Browsing Institutt for bygg- og miljøteknikk by Title
Now showing items 1124-1143 of 4755
E-Scooter speed choice
(Master thesis, 2021)Denne oppgaven undersøker nytten av å bruke offentlig tilgjengelige data om elsparkesyklers posisjoner med høy oppdateringsfrekvens for å analysere hastighetsvalg. Andre bruksområder for samme datasett utforskes også noe. ... -
E16 Sandvika-Wøyen - Analysis of tunnel excavation, achieved contour quality and influence of applied initiation system.
(Master thesis, 2016)The drill and blast excavation method is the most commonly used method for tunnel construction in Norway. In D&B the results from blasting can be evaluated through several factors, such as pull percentage, vibration level ... -
E6 STAVSJØFJELLTUNNELLEN - Excavation performance estimation of the new parallel tunnel
(Master thesis, 2016)This Master Thesis, written in 2016, is a result of the cooperation between NTNU and Reinertsen AF. The aim of the Thesis is to estimate the performance of the excavation of the second tube of Stavsjøfjelltunnelen. The ... -
E6 Væretunnelen: Anleggstekniske utfordringer ved utvidelse til to løp
(Master thesis, 2013)Etablering av doble tunnelløp blir stadig mer aktuelt. Dette skyldes økende trafikkmengder og nye krav til trafikksikkerhet. Tunnelsikkerhetsforskriften krever for eksisterende tunneler at parallelle løp skal stå ferdige ... -
Early careers on ecohydraulics: challenges, opportunities and future directions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Early career researchers (ECRs) play a critical role in our knowledge-based society, yet they are the most vulnerable group in the scientific community. As a young, interdisciplinary science, ecohydraulics is particularly ... -
Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) Approaches for Public Project Owners
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:36, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Traditional project delivery methods, including, for example, design-bid-build with unit price contracting, open bidding, and owner quality control, facilitate transparent checks and balances. One shortcoming of traditional ... -
Early contractor involvement (ECI): ways to do it in public projects
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Purpose Early contractor involvement (ECI) faces many barriers because it differs from traditional business practices. Public owners, especially, face a major challenge because they must comply with international and ... -
Early contractor involvement approaches in public project procurement
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Purpose Early contractor involvement (ECI) faces many barriers when it is implemented in public procurement, given that it is different from traditional business practices. Primarily, public owners face a major challenge, ... -
Early Contractor Involvement: Advantages and Disadvantages for the Design Team
(Master thesis, 2014)Mange hevder at stor avstand mellom prosjekterende og utførende i byggenæringen er en kritisk hemsko for effektiv prosjektgjennomføring. Uavhengig av avstanden og årsakene er det grunn til å tro at en bedre samhandling ... -
Earth Mass Change Tracking Using GRACE Satellite Gravity Data
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2014:34, Doctoral thesis, 2014)This project is dealing with the estimation of present-day Earth’s mass transport and its redistribution by using observations from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite mission. GRACE measures the ... -
Earthquake Analysis of Subsea Structure on Caisson Foundation using 3D Finite Element Solution
(Master thesis, 2014)One of the challenging problems in geotechnical design of caisson foundations for offshore structures is the determination of soil-structure interaction during earthquakes. In this thesis, earthquake analyses were performed ... -
Earthquake Response Analysis of Buildings
(Master thesis, 2021)Denne masteroppgaven studerer jordskjelvanalyse ved å bruke forenklet metode i henhold til Eurokode 8. Tre forskjellige modeller blir studert, modell 1 hvor jordtrykk er langs en av de langsgående kjellerveggene og hvor ... -
Earthquake Response Analysis of Pile Supported Structures - Correspondence of PLAXIS 2D with Eurocode 8
(Master thesis, 2017)Earthquake response of a structure on relatively soft soil is influenced by the soil material properties and type of foundation i.e. shallow or deep foundation. The design recommendations of Eurocode 8 provide a conservative ... -
Earthquake Response of Different Types of Retaining Walls
(Master thesis, 2016)Retaining walls are designed to restrain against the lateral earth thrust while keeping its original position intact. During an earthquake, the lateral earth thrust increases and the walls become susceptible to failure ... -
Earthquake response of retaining walls
(Master thesis, 2011)This study investigates the background and the earthquake response of earth retaining walls by applying the pseudostatic Mononobe-Okabe method and the finite elements method. For the finite elements method the equivalent ... -
Earthquake Response of Suspension Bridge Crossing the Sognefjord
(Master thesis, 2013)SammendragDenne avhandlingen vurderer den foreslåtte byggingen av en hengebru i et spenn over Sognefjorden i lys av jordskjelv. Den foreslåtte broen har et spenn på 3700 meter og tårnene har en høyde på 455 meter. Om broen ... -
Earthquake Soil-Structure Interaction Analyses of Offshore Sub-Sea Structures Founded on Closed Caisson Foundations
(Master thesis, 2018)One of the most challenging issues in the design of sub-sea structures founded on closed caisson foundations is their structural response to dynamic loading. Currently, the foundation design is mostly based on fully ... -
Eco-Friendly Geopolymer Composites Prepared from Agro-Industrial Wastes: A State-of-the-Art Review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Portland cement (PC) is a common material used in civil infrastructure engineering. Cement production emits roughly 2.2 billion tons of CO2 per year, contributing 8% of global emissions in 2016. This contributes to almost ... -
Ecohydraulic Modelling to Support Fish Habitat Restoration Measures
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Despite that hydromorphological restoration projects have been implemented since the 1940s, the key to improve the effectiveness of future restoration measures remains a challenge. This is in part related to the lack of ... -
Economic Analysis of High Speed Rail
(Master thesis, 2011)