Blar i Institutt for marin teknikk på tittel
Viser treff 2720-2739 av 3587
Quantifying Icebreaker Performance in Ice Management Operations by High-Fidelity Numerical Simulations
(Chapter, 2020)In the study presented in this paper, the problem of quantifying the performance of icebreaker operations within ice management (IM) has been targeted, using the capabilities of high-fidelity simulations by a discrete ... -
Quantitative Evaluation of Bathymetric LiDAR Sensors and Acquisition Approaches in Lærdal River in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The development of bathymetric LiDAR technology has contributed significantly to both the quality and quantity of river bathymetry data. Although several bathymetric LiDAR sensors are available today, studies that evaluate ... -
Quantitative risk assessment of the performance of barriers controlling fire and explosion risk
(Master thesis, 2019)The growing population of the world places an enormous demand for energy in some form or the other. Essentially, this means that the struggle to hunt and retrieve fossil fuels has to continue for the smooth functioning of ... -
Quantitative risk modelling in the offshore petroleum industry: integration of human and organizational factors
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In-depth investigations of major offshore accidents show that technical, human, operational and organisational risk influencing factors (RIFs) all have crucial effects on the accident sequences. Nonetheless, the current ... -
Quantitative risk modelling of maintenance work on major offshore process equipment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Investigations of major offshore accidents show that both technical and non-technical factors have crucial effects on the accident sequences. Nonetheless, quantitative risk analyses (QRAs) have traditionally focused on the ... -
A quantitative ship risk model to select unannounced ship inspection - A tool to improve safety and environment?
(Master thesis, 2015)Norwegian Maritime Directorate has been worked with development of the risk-based inspection. The Directorate has established a method for risk assessment at a general level. However, they do not have any concrete method ... -
Quasi-dynamic modelling of shared mooring lines for floating wind turbines
(Master thesis, 2022)The idea of shared mooring systems has been introduced in the offshore wind farm industry as an effort to lower the overall installation costs for floating offshore wind farms. The reason for building such plants is that ... -
R/V Gunnerus Digital Twin Infrastructure
(Master thesis, 2020)Denne rapporten undersøker potensialet for bruk av digitale tvillinger i utdannings-øyemed for ingeniørstudenter gjennom NTNUs forskningsfartøy FF Gunnerus. Samtidig som digitale tvillinger blir mer og mer relevant for å ... -
A Radar Dataset from the Trondheim City Canal
(Chapter, 2024)In the automotive community, methods for tracking, localization,and situational awareness are routinely tested on well-known open-source datasets from the real world. In many other applications of target tracking, such as ... -
Random wave-driven drag forces on near-bed vegetation in shallow water based on deepwater wind conditions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This article provides a simple analytical method for giving estimates of random wave-driven drag forces on near-bed vegetation in shallow water from deepwater wind conditions. Results are exemplified using a Pierson–Moskowitz ... -
Random wave-driven seabed shear stress estimation in shallow water based on long-term variation of deep water wave conditions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This article presents a simple analytical method giving estimates of wave-driven bottom stresses for very rough and mud seabeds in shallow water from long-term wave statistics in deep water. The results are exemplified ... -
Random Wave-Induced Burial and Scour of Short Cylinders and Truncated Cones on Mild Slopes
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)A stochastic approach calculating the random wave-induced burial and scour depth of short cylinders and truncated cones on mild slopes is provided. It assumes the waves to be a stationary narrow-band random process and a ... -
Random wave-induced current in shallow water using deep-water wind and wave statistics
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This paper addresses the random wave-induced current in shallow water based on deep-water wind and wave statistics, where the wave-induced current is expressed in terms of the deep-water seastate wave parameters, significant ... -
Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter with Grid-Mapping for AUV SLAM Using Forward-Looking Sonar
(Chapter, 2018)This paper adresses underwater localization for an AUV using SLAM and Forward Looking Sonar (FLS) data. The proposed method is Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter (RBPF) with grid mapping. The original RBPF uses multiple ... -
A rate and pressure dependent elastoplastic material model for glacial ice colliding with marine structures
(Chapter, 2023)An elastoplastic ice material model with a rate and pressure dependent yield criterion is proposed in the present study for ice-structure collision simulations. The yield criterion is based upon the Tsai-Wu failure envelope ... -
Rational analysis of Nordlaks' "Havfarm" aquastructure concept for exposed waters
(Master thesis, 2017)A global analysis of Nordlaks Havfarm concept has been conducted. In order to do so three equivalent design waves targeting the ultimate limit state response of the vertical bending, horizontal bending and torsional moment ... -
Rational calculation of sea margin
(Master thesis, 2017)The sea margin is an important parameter when designing a ship. The sea margin describes how much added power is required in operational conditions compared to the calm water conditions in order to maintain a speed in ... -
A rational model for maneuvering in irregular waves with the effect of waves on the propeller and rudder inflow taken into account
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)A modular model for maneuvering in regular and irregular waves is presented. A new model is presented for the y-component of the rudder inflow. Moreover, an efficient time-domain method for estimation of slowly varying ... -
Rational Upscaling and Modelling of a Semi-Submersible Floating Offshore Wind Turbine
(Master thesis, 2016)Floating offshore wind turbines are taking on more and more prominence, as the industry moves towards larger turbines, farther offshore, in deeper water. The increase in turbine size can reduce the costs of offshore wind ... -
Rational upscaling of a semi-submersible floating platform supporting a wind turbine
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This work examines the procedure of upscaling of a semi-submersible platform in order to support a predefined wind turbine. As a result of technological progress and design changes, basic scaling based on the turbine rating ...