Corporate internal performance benchmarking : performance measurements purification from macroeconomic noise
Widely open economies along with highly integrated markets with unstable nature, have made
all corporations and business units vulnerable to macroeconomic fluctuations. The flow of
Macro-changes in performance falsifies the outcome of a firm’s action with misleading signals,
which does not reflect sustainable competitiveness of the firm. This means that raw
performance measurements are inappropriate for benchmarking purposes as well as industry
averages. I argue that macroeconomic variables are not only firm-specific, but also divisionspecific.
I have employed MUST-analysis approach to recognize the macroeconomic variables
specific to each division and to eliminate their effects, in order to obtain “intrinsic” measure of
divisions’ performance. Empirical results are presented from a case study of four divisions
within Jotun Group, and showed that each unit is exposed to different sets of macroeconomic
variables in addition to existence of deviations between traditional performance measurements
and adjusted ones. Thus, leads to conclude that performance measurement purification is a
necessary-supplementary condition in any benchmarking and strategic decision-making