Now showing items 161-180 of 594

    • Detection of Water Safety Conditions in Distribution Systems Based on Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machine 

      Mohammed, Hadi; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Seidu, Razak (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      This study presents the development of artificial neural network (ANN) and support vector machine (SVM) classification models for predicting the safety conditions of water in distribution pipes. The study was based on 504 ...
    • Developing waypoint navigation and buoy detection using YOLO for an autonomous surface vessel 

      Stava, Magnus; Gaasholt, Markus Grorud; San, Kaung Htet (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Autodrone 2021 er en årlig konkurranse arrangert i Horten. Den har som mål å etablere og styrke den maritime utdanningen nasjonalt. Av den grunn ønsker NTNU Ålesund å ha en tilstedeværelse i konkurransen og følgende rapport ...
    • Development of a Field Robot Platform for Mechanical Weed Control in Greenhouse Cultivation of Cucumber 

      Heravi, Amid; Ahmad, Desa; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Shamshiri, Redmond Ramin; Balasundram, Siva K.; Yamin, Muhammad (Chapter, 2019)
      A prototype robot that moves on a monorail along the greenhouse for weed elimination between cucumber plants was designed and developed. The robot benefits from three arrays of ultrasonic sensors for weed detection and a ...
    • Development of adaptive locomotion of a caterpillar-like robot based on a sensory feedback CPG model 

      Li, Guoyuan; Zhang, Houxiang; Zhang, Jianwei; Bye, Robin Trulssen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      This paper presents a novel Control mechanism for generating adaptive locomotion of a caterpillar-like robot in complex terrain. Inspired by biological findings in studies of the locomotion of the lamprey, we employ sensory ...
    • Development of ROV for aquaculture inspection platform 

      Paulsen, Tony; Henriksen, Petter (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Dette prosjektet gikk ut på å lage en ny og forbedret prototype av en ROV som skal integreres i aquakultur inspeksjons platformen. Utviklingen vår brukte erfarinengene og de gode løsningene fra tidligere ROV prosjekt dette ...
    • Digital art application development: A project to increase motivation in systems development courses for bachelor students in computer engineering 

      Karlsen, Anniken Th; Bye, Robin Trulssen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      In this demonstration, we present some in-progress results of using digital art application development as an example of entertainment computing for increasing motivation and participation in a computer engineering ...
    • Digital Kompetanse i Barneskulane i Giske 

      Schaathun, Hans Georg; Mustafa, Ghulam; Glavee-Geo, Richard (Research report, 2020)
    • Digital Twin for Walkability Assessment in City Planning 

      Longva, Bjørnar (Master thesis, 2021)
      En gangbar by er noe som er viktig for fremtidens velstand, helse og bærekraft. Det er gjort mye forskning i området, og flere byer har utviklet tiltak for å bli mer gangbare. Denne oppgaven introduserer utviklingen av et ...
    • A Digital Twin of the Research Vessel Gunnerus for Lifecycle Services: Outlining Key Technologies 

      Zhang, Houxiang; Li, Guoyuan; Hatledal, Lars Ivar; Chu, Yingguang; Ellefsen, André Listou; Han, Peihua; Major, Pierre Yann; Skulstad, Robert; Wang, Tongtong; Hildre, Hans Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
    • Digital Twin-Driven Actuator Fault Diagnosis for Autonomous Surface Vehicles 

      Bhagavathi, Ravitej; Kufoalor, Giorgio Minde; Hasan, Agus Ismail (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      This paper presents a digital twin-driven fault diagnosis approach based on a graphical model and an adaptive extended Kalman filter algorithm for autonomous surface vehicles. In contrast with the traditional adaptive ...
    • Digital twin-driven dynamic repositioning of floating offshore wind farms 

      Kandemir, Ege; Liu, Jincheng; Hasan, Agus Ismail (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      This paper presents a novel approach to optimize wind farm layout during operation based on digital twin and dynamic repositioning. The technology offers a possibility to increase the total energy production of floating ...
    • Digital twin-driven energy modeling of Hywind Tampen floating wind farm 

      Qaiser, Muhammad Talal; Ejaz, Jasim; Osen, Ottar Laurits; Hasan, Agus Ismail (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This paper presents energy modeling of Hywind Tampen floating wind farm based on digital twin technology. Upon its completion, the Hywind Tampen wind farm is the largest floating wind farm in the World and the first floating ...
    • Digital Twins for Lighting Analysis: Literature Review, Challenges, and Research Opportunities 

      Hassan, Muhammad Umair; Angelaki, Stavroula; Alfaro, Claudia Viviana Lopez; Major, Pierre; Styve, Arne; Alaliyat, Saleh Abdel-Afou; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Besenecker, Ute; Torres, Ricardo da Silva (Chapter, 2022)
      Light modelling, simulation, and photometric calculations are by now common tasks in the lighting design process. These practices contribute to the definition and comparison of suitable layout arrangements and help predict ...
    • Digital Twins For Topology Density Map Analysis 

      Hu, Zhicheng; Hasan, Agus Ismail; Da Silva Torres, Ricardo (Chapter, 2023)
      Properly analyzing spatiotemporal patterns is of paramount importance, especially in urban planning. In this paper, we introduce two digital twins to support the analysis of spatiotemporal data associated with urban ...
    • Digitale helsetjenester: nye muligheter, nye utfordringer 

      Karlsen, Anniken Th; Sørbø, Marie Flem; Nylenna, Magne (Chapter, 2020)
      En aldrende befolkning, økning i kroniske og sammensatte lidelser og økt etterspørsel etter helse- og omsorgstjenester, fordrer nye tjenestetilbud. Mer bruk av datateknologi er åpenbart en del av løsningen. Økt brukermedvirkning ...
    • Digitalt Magasin 

      Keedklang, Sander; Forberg, Mathias Gjærde (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      På slutten av høsten 2020 fikk vi tildelt oppdraget om å lage et digitalt rammeverk for et digitalt magasin som vår bacheloroppgave for våren 2021. Oppgavens problemstilling handlet om hvordan vi kunne utvikle et rammeverk ...
    • Digitizing a game of chess using image analysis 

      Flåm, Tommy; Skjong, Jan Olav; Grøtta, Olav Andreas (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Sjakk er et gammelt og tradisjonelt spill som har blitt spilt på samme måte i hundrevis av år, men måten sjakk blir sett på og analysert har blitt forandret fundamentalt de siste årene. Digitalisering av sjakk er i dag ...
    • Distribuert modellvisualisering i VR 

      Foss, Fredrik; Johansson, Marcus Benjamin (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Målet med denne oppgaven var å utvikle en prototype for RUFO AS der RUFO-representanter og kunder kunne møtes i et virtuelt møterom for å se på og diskutere designet til transportkasser i et 1:1 forhold, før kassene ble ...
    • Distributed Instrument Cluster 

      Nilssen, Mikael; Helland, Andrè (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Målet med dette prosjektet var å undersøke og utvikle en prototype av ett web brukergrensesnitt som kan fjernstyre maritime instrumenter for å skaffe realistiske data for lærere som underviser kurs om disse instrumentene. ...
    • Domain Specific Lexicon Generation through Sentiment Analysis 

      Shaukat, Kamran; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Luo, Suhuai; Javed, Imran; Iqbal, Farhat; Faisal, Amber; Masood, Rabia; Usman, Ayesha; Shaukat, Usman; Hassan, Rosheen; Younas, Aliya; Ali, Shamshair; Adeem, Ghazif (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Sentiment analysis (SA) is used to extract opinions from a huge amount of data and these opinions are comprised of multiple words. Some words have different semantic meanings in different fields and we call them domain ...