effectiveness through ex-post evaluation: Case studies of Norwegian transport projects 

      Welde, Morten; Volden, Gro Holst (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
    • Measuring melting capacity with calorimetry 

      Betten, Linda (Master thesis, 2014)
      Road salting is an important aspect of winter maintenance. There has been an increase in the usage of salt in later years to keep the road safe and accessible. It is a desire to reduce the amount of salt due to environmental ...
    • Measuring melting capacity with calorimetry - Low temperature testing with mixtures of sodium chloride and magnesium chloride solutions 

      Delapaz, Michele Ann (Master thesis, 2015)
      Salt application is an important part of winter maintenance activities. As the use of salt increases, there is a need for usage optimization due to environmental impacts. For deicing purposes an important property is the ...
    • Measuring Negative Pore Pressures in Partially Frozen Saturated Soils 

      Holten, Johannes Gaspar (Master thesis, 2017)
      Freezing of soil is an issue which has many implications on modern infrastructure, in which frost heave plays a pivotal role. During freezing the behavior of the soil and the flow of water is altered. In an engineering ...