Browsing Institutt for bygg- og miljøteknikk by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 4993
100 key questions to guide hydropeaking research
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)As the share of renewable energy grows worldwide, flexible energy production from peak-operating hydropower and the phenomenon of hydropeaking have received increasing attention. In this study, we collected open research ... -
2D numerical modeling of Manndalselva to ensure flood protection
(Master thesis, 2019)Området rundt Manndalselva har gjennom tidene vært utsatt for flom. For å kunne sikre best mulig mot ødeleggelser på grunn av flom, er det ønskelig med en to-dimensjonal vannlinjeberegning utført ved hjelp av numerisk ... -
(Master thesis, 2022)Abstrakt Sedimenttransport i elver har vært et aktivt og ekspanderende forskningsfelt i årevis på grunn av sin kompleksitet og dynamikk. Feltet er ganske viktig på grunn av dets anvendelse i elvebassengforvaltning, ... -
2D Numerical Modelling of Sediment Diversion in a River Bend
(Master thesis, 2022)Sedimentation has been one of the existing challenges in the sustainability of hydraulic structures. Proper modelling of sediment transport is, therefore, an important task for a designer or a project planner. Research has ... -
2D Numerical Simulation of Sediment Flushing in a Hydropower Reservoir
(Master thesis, 2021)The Binga Hydropower Plant has been facing problems related to sedimentation. After completion, reservoir was filled up rapidly with sediment due to lack of sediment management facility and the underestimation of sediment ... -
3D CFD modeling of local scouring, bed armoring and sediment deposition
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)3D numerical models are increasingly used to simulate flow, sediment transport and morphological changes of rivers. For the simulation of bedload transport, the numerical flow model is generally coupled with an empirical ... -
3D CFD Simulation of bed and suspended load in a hydropower reservoir – Finding the best position of a sediment bypass tunnel intake
(Master thesis, 2021)Hydropower has been predicted to be one of the most investment-worthy industries in the renewable energy sector for sustainable development. But the main challenge hydropower projects are facing globally in terms of economic, ... -
3D CFD Simulation of flow structures and bed load movement at Binga HPP
(Master thesis, 2019)The present study aims to perform three-dimensional numerical modeling of a water reservoir called Binga situated in Philippines. The hydraulic and sediment simulation should be performed. A working hypothesis on how to ... -
3D CFD Simulation of morphological changes in 180° bend due to different spur dike shapes
(Master thesis, 2020)Denne studien fokuserer på analysen av forskjellige neddykkede former og suksesser i en rektangulær kanal med 180 ° sving og 2% sengshelling for å forhindre skuring og sediment bunnfall. For å oppnå dette målet brukes en ... -
3D FE tool for time dependent settlement predictions
(Chapter, 2016)A newly developed calculation tool for fully coupled general 3D finite element consolidation analyses is presented. The development has been part of an ongoing Research and Development project called GeoFuture and the tool ... -
3D LiDAR and multi-technology collaboration for preservation of built heritage in China: A review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In recent years, the technical application of 3D LiDAR has gradually expanded to the field of built heritage. 3D scanning, high-precision measurement, and reconstruction have enriched the methods of built heritage preservation ... -
3D modelling of underwater archaeological artefacts
(Master thesis, 2014)Underwater photogrammetry is a good alternative to traditional archaeological excavations, which are often less accurate and very destructive to underwater artefacts Furthermore the photogrammetric principles applied with ... -
3D numerical modeling of a river confluence – movable bed implications
(Master thesis, 2022)River confluences are the morphodynamically challenging sections of river networks. Regardless of their occurrence which can be manually or naturally, they are constantly changing and are dominated by a complex flow pattern. ... -
3D Numerical modeling of flow over an artificial gravel bed
(Master thesis, 2014)The understanding of flow structures over static armor layers is essential for the development of modern sediment transport models, including functions for the influence of particle hiding and exposure. Coherent turbulent ... -
3D Numerical Modeling of Rock Mass Failure in an Uplift Test of a Rock Anchor with Focus on the Role of Rock Joints
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2025)This paper aims to numerically study the failure mechanisms of the rock mass during the uplift test of a rock anchor installed in limestone. The rock anchor consisted of a smooth tendon, with short threaded sections at ... -
3D Numerical modeling of Sediment Deposition in a Hydropower Reservoir
(Master thesis, 2016)The purpose of this assignment was to test and evaluate SSIIM 2 on its ability in numerical modelling of sediment transport in the hydropower reservoir Banjë in Albania, which is a 14 km long, and narrow hydropower reservoir. ... -
3D numerical modelling of braided channel formation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)A numerical model was used to compute the formation of a braided channel system. The model calculated the water flow field from the fully 3D Navier-Stokes equations on a non-orthogonal unstructured adaptive grid. The ... -
3D Numerical Modelling of Non-Linear and Breaking Wave Forces On Offshore Wind Turbine Substructures
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:66, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Offshore wind energy technology has experienced a remarkable growth in the last few decades due to an increasing focus towards renewable energy research. The objective of the research towards offshore wind energy is to ... -
3D Numerical modelling of pile scour with free surface profile under waves and current using the level set method in model REEF3D
(Chapter, 2016)Wave action stirs up sediments and keeps it in suspension while currents wash it away from the coastal zone. The combined action of the waves and current close to the sediment bed may worsen the situation by creating ... -
3D numerical modelling of scour around a jacket structure with dynamic free surface capturing
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This paper presents a numerical investigation of local scour with dynamic free surface capturing around a jacket structure. The hydrodynamics and resulting scour are calculated using the open-source CFD model REEF3D. The ...