Browsing Institutt for marin teknikk by Title
Now showing items 3576-3579 of 3579
Zero Failure Management at Maximum Productivity in Safety Critical Control Room
(Lecture, 2011)Predicted growth in air traffic and demand for increased safety, predictability, and efficiency impose additional demands on Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems. Different technologies are currently under development to ... -
Zero-Emission Autonomous Ferries for Urban Water Transport: Cheaper, Cleaner Alternative to Bridges and Manned Vessels
(Journal article, 2019)Because water is an integral part of day-to-day life for humans, civilizations have generally flourished either in coastal areas or near river basins. Today, about 40% of the world?s population lives near a coast and many ... -
Zero-Emission Hydrofoil Fast Ferries: Design, Modelling, and Performance Evaluation
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:496, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Hydrofoil technology can potentially reduce the resistance and energy requirement of high-speed ferries, thus lowering fuel consumption and emissions or extending the range of zero-emission vessels. Although substantial ... -
Zero-emission ready
(Master thesis, 2020)Levetiden til et skip strekker seg fra 20 til 30 år. De siste 20 til 30 årene har teknologi blitt mer sofistikert, nye lover og regler er introdusert, vi har vært igjennom en finanskrise og akkurat nå er vi midt i en ...