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A 2D Experimental and Numerical Study of Moonpools With Recess
(Chapter, 2018)Moonpool resonance is investigated in a two-dimensional setting in terms of regular, forced heave motions of a model with moonpool with different rectangular-shaped recess configurations. A recess is a reduced draft zone ... -
A 5MW direct-drive generator for floating spar-buoy wind turbine: Drive-train dynamics
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This article proceeds with investigations on a 5 MW direct-drive floating wind turbine system (FWTDD) that was developed in a previous study. A fully integrated land-based direct-drive wind turbine system (WTDD) was created ... -
A Bayesian approach to risk modeling of autonomous subsea intervention operations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The introduction of autonomy in subsea operations may affect operational risk related to Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair (IMR). This article proposes a Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) to model the risk affecting autonomous ... -
A Bayesian network approach for analysing the failure of jackup rigs operations in West Africa.
(Master thesis, 2022)Den globale energietterspørselen vil øke de neste ti ̊arene p ̊a grunn av befolkningsvekst og økt forbruk. Samtidig som europeiske land øker investeringene sine i fornybar energi, som havvind, har de vist seg ̊a være ... -
A BBN Risk Analysis of Cruise Ship Groundings in Northern Norway during Winter
(Master thesis, 2020)Nord-Norge har oppnådd mer fokus som en destinasjon for cruiseskipturisme de seneste årene. Antall cruiseanløp har økt både for sommer- og vintersesongen. En grunnstøting for et cruiseskip i disse farvannene kan føre til ... -
A Benchmark Radar-Based Dataset from the Canal in Trondheim
(Master thesis, 2024)Den maritime industrien har sett økende interesse for autonome fartøy, noe som vil kreve robust situasjonsforståelse for å navigere trygt. Denne oppgaven tar for seg gapet i tilgjengelig maritime radar-baserte datasett ved ... -
A Bond Graph Approach for Modelling Systems of Rigid Bodies in Spatial Motion
(Master thesis, 2014)The research presented in this thesis seeks to improve the current state and technique for dynamic modelling of systems of rigid bodies in spatial motion. The research have been focused around modelling of underwater ... -
A Boundary Element Method Applied to Strongly Nonlinear Wave-Body Interaction Problems
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2007:141, Doctoral thesis, 2007)A two-dimensional Boundary Element Method (BEM) based on potential flow theory is developed to study wave-body interaction problems with strongly nonlinear effects. In particular, the following problems are studied. One ... -
A brute-force spectral approach for wave estimation using measured vessel motions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The article introduces a spectral procedure for sea state estimation based on measurements of motion responses of a ship in a short-crested seaway. The procedure relies fundamentally on the wave buoy analogy, but the wave ... -
A case study of rotor sails for electric pendulum ferries
(Master thesis, 2024)Ettersom den globale skipsfartsindustrien forsøker å begrense sin miljøpåvirkning, har den norske regjeringen satt et mål om å redusere utslipp av klimagasser med 50% innen 2030 for innenriks sjøfart og fiske. Som svar på ... -
A combined wind and wave energy-converter concept in survivalmode: Numerical and experimental study in regular waves with afocus on water entry and exit
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Water entry (including slamming) and exit phenomena as well as green water on deck were observed during survivability model tests of a combined wind and wave energy converter concept. Here, a nonlinear numerical ... -
A comparative analysis of the fluid-structure interaction method and the constant added mass method for ice-structure collisions
(Journal article, 2016)The constant added mass (CAM) method and the fluid-structure interaction (FSI) method are widely used to simulate ship-ship and ship-ice collisions. In the CAM method, the hydrodynamic effect of the surrounding water is ... -
A comparative fatigue reliability study for key structural components of offshore wind turbines
(Chapter, 2018)In this paper, the fatigue reliability of blade root and tower base of a jacket wind turbine, the OC4 semi-submersible wind turbine and a land-based wind turbine is investigated and compared. The fatigue reliability of ... -
A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Conventional and All-Electric Car Ferries
(Master thesis, 2016)Abstract Increased environmental focus in the marine transport sector, and especially focus on its effect on global warming, have initiated the deployment of all-electric propulsion. This thesis quantifies the environmental ... -
A comparative study of different methods for predicting the long-term extreme structural responses of the combined wind and wave energy concept semisubmersible wind energy and flap-type wave energy converter
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The combined wind and wave concept semisubmersible wind energy and flap-type wave energy converter was developed in the EU FP7 project MARINA Platform. It consists of a four-column semisubmersible with a 5-MW wind turbine ... -
A comparative study of the stochastic averaging method and the path integration method for nonlinear ship roll motion in random beam seas
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)In this paper, the energy-based stochastic averaging method and the path integration method are applied to study the stochastic response of the nonlinear roll motion in random beam seas. Specifically, the Markov diffusion ... -
A comparative study on dynamic responses of spar-type floating horizontal and vertical axis wind turbines
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Interest in the exploitation of offshore wind resources using floating wind turbines has increased. Commercial development of floating horizontal axis wind turbines (FHAWTs) is emerging because of their commercial success ... -
A Comparison between Surface and Underwater Feeding Technology with Respect to Feed Waste
(Master thesis, 2019)Den teknologiske utviklingen innen akvakultur har en eksponentiell vekst og det utvikles stadig nye løsninger. Blant dem finner man nye fôringsteknologier som skal bidra til å løse utfordringer industrien står ovenfor. ... -
A comparison of extreme structural responses and fatigue damage of semi-submersible type floating horizontal and vertical axis wind turbines
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Currently development of floating wind turbines for deep water is mainly based on horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs). However, floating vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) are possible alternative due to their potential ... -
A Comparison Of How Different DesignedCages Affect The Salmon Welfare
(Master thesis, 2021)Abstract will be available on 2024-11-01