Browsing Institutt for marin teknikk by Title
Now showing items 1708-1727 of 3590
Ice condition assessment using onboard accelerometers and statistical change detection
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The presence of sea ice is the predominant risk for ship operations in the Arctic, and monitoring of ice condition around a vessel is crucial during all times of operation. This paper presents a system for online onboard ... -
Ice Detection and Tracking Based on Satellite and Radar Images
(Master thesis, 2015)The tracking and management of ice is a topic of great importance, due to the dangers these ice targets pose to vessels and marine structures. As the marine activity increase in ice affected areas, the motivation for ... -
Ice induced resistance of ship hulls: A comparison of resistance estimated from measurements and analytical formulations
(Master thesis, 2011)Due to global warming and hydrocarbon exploration in the Arctic areas, there is an increasing maritime activity in ice infested waters. Today one can with good accuracy predict if a vessel will be able to survive an encounter ... -
Ice Load Impact on the Power Train of Azimuth Propulsion Systems
(Master thesis, 2014)This thesis seeks to investigate the advantages of using multibody simulation to develop proper models for power train analyses of azimuth propulsion systems. Azimuth thrusters are commonly installed on ice classed offshore ... -
Ice loading on Semi-Submersible: Local Analysis of Structural Response
(Master thesis, 2019)Interessen for Arktis ha vært økende de siste årene, og en økning i aktivitet i denne regionen en setettersom søken etter olje og gass fortsetter. Nye utfordinger oppstår siden miljøet i disse områdene er tøffe og ... -
Ice Loading On Ship Hull - Ice Specimen Testing and Stress Analysis of Local Plate Fields in the Bow Region.
(Master thesis, 2017)Arctic operations are mostly carried out in seas covered in ice. For these operations, both DNV GL and IACS provide regulations for classification of ships. Interaction with ice is difficult to determine, as it could occur ... -
Ice Loading on Ship Hulls
(Master thesis, 2019) -
Ice management and design philosophy
(Chapter, 2018)Ice management (IM) is defined as all activities carried out with the objective of mitigating hazardous situations by reducing or avoiding actions from any kind of ice feature to a protected unit (e.g. a drilling vessel) ... -
Ice rose diagrams for probabilistic characterization of the ice drift behavior in the Beaufort Sea
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
Ice-Induced Loading on Ship Hull During Ramming
(Master thesis, 2012)As a result of the steadily increasing activities related to marine technology in Arctic regions, Det Norske Veritas has launched an ice load monitoring project to gather knowledge of the ice conditions and prevailing ... -
Ice-Induced Loads on Ship Hulls
(Master thesis, 2012)The calculation of ice-induced loads on ships is still mainly based on empirical models. In order to gain a better physical understanding of the loading on ice-going vessels, Det Norske Veritas launched an ice load monitoring ... -
Ice-propeller impact analysis using an inverse propulsion machinery simulation approach
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:235, Doctoral thesis, 2019) -
Iceberg shape characterization for damage assessment of accidental impacts with ships and offshore structures
(Master thesis, 2013)The northern areas are becoming more and more attractive because off the large oil and gas reservoir that is there. In this area there is a harsh environment and the possibility to collide with an iceberg increases as the ... -
Icing diagnosis in unmanned aerial vehicles using an LPV multiple model estimator
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The phenomenon of icing, i.e. ice accretion on aircraft surfaces, affects the flight performance of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Autonomous icing detection schemes are needed in order to assure high efficiency and limit ... -
Identification and analysis of deficiencies in accident reporting mechanisms for fisheries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Commercial fishing is the most dangerous of professional callings, widely recognized as a major source of fatalities and injuries per population size within participating nations. The majority of reported fisheries injury ... -
Identification and Analysis of Full Scale Ventilation Events
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)The present paper deals with propeller ventilation in full scale. The paper is based on full scale monitoring data from an offshore supply ship during normal operation. The data was collected by the on-line monitoring ... -
Identification and depth estimation of marine growth along mooring lines
(Master thesis, 2024)The inspection of mooring lines is known to be both expensive and laborious. Nevertheless, this thesis proposes a solution that holds promise for significantly reducing these costs. By aiding surveyors in making well-informed ... -
Identification and Valuation of Flexibility in Marine Systems Design
(Master thesis, 2015)Marine systems, typically related to transport services and offshore petroleum projects, are often complex and involve a high degree of uncertainty related to their future operating context. Uncertain factors, such as oil ... -
Identification of Hydrodynamic Parameters for Remotely Operated Vehicles
(Master thesis, 2015)The hydrodynamic parameters that characterize the behaviour of a general work class Remotely Operated Vehice(ROV) are evaluated. This is done by deriving the equation of motion for an ocean vessel moving in 6 degrees of ... -
Identification of Marine Plastics using Hyperspectral Imaging and Raman Spectroscopy
(Master thesis, 2019)Dagens Næringsliv (DN) hadde følgende overskrift 28. Mai i år (forfatter: Jørn Aass); ”Alarmerende forskning: Plast i havet påvirker oksygenet vi puster inn”. Plastforsøpling påvirker havet, som igjen er en sentral del av ...