Browsing Institutt for bygg- og miljøteknikk by Title
Now showing items 2622-2641 of 4755
Machine Learning and Computational Micromechanics Models for Multifunctional Cementitious Composites Reinforced by Graphene Derivatives: Mechanical and Functional properties
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:284, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Cementitious composites (CCs), which include cement paste, mortar, and concrete, are widely used around the world, second only to water. They are essential for sustainable construction due to their wide availability, ... -
Machine Learning Methods for Bathymetry Generation in Rivers
(Master thesis, 2022)Natural flood hazards resulted in more than 500,000 reported deaths during the last 20 years. This number is expected to increase in the future due to population growth, rapid urbanization and increased rainfall intensities ... -
Macro-model description and model verification
(Master thesis, 2017)The interaction between structures and soil is often idealized to simplify the problem. However, the soil structure interaction (SSI) is important for accurately predicting the mechanical behavior of foundations. Through ... -
Macro-model for suction caisson
(Master thesis, 2023)Målet med denne masteroppgaven var å utvikle en makro-elementmodell for å simulere den ikke-lineære sammenhengen mellom kraft og forskyvning for en sugeanker i V-H-M-rommet, og videreutvikle en flyte-overflate-ligning som ... -
Magnetic control of superconducting heterostructures using compensated antiferromagnets
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Due to the lack of a net magnetization both at the interface and in the bulk, antiferromagnets with compensated interfaces may appear incapable of influencing the phase transition in an adjacent superconductor via the spin ... -
Maintaining Sustainable Water Services: Embedding infrastructure asset management in a medium Norwegian water utility - a demo case study approach
(Master thesis, 2013)The urban water infrastructure assets embodies a large portion of the total value of all public infrastructures, and is fundamental for good living conditions. The replacement value of the infrastructure in Norway alone ... -
Maintenance Strategies for Large Offshore Wind Farms
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Up to one third of the total cost of energy from offshore wind generation is contributed by operation and maintenance (O&M). Compared to its onshore counterpart, this fraction is significantly higher. Costs are not only ... -
Maling som tørker - Himlingsmalings innvirkning på uttørkingsevnen til kompakte tretak med smart dampsperre
(Master thesis, 2023)Smarte dampsperrer gjør klimaskall i stand til å tørke mot innsiden av et bygg. Denne egenskapen kan benyttes i flate kompakte tretak til å lage slankere konstruksjoner ved å plassere bærekonstruksjonen av tre inn i ... -
Managerial work and behaviour pattern - within a cluster of small to medium oil service companies.
(Master thesis, 2021)Vi har i denne oppgaven sett nærmere på en leders tidsbruk, arbeidsaktiviteter og verbal kommunikasjon i en klynge på ca 40 olje service bedrifter på vestkysten av Norge. Dataene ble samlet inn ved hjelp av en kombinasjon ... -
Managing Risk and Opportunities in Complex Projects
(Chapter, 2019)Projects is the preferred model for one-of-a-kind production. Projects may be difficult to manage due to complexity and many involved stakeholders. Stakeholders are a major source of uncertainty. Uncertainty may be both ... -
Managing Uncertainty in the Construction Phase of Road Projects.
(Chapter, 2024)Construction projects are fraught with uncertainties. This chapter’s objective is to demonstrate how uncertainty is managed in the construction phase of road projects. Three aspects of uncertainty management in the ... -
Mandater for konseptvalgutredninger. En gjennomgang av praksis.
(Concept rapport;, Book, 2019) -
Map 2.0: User Interaction in Web Mapping Sites
(Master thesis, 2009) -
Map Creation from Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks - Utilizing publicly available spatial data to make an aerial image labeling dataset
(Master thesis, 2018)For centuries cartographers have segmented and labeled the surface of the earth onto analog and digital maps. Today, map-making is still a time-consuming, manual process that requires large amounts of work. In this thesis, ... -
Mapping of hazardous areas with geophysical data and geotechnical investigations
(Master thesis, 2023)Kartlegging av farlige områder som inneholder sensitiv og potensielt ustabil jord er en avgjørende innsats for å redusere risikoen for skred. De fatale konsekvensene av kvikkleireskred ble tydelig sett i Gjerdrum i 2020. ... -
Mapping Public-Planner Conflicts in SUDS Implementation Using Cultural Dimensions—A Case Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The timely implementation of climate adaptation measures for the urban environment is essential to the creation of robust cities. Within Norway, these adaptation measures are undertaken at the municipal level. Unfortunately, ... -
Mapping Sites for Retrofitting non-Powered Dams in Romania as Renewable Power Sources
(Chapter, 2023)In the context of growing need for energy and the shift to low-carbon energy sources, innovating solutions in the renewable energy sector are encouraged. Currently, hydropower is the largest source of renewable energy in ... -
Mapping the user’s perception of BIM and exploring the correlation of digitalization and opportunistic behavior in the Norwegian construction industry
(Master thesis, 2021)Abstract will be available on 2022-06-11 -
Markedet for ombruksmaterialer i Trondheim
(Master thesis, 2023)Ifølge FNs årlige klimarapport for 2022, begynner tiden å renne ut dersom man skal unngå irreversible klimaendringer. Verdenssamfunnets avhengighet av naturressurser har økt, noe byggebransjen har en stor del av ansvaret ... -
Markedet for ombruksmaterialer i Trondheim
(Master thesis, 2023)Ifølge FNs årlige klimarapport for 2022, begynner tiden å renne ut dersom man skal unngå irreversible klimaendringer. Verdenssamfunnets avhengighet av naturressurser har økt, noe byggebransjen har en stor del av ansvaret ...