Browsing Institutt for bygg- og miljøteknikk by Title
Now showing items 2884-2903 of 4749
N2 yields from monochloramine conversion by granular activated carbons are decisive for effective swimming pool water treatment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Inorganic chloramines (mono-, di- and trichloramine) are formed in swimming pool water from the unintended reaction of free chlorine with ammonia that is introduced by bathers. Monochloramine is of particular interest as ... -
Nano Insulation Materials Exploiting the Knudsen Effect
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)As the world's focus is turned even stronger toward miscellaneous energy efficiency and saving aspects, the development of new high-performance thermal insulation materials for building applications will play an important ... -
Nano Insulation Materials: Synthesis and Life Cycle Assessment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)The application of manufactured nanomaterials provides not only advantages resulting from their unique properties, but also disadvantages derived from the possible high energy use and CO2 burden related to their manufacture, ... -
Nanotechnology Based Wood Treatments: Weathering performance, reaction to fire and environmental impact
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2012:237, Doctoral thesis, 2012)The selection of appropriate building materials is one factor which determines the sustainability of buildings. Utilization of nanobased treated wooden claddings have been claimed to be efficient towards improving a number ... -
Nardo skole - Brukererfaringer og energibruk
(Master thesis, 2009) -
Nasjonal detaljert høydemodell - homogenitetsanalyse av terrengmodell fra flybåren laserskanning
(Master thesis, 2017)Flybåren laserskanning er en raskt og kostnadseffektiv metode for innsamling av stor mengder punktdata for høykvalitets høydemodellering. Denne metoden benyttes når hele Norge i løpet av 2020 skal få en detaljert høydeangivelse. ... -
Natural organic matter fractions and their removal in full-scale drinking water treatment under cold climate conditions in Nordic capitals
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) designed to remove natural organic matter (NOM) are challenged as concentrations of NOM in raw waters are increasing. Here, we assess seasonal differences in NOM quality and quantity, ... -
Nature-based solution retrofit in an urban catchment for CSO reduction
(Master thesis, 2023)Redusert vannkvalitet i vannforekomster knyttet til urbane avløpssystemer er et økende problem. I kombinasjon med mer ekstremvær som følge and klimaendringer, har bærekraftig håndtering av overvann fått internasjonal ... -
Naturhytta - en mobil og bærekraftig hytte
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)Denne bacheloroppgaven er skrevet for Nasjonalparken Næringshage og bidrar til utvikling i det påbegynte prosjektet Grønn Fjellhageby som dreier seg om fremtidens løsninger for fritidsboliger. Oppgaven handler om Naturhytta, ... -
Navigating quality, health and environmental risk: A novel framework for wastewater resource recovery products
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Navigation by the use of Maps in Virtual Reality portrayed by Oculus Rift
(Master thesis, 2014)With the introduction of the Oculus Rift in 2012, it was predicted to become the new technological device that would change future entertainment. Being affordable and developer friendly, many applications and games with ... -
Når lokalsamfunnet bygger minimumsløsninger for gang og sykkelveger
(Master thesis, 2016)Dette er en studie av gang og sykkelvegprosjekter som er bygd på kort tid, uten reguleringsplan og til en svært lav investeringskostnad. Hensikten med denne studien er å undersøke hvordan disse prosjektene oppstår, hvilken ... -
Netto helsegevinst i samfunnsøkonomiske analyser av sykkelinfrastruktur
(Master thesis, 2020)Økt satsing på sykkel som transportmiddel kan være et viktig tiltak i fremtiden for å bedre folkehelsen og begrense klimautslipp. Det er godt dokumentert at fysisk aktivitet og derav fysisk aktiv transport innebærer ... -
A new CFD-based framework for modelling the interaction of open ocean aquaculture structures and complex free surface hydrodynamics
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:203, Doctoral thesis, 2021)The work presented in this PhD thesis provides the first numerical framework for the detailed simulation of open ocean aquaculture structures in the sea environment. It enables the simulation of the fluid-structure interaction ... -
A new hybrid method to improve the ultra-short-term prediction of LOD
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Accurate, short-term predictions of Earth orientation parameters (EOP) are needed for many real-time applications including precise tracking and navigation of interplanetary spacecraft, climate forecasting, and disaster ... -
New Method of Sinking Caisson Tunnel in Soft Soil
(Master thesis, 2013)Sinking a caisson tunnel in soft soil is new idea and this new concept could be an alternative method of tunneling in soft soil. The aim of this study is to evaluate geotechnical feasibility of sinking the caisson tunnel ... -
New Micromobility Means of Transport: An Analysis of E-Scooter Users’ Behaviour in Trondheim
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Negative effects of a massive use of cars, such as congestion, air pollution, noise, and traffic injuries, are affecting the cities everywhere. Recently introduced shared vehicles, such as e-scooters and electric bicycles, ... -
New model for structural optimisation of airborne wind energy systems with rotary transmission
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Rotary Airborne Wind Energy Systems (RAWES) are networks of wings that act as flying wind turbines. The power extracted from the wind can be transmitted to ground-based generators through open tensegrity structures. In ... -
A new strategy for the atmospheric gravity effect in gravimetric geoid determination
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2004)Prior to Stokes integration, the gravitational effect of atmospheric masses must be removed from the gravity anomaly g. One theory for the atmospheric gravity effect on the geoid is the well-known International Association ... -
New Techniques for Estimating Sediment Load for the Catchment of Banja HPP
(Master thesis, 2017)toring water in artificial reservoirs is a common method for ensuring constant water supply for among others irrigation, electricity and drinking water. The construction of such artificial storages will disturb the natural ...