Blar i Institutt for internasjonal forretningsdrift på utgivelsesdato
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On the Contributions of Professor Rögnvaldur Hannesson to Fisheries Economics
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)We are pleased to present this special feature in honor of Professor Rögnvaldur Hannesson. The papers in this section emerged from a workshop held at the Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen in June 2013 to mark the ... -
Strategic management tools – Worth the trouble? : An examination of entrepreneurial businesses in the United Kingdom
(Master thesis, 2014)Although small businesses outnumber larger corporations, little focus has been given to such businesses with regards to the performance effect of utilising strategic management tools. This thesis focuses on entrepreneurial ... -
Geographical Sources of Firm Innovation: Maritime Suppliers in Møre & Romsdal
(Master thesis, 2014)Recent literature discusses the geographical sources of firm innovation. However, there are disagreements regarding the relevance of international linkages and knowledge flows over local interactions in clusters. New ... -
Product Knowledge, Product Quality and Country-of-Origin effects on Purchase Intention of Personal Computers: A survey of Aalesund University College Students
(Master thesis, 2014)Purpose: Today’s turbulent and very competitive international marketing environment which is further characterized by changing customer needs especially for quality products; competitive pricing; good product attributes ... -
Building strong brands – does it matter?
(Master thesis, 2014)Brand equity has proven, through several decades of research, to be a primary source of competitive advantage and future earnings (Yoo & Donthu, 2001). Building strong brands has therefore become a priority for many ... -
Building brand awareness for products with low purchase frequency
(Master thesis, 2014)The importance of marketing and information flow is growing every year, and in increasingly competitive markets, it is more important than ever for brands to be present in the customers mind in the purchase decision. ... -
Internal communication crossing borders - An exploratory and quantitative approach on what
(Master thesis, 2014)Communication and culture go hand in hand. The importance of both topics is exposed by the enormous amount of research that has been done in their name. How these two topics intertwine has also been given a great deal ... -
Forbruk av luksusvarer hos unge voksne
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)I denne oppgaven er fokuset rettet inn mot forbruket av luksusvarer hos unge voksne. Vi har en todelt problemstilling, hvor den første delen er rettet inn mot det generelle forbruket av luksusvarer hos unge voksne. Dernest ... -
Corporate social responsibility : a study on the relationship between motivation and CSR activities
(Master thesis, 2015)Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not a new phenomenon. However, CSR has received increasing attention in the last decades from both academia and from businesses themselves. The general awareness in society to CSR ... -
Faktorer som påvirker valg av barnevogner : en komparativ studie av barnevognsforbrukere på det norske markedet
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)I denne bacheloroppgaven har vi gjennomført en spørreundersøkelse for å analysere faktorer som er viktige når det gjelder kjøp av barnevogner. Vi har tatt for oss forbrukere av Stokkevogner, samt forbrukere av andre ... -
Corporate internal performance benchmarking : performance measurements purification from macroeconomic noise
(Master thesis, 2015)Widely open economies along with highly integrated markets with unstable nature, have made all corporations and business units vulnerable to macroeconomic fluctuations. The flow of Macro-changes in performance falsifies ... -
Benchmarking with macroeconomic uncertainty
(Master thesis, 2015) -
Norsk laks i Singapore
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)Et dagsaktuelt tema i Norge er hva vi skal leve av etter oljen tar slutt, og hvilke andre verdier nasjonen innehar. I denne sammenheng baserer oppgaven seg på en av Norges sterkeste merkevarer – nemlig laksen, også kjent ... -
Boble : en selskapsleverandør
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)I denne oppgaven valgte vi å undersøke markedet Giske kommune, og behovet for en selskapsleverandør for barn. Vi bestemte oss tidlig for å utforme en spørreundersøkelse som skulle hjelpe oss med å belyse vår valgte ... -
Ansatte i Ålesund : hvilke faktorer styrker og svekker deres motivasjon og trivsel på jobb?
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)Oppgaven er ikke konfidensiell, men alle respondenter i undersøkelsen er anonyme. Problemstillingen tar for seg ansatte begrenset til Ålesund, og hvilke faktorer som er med på å påvirke deres motivasjon og trivsel på ... -
Banklojalitet blant studenter : en empirisk undersøkelse av studenter ved Høgskolen i Ålesund
(Master thesis, 2015)I denne masterutredningen har jeg undersøkt hva som påvirker studentenes forhold til banklojalitet ved Høgskolen i Ålesund. Det teoretiske rammeverket er inspirert av Johnson et al., (2001) hvor kundelojalitet er den ... -
How to increase the sales of Norwegian salmon fish in Chinese market from supply chain perspectives
(Master thesis, 2015)This whole paper has been discussed the current market consumption of Norwegian salmon in China and the solutions towards the owes, as well as outlook for the further market expansion from supply chain and logistic ... -
The balanced scorecard : use and business performance of businesses in Møre and Romsdal
(Master thesis, 2015)Although ‘The Balanced Scorecard’ (BSC) has been a popular tool amongst companies for some decades, its use and benefits have been little researched in Norway. This thesis focuses on companies in Møre and Romsdal. It ... -
Moderating factors of the country image effect on product evaluation
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)Objective: In this study, our objective is investigate how product involvement and product familiarity moderate the effect of country image on product evaluation, as well as if and how a positive or a negative country image ... -
The interaction of self-control and habit on intention of healthy eating behavior among students
(Master thesis, 2015)This study used the Theory of Planned Behavior to examine individual and social factors that influence students at Aalesund University College in Norway to engage in healthy eating behavior. The individual factors included ...