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Ultimate and residual strength assessments of intact and collision damaged columns of the Bjørnafjorden floating bridge
(Chapter, 2023)The Norwegian Public Road Administration (NPRA) has initiated an ambitious project to replace the current ferry crossing solutions with floating bridges over the wide and deep Norwegian fjords. This will substantially ... -
Ultimate Limit State Analysis of Havfarm
(Master thesis, 2017)Marin fish farming is in rapid development. Dimensions are expected to increase and locations are being moved to areas exposed to more energetic waves and stronger current. With increasing dimensions and more challenging ... -
Ultimate strength analysis of stiffened steel and aluminium panels using semi-analytical methods
(Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2002:131, Doctoral thesis, 2002)Buckling and postbuckling of plates and stiffened panels are considered. Computational models for direct calculation of the response are developed using large deflection plate theory and energy principles. Deflections are ... -
Ultimate Strength and Capacity Assessment of Ice Class Vessel Operating in Ice
(Master thesis, 2016)In an ongoing project between DNV GL and a customer, the ultimate strength and damage on a ship exposed to ice loading are to be assessed. The vessel has the DNV GL class notation Ice(1A*), but is now considered for operation ... -
Ultimate Strength and Post-Ultimate Behavior of Hybrid Platform Deck Girders
(Master thesis, 2014)As for the increasing demands of offshore oil and gas, the new platforms are designed in more and more serious conditions. The safety check and modification of the complex structure has become a hot subject. Normally, the ... -
Ultimate Strength and Reliability based Design of Ship Hulls with Emphasis on Combined Global and Local Loads
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2009:27, Doctoral thesis, 2009)During the last few decades, the emphasis in structural design of ships has moved from the allowable stress design to the ultimate limit state design. The ultimate limit state represents the collapse of the structure due ... -
Ultimate strength of aluminium panels, considering HAZ effects
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2011:326, Doctoral thesis, 2011)Aluminium stiffened panels have been increasingly used in marine, offshore and transportation industries, especially where high strength/weight ratio structures are highly required. However, the ultimate strength of aluminium ... -
Ultimate strength of welded aluminium stiffened panels under combined biaxial and lateral loads: A numerical investigation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The number and size of aluminium non-monohull ships have been steadily increasing over time. This raises growing concerns regarding their structural strength, especially considering the adverse effects of the heat-affected-zone ... -
Ultimate- and Fatigue Limit State Analysis of a Rigid Offshore Aquaculture Structure
(Master thesis, 2015)Marine fish farming is in rapid development, dimensions are expected to increase, and locations are being moved to areas exposed to more energetic waves and stronger currents. New and extreme loading scenarios need to be ... -
Unburned Hydrocarbon Formation in a Natural Gas Engine Under Sea Wave Load Conditions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Although natural gas is documented as a low-emission fuel compared to the other traditional fossil fuels in internal combustion engines, recent research indicates large amounts of methane emission released by lean burn gas ... -
Uncertainties in current measurements in the northern North Sea
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)A met–ocean measurement program of waves and current profiles at five locations in the northern North Sea was performed over a period of approximately 5 years. Despite quality control, the measured current speed data ... -
Uncertainties In Predicted Extreme Wave Induced Platform Response
(Master thesis, 2014)Before the long term response prediction is performed, a generic response function is firstly introduced. The generic response function is given as a function of weather characteristics in terms of hs and tp, and the shape ... -
Uncertainties in the Design of Monopile Offshore Wind Turbines
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:276, Doctoral thesis, 2023)English summary If the ambitious targets for growth in installed capacity of offshore wind turbines over the next decades are to be met, more cost-efficient wind farms need to be developed. One way of achieving this can ... -
Uncertainties of Ship Speed Loss Evaluation Under Real Weather Conditions
(Chapter, 2018)A correct assessment of the ship speed loss in conditions of exploitation is becoming increasingly important for ship owners as well as ship designers. We are witnessing the increasing concern for the environment and ... -
Uncertainty analysis of the hydrodynamic coefficients estimation of a nonlinear manoeuvring model based on planar motion mechanism tests
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Uncertainty analysis of the identified hydrodynamic coefficients of a nonlinear manoeuvring model is presented in this paper. The classical parameter estimation method, Least Square, is briefly introduced, and the uncertainty ... -
Uncertainty Assessment of Wave Loads and Ultimate Strength of Tankers and Bulk Carriers in a Reliability Framework
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2010:143, Doctoral thesis, 2010)The main aim of the research work in this thesis is to investigate the uncertainty of wave-induced loads and ultimate strength of tankers and bulk carriers in a reliability framework. The ship structure is generally designed ... -
Uncertainty assessment of wave- and current-induced global response of floating bridges - A numerical investigation
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:126, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Floating pontoon bridge concepts have proven to be useful for crossing very deep and wide waters where conventional bridge types are not feasible, and different concepts have been built in several locations around the world ... -
Uncertainty assessments of structural loading due to frst year ice based on the ISO standard by using Monte-Carlo simulation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Sea ice is the major source of loading for structural design in cold regions. The intrinsic properties of sea ice are generally associated with high degrees of uncertainty due to ice growth taking place during different ... -
Uncertainty in the real-time estimation of ship speed through water
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The ship speed through water (STW) is a critical variable for evaluation of ship performance. With a cubic relation to the expected shaft power, even small inaccuracies in measured STW amplifies to more considerable ... -
Uncertainty of full-scale manoeuvring trial results estimated using a simulation model
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This paper describes how to estimate the uncertainty of manoeuvring sea trial results without performing repeated tests using only a simulation model. The approach is based on the Monte Carlo method of uncertainty propagation. ...