Browsing Institutt for marin teknikk by Title
Now showing items 1579-1598 of 3579
Halvt nedsenkbar tørrtre plattform: Koblingen mellom det hydro-pneumatiske stigerørsstrekk-systemet, stigerørene og kjølen.
(Master thesis, 2012)Det hydro-pneumatiske strekksystemet til stigerørene virker som en passiv hivkompensator med en olje/gass-akkumulator for a utligne de relative bevegelsene mellom semien og stigerørene. Semiresponsen fører direkte til at ... -
Handling aspects of complexity in conceptual ship design
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:319, Doctoral thesis, 2013)This research examines the handling complexity aspects of conceptual design. Contemporary consensus suggests vessel design must consider new market requirements such as greater emphasis on environmental performance, a ... -
Handling Commercial, Operational and Technical Uncertainty in Early Stage Offshore Ship Design
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2016)In this paper, we assess state-of-the-art methods for handling aspects of technical, commercial and operational uncertainty in the early stages of offshore ship design. Uncertainty affects the lifecycle performance of a ... -
Handling Ship Design Complexity to Enhance Competitiveness in Ship Design
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:92, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Ship design is inherently complex. In the literature, typically, complexity is associated with increased cost and requires more advanced tools, better procedures, expertise, and man-resources to deal with it. In the design ... -
Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing Systems for ROV Control Systems
(Master thesis, 2014)The use of ROVs has increased in the last decades and today advanced underwater vehicles are used in a wide array of oshore, military and scientific applications. To further improve the usefulness of ROVs modern control ... -
Hazard analysis: Application of STPA to ship-to-ship transfer of LNG
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The process industry has experienced technological advances, such as automatic handling of hazardous substances, process equipment, and valves. High levels of automation, as well as system interactions at component and ... -
Heuristic solution methods for ship routing and scheduling problems
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2009:126, Doctoral thesis, 2009)Ship routing and scheduling is among the most important task for many shipping companies. Today, only few shipping companies use optimization-based decision support systems for routing and scheduling of their fleet. They ... -
Hierarchically refined isogeometric analysis of trimmed shells
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This work focuses on the study of several computational challenges arising when trimmed surfaces are directly employed for the isogeometric analysis of Kirchhoff–Love shells. To cope with these issues and to resolve ... -
High energy ship collisions with bottom supported offshore wind turbines
(Master thesis, 2011)Offshore wind farming is an industry under development and involves challenges. The farms might be located close to ship trading routes. This increases the risk of ship-wind farm impact, causing economic losses, environmental ... -
High Energy Ship Collisions With Bottom Supported Offshore Wind Turbines
(Master thesis, 2012)As the worlds demand for energy is increasing mostly due to the increase in population, and coal, oil and gas deposits are limited, it is desirable to gather energy from renewable energy sources. Wind energy is a form of ... -
High reliability management and control operator risks in autonomous marine systems and operations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper's objective is to analyze the main real-time risks in operation of autonomous marine systems, which follow from various levels of autonomy (LoA). High reliability management (HRM) is an established framework for ... -
High-Fidelity 3D Reconstruction of Underwater Scenes Using Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs)
(Master thesis, 2024)3D-rekonstruksjon av undervannsscener fra visuelle bilder er avgjørende for anvendelser innen marinarkeologi, miljøovervåking, inspeksjon av undervannsinfrastruktur, forvaltning av marine ressurser og lokalisering av ... -
High-level demonstration of holistic design and optimisation process of Offshore Support Vessel
(Chapter, 2018)Design of highly complex vessels involves a multitude of disciplines designing different modules and units of the vessel using different tools and methods requiring specialist competence in specific areas. The vessel may ... -
High-Pressure Direct-Injection Dual Fuel Engine: Evaluation for performance and emission potential by injector modeling and simulation
(Master thesis, 2020)Natural gas is a promising alternative fuel for marine engines that must comply with strict international emissions regulations. The current standard for these engines is the low-pressure dual fuel arrangement usually ... -
Higher harmonic wave loads on a vertical cylinder in finite water depth
(Journal article, 2017)The theory by Faltinsen et al. (1995) (FNV) for calculation of higher-order wave loads in deep water, on a vertical, free-surface piercing, circular, bottom-mounted, non-moving cylinder, based on potential flow of an ... -
Higher Order Frequency Component in VIV
(Master thesis, 2014)There are still quite a lot unknown and unexplainable territories in hydrodynamic field. VIV is one of them. In today s industry world, existence of uncertainty in VIV prediction program attracts much attention.In this ... -
Higher Order Loads from Steep Waves on Drilling Risers
(Master thesis, 2013)Drilling operations are conducted in increasingly harsher environments as the easily accessible oil fields are growing scarce. Marine drilling risers are exposed to large hydrodynamic forces in the splash zone. Higher order ... -
Higher Order Spectral method for wave scenarios with nonlinear and dispersive effects
(Master thesis, 2018)For ocean application, a High Order Spectral (HOS) method is studied. Different from most application of HOS method which use initial value problem to investigate the spectrum evolution, embedded wave generation is implemented ... -
A high‐order harmonic polynomial method for solving the Laplace equation with complex boundaries and its application to free‐surface flows. Part I: Two‐dimensional cases
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)A high‐order harmonic polynomial method (HPM) is developed for solving the Laplace equation with complex boundaries. The “irregular cell” is proposed for the accurate discretization of the Laplace equation, where it is ... -
How Free Swimming Fosters the Locomotion of a Purely Oscillating Fish-like Body
(Journal article, 2023)The recoil motions in free swimming, given by lateral and angular rigid motions due to the interaction with the surrounding water, are of great importance for a correct evaluation of both the forward locomotion speed and ...