Now showing items 2647-2666 of 4649

    • Miljøregnskap ved bruk av massivtre sammenlignet med stål 

      Forbregd, Ola; Kleveland, Tormod; Svenske, Thomas (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      I dagens samfunn med store globale miljøutfordringer kreves det drastiske tiltak for å redusere klimafarlige utslipp. Bygg- og anleggsbransjen er en stor produsent av miljøfiendtlige gasser og har derfor mye å hente på ...
    • Miljøvennlig rehabilitering - hvor er vi, hvor skal vi og hvordan skal vi lykkes? 

      Krøvel, Lisa Marie (Master thesis, 2015)
      Med mål om Europa som et lavutslippssamfunn innen 2050 har EU utarbeidet et veikart med mål om å kutte mesteparten av klimagassutslipp. Den Norske Regjering har valgt å slutte seg til EUs klimarammeverk, slik at det blir ...
    • Miljøvennlige boliger sett fra perspektivet til en privat boligutvikler 

      Rist, Simen Hagen (Master thesis, 2021)
      Sammendrag Hvordan vi skal forvalte jordkloden for å sikre en mer bærekraftig fremtid, er stadig under debatt. Norge, i samråd med mange andre land har bundet seg til Parisavtalen og er derfor nødt til å redusere ...
    • Miljøvurdering av gjenvinningsalternativer for returvirke 

      Fjeldheim, Henning (Master thesis, 2011)
      Avfallsdirektivet som nå implementeres i det norske lovverket krever at materialgjenvinning skal velges fremfor energigjenvinning så lenge det ikke kan dokumenteres at energigjenvinning ikke gir større miljømessige ...
    • Miljøøkonomi og samfunnsøkonomisk lønnsomhet 

      Hagen, Kåre P. (Concept Rapport, 0804-5585; 22, Research report, 2009)
      Denne rapporten handler om hvordan miljøvirkninger av store investeringsprosjekter, negative eller positive, kan hensyntas i vurderingen av den samfunnsøkonomiske lønnsomheten av disse. Studien gir en sammenfatning av ...
    • MILL wifi Heaters with Advanced PID Technology: A simulation-based test 

      Mohamed, Mohamed Hamdy Hassan; Yin, Hang (Research report, 2023)
      In Norway, buildings sector accounts for 34% of the total energy consumption [1]. Where, over 84% of residential building’s energy consumption has been covered by direct/indirect electricity (i.e., electric heaters / heat ...
    • Minimum requirements to ice management barrier systems 

      Ruud, Stian Knudsen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Ice management (IM) is defined as all activities carried out with the objective of mitigating hazardous situations by reducing or avoiding actions from any kind of ice features to a protected unit (e.g. a drilling vessel). ...
    • Misleading effect and spatial learning in head-mounted mixed reality-based navigation 

      Liu, Bing; Ding, Linfang; Wang, Shengkai; Meng, Liqiu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Mixed reality technology has been increasingly used for navigation. While most MR-based navigation systems are currently based on hand-held devices, for example, smartphones, head-mounted MR devices have become more and ...
    • Mitigation of environmental effects of frequent flow ramping scenarios in a regulated river 

      Alfredsen, Knut; Juarez Gomez, Ana; Kenawi, Mahmoud Saber; Graf, Magnus; Saha, Sanjoy Kumar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      In the transition to a society based on renewable energy, flexibility is important in balancing the energy supply as more intermittent sources like wind and solar are included in the energy mix. The storage-based hydropower ...
    • Mitigation of Uncertainties in Rainfall-Induced Landslide Prediction Models in a Changing Climate - Kvam Case Study 

      Østgren, Liv Malin Ellen Mo (Master thesis, 2017)
      One of the main challenges in providing consistent and accurate predictions of rainfall-induced landslides is the large uncertainty involved in the assessment. This thesis demonstrates the potential of an alternative ...
    • Mixed Ground TBM Tunneling in Mexico City 

      Myrlund, Rolf Martin (Master thesis, 2016)
      The Mexico City Metropolitan area with its 21 million people is one of the most populated places on earth. The population growth together with the sinking of some parts of the city are now challenging the capacity of the ...
    • Mixed Hardening Models for Frictional Soils 

      Søreide, Ole Kristian (Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2003:21, Doctoral thesis, 2003)
      A new material model mainly for frictional soil is developed and implemented in a finite element program. The model is applied to simulate a deep excavation with a supporting tie back wall. The model is based on ...
    • Mixed Method for Isogeometric Analysis of Coupled Flow and Deformation in Poroelastic Media 

      Bekele, Yared Worku; Fonn, Eivind; Kvamsdal, Trond; Kvarving, Arne Morten; Nordal, Steinar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Pressure oscillations at small time steps have been known to be an issue in poroelasticity simulations. A review of proposed approaches to overcome this problem is presented. Critical time steps are specified to alleviate ...
    • Mixed Reality in an Agricultural Context 

      Raaen, Kristin (Master thesis, 2022)
      Bakteppet for denne oppgaven er den fjerde landbruksrevolusjonen, også kjent som Agriculture 4.0. Dette nylige skiftet kan sees på som en digital revolusjon, der nye former for teknologier blir implementert i sektoren for ...
    • Mixed-methods approach to studying multiuser perceptions of an interim Complete Streets project in Norway 

      Vasilev, Miroslav; Pritchard, Ray; Jonsson, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Research on multiuser perceptions of street environment alterations has been gathering attention in recent years given an increased focus on both sustainable city development and public participation. This study investigated ...
    • MMI i prosjekteringsprosessen 

      Ulrik Hansen (Master thesis, 2021)
      I moderne prosjekteringsprosesser vil en, i større eller mindre grad, måtte forholde seg til Bygnings Informasjons Modellering (BIM). Hvor omfattende bruken av BIM er vil variere, men de fleste aktører vil påvirkes. I en ...
    • Mobile Drilling Robot - A Case Study Of The Effects On The Construction Site 

      Rosenlund, Ole Hovland (Master thesis, 2017)
      Several studies have shown that there is an improvement potential in the construction industry. It is argued that while the construction industry has gone through a steady and gradual increase in turnover, the productivity ...
    • Mobile Mapping Systems and Spatial Data Collection Strategies in the Identification of Horizontal Alignment of Highways 

      Marinelli, Giuseppe; Bassani, Marco; Piras, Marco; Lingua, Andrea (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The horizontal alignment of existing highways may be identified by using several terrestrial or aerial geomatics technologies. Such technologies involve different levels of precision and accuracy; hence, different results ...
    • Model for dimensioning required area for snow banks - A study of snow bank parameters 

      Dupuy, Aurora Myhre (Master thesis, 2017)
      After snow events, winter maintenance crews typically plow snow from the driving lanes to the side of the road, creating snow banks. Snow banks may impact cyclists and pedestrians as sidewalks are often used for temporary ...
    • A Model for Research of Transitions among Different Care Settings in Smart Lifetime Neighborhoods 

      Rogelj, Valerija; Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Neighbourhoods in EU member states are ageing, increasingly becoming the subjects of geo-gerontology and supply network analyses. Geo-gerontological aspects of the care and supply networks are becoming essential in the ...