Now showing items 1920-1939 of 4764

    • Horizontal-to-tilt irradiance conversion for high-latitude regions: a review and meta-analysis 

      Manni, Mattia; Thorning, Jacob Krum; Jouttijärvi, Sami; Miettunen, Kati; Sabatino, Marisa Di; Lobaccaro, Gabriele (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This review focuses on the solar irradiance model chain for horizontal-to-tilted irradiance conversion at high latitudes. The main goals of the work are 1) to assess the extent to which the literature accounts for decomposition ...
    • Hot Box Investigations and Theoretical Assessments of Miscellaneous Vacuum Insulation Panel Configurations in Building Envelopes 

      Grynning, Steinar; Jelle, Bjørn Petter; Uvsløkk, Sivert; Gustavsen, Arild; Baetens, Ruben; Caps, Ronald; Meløysund, Vivian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      Vacuum insulation panels (VIPs) are regarded as one of the most promising existing high performance thermal insulation solutions on the market today as their thermal performance typically range 5—10 times better than ...
    • Hot-Box measurements of highly insulated wall, roof and floor structures 

      Gullbrekken, Lars; Uvsløkk, Sivert; Kvande, Tore; Time, Berit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      The purpose of this study was to investigate how natural convection in air-permeable glass wool insulation affects the thermal transmittance in walls, roofs and floor structures. The results can be used to evaluate the ...
    • How Can Experience from Real Estate and FM in User Phase Influence the Early Phase of Building Design? 

      Jiang, Qidi (Master thesis, 2015)
      The practice of building design at large, focuses on the realization of physical features, which are based on different design philosophy and technical standards, creating spaces where different human behaviors are expected ...
    • How can voting mechanisms improve the robustness and generalizability of toponym disambiguation? 

      Hu, Xuke; Sun, Yeran; Kersten, Jens; Zhou, Zhiyong; Klan, Friederike; Fan, Hongchao (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Natural language texts, such as tweets and news, contain a vast amount of geospatial information, which can be extracted by first recognizing toponyms in texts (toponym recognition) and then identifying their geospatial ...
    • How do fixed links affect household and firm location 

      Nilsen, Øyvind Lervik (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:243, Doctoral thesis, 2019)
    • How do the doping concentrations of N and B in graphene modify the water adsorption? 

      Pham, Thi Tan; Pham, Thanh Ngoc; Chihaia, Viorel; Vu, Quang Anh; Trinh, Thuat; Pham, Trung Thanh; Van Thang, Le; Son, Do Ngoc (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Understanding the interaction of water and graphene is crucial for various applications such as water purification, desalination, and electrocatalysis. Experimental and theoretical studies have already investigated water ...
    • How Does Governance of Inter-organizational Projects Develop Resilience: The Mediating Role of Resource Reconfiguration 

      Wang, Linzhuo; Yang, Xiaotian; Zhu, Fangwei; Klakegg, Ole Jonny (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The resilience of interorganizational projects has attracted increasing attention from researchers and practitioners. However, the impact of governance of interorganizational relationships on project resilience has not ...
    • How extreme can unit discharge become in steep Norwegian catchments? 

      Bruland, Oddbjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This study presents results of observations and analysis of the flood event in Utvik on 24 July 2017. Observations during and after the event, hydraulic simulations and hydrological modelling along with meteorological ...
    • How Stochastic Cost Estimates Could Be Applied in Relation to Target Value Design 

      Torp, Olav (Chapter, 2019)
      Approaches like Target Value Design (TVD) has gained more and more attention in the Construction Industry. Critical issues with these principles are how the cost targets are set, how shared profit is agreed upon and made ...
    • How to Achieve Improved Project Management – A Study of Norwegian Road Clients 

      Liland, Preben; Skaara, Endre Eikeland (Master thesis, 2020)
      Fewer projects are completed within budget and/or meeting original goals and business intent than previous years, creating significant monetary loss for the organizations. This has caused the field of project management ...
    • How to Achieve Improved Project Management – A Study of Norwegian Road Clients 

      Skaara, Endre Eikeland; Liland, Preben (Master thesis, 2020)
      Færre prosjekt har i løpet av de siste årene blitt ferdigstilt innenfor budsjett og/eller treffer de originale målene og forretningshensikten, noe som har ført til betydelige økonomiske tap for organisasjonene. Videre har ...
    • How to Facilitate Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings in Asmara? 

      Frønes, Jørgen (Master thesis, 2011)
      Eritrea was an Italian colony from 1890 to 1941, and was since annexed by Ethiopia in 1956. Eritrea gained their freedom in 1991, after a nearly thirty year long war for independence, and is now one of the poorest countries ...

      Akinlade, Samuel (Master thesis, 2024)
      This master's thesis delves into safety practices within construction companies, conducting a comparative analysis between Nigeria and Norway. The principal aim is to assess the efficacy of safety measures in these nations ...
    • How wear affects road surface texture and its impact on tire/road noise 

      Siebert, Doreen (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:113, Doctoral thesis, 2017)
      Mechanical pavement wear in the Nordic countries is essentially influenced by the use of studded tires during long winter seasons. The abrasive effect of the studded tires is the cause of significant damage on the pavement ...
    • Huitfeldtbrygga - moderne tiltak på klimaskjermen til bygg i verneklasse A 

      Tungesvik, Vilde Frafjord; Halsebø, Trine; Liodden, Jenny Margrethe (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Huitfeldtbrygga står sentralt i Trondheims eldste bryggerekke og er den eneste av de eksisterende bryggene som ikke har gjennomgått moderne restaurering. Nå skal brygga få nytt liv og bruksendring, som medfører en oppgradering ...
    • Hulldekker av betong til ombruk 

      Bakke, Sofie; Kristensen, Kristoffer Koppen; Stavseng, Idun Eide (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Bygg- og anleggsbransjen bidrar med 15 % av klimagassutslippene og 25 % av avfallsmengden i Norge. Det er ønskelig å undersøke hvordan disse mengdene kan reduseres, og flere rapporter viser at ombruk av bygningsmaterialer ...
    • Hulldekker av betong til ombruk 

      Bakke, Sofie; Kristensen, Kristoffer Koppen; Stavseng, Idun Eide (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Bygg- og anleggsbransjen bidrar med 15 % av klimagassutslippene og 25 % av avfallsmengden i Norge. Det er ønskelig å undersøke hvordan disse mengdene kan reduseres, og flere rapporter viser at ombruk av bygningsmaterialer ...
    • Hulldekker av betong til ombruk 

      Bakke, Sofie; Kristensen, Kristoffer Koppen; Stavseng, Idun Eide (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Bygg- og anleggsbransjen bidrar med 15 % av klimagassutslippene og 25 % av avfallsmengden i Norge. Det er ønskelig å undersøke hvordan disse mengdene kan reduseres, og flere rapporter viser at ombruk av bygningsmaterialer ...
    • Hulprofil med endeplateforbindelse 

      Uhre, Arne Martin (Master thesis, 2014)
      Eurokode 3 del 1-8 (NS-EN 1993-1-8) angir grenser for å kunne klassifisere knutepunkter ut fra stivheten til forbindelsen. Disse grensene er bare basert på rammens kapasitet, og tar ikke hensyn til de elastiske faktorene ...