• Climate Adaptation in Maintenance Operation and Management of Buildings 

      Grynning, Steinar; Gradeci, Klodian; Gaarder, Jørn Emil; Time, Berit; Lohne, Jardar; Kvande, Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The aim of this paper is to analyze the basic criteria, trends, applications, and developments related to climate adaptation in building maintenance and operation management (MOM) practices in Norway. Investigations conducted ...
    • Climate adaptation of buildings through MOM- and upgrading - State of the art and research needs 

      Grynning, Steinar; Wærnes, Elisabeth Gaal; Kvande, Tore; Time, Berit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      This study presents an overview of research initiatives and projects addressing climate adaption in management operation and maintenance (MOM) and upgrade of existing buildings. The aim was to identify knowledge needs and ...
    • Climate adaptation of pitched wooden roofs 

      Gullbrekken, Lars (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:124, Doctoral thesis, 2018)
      In this thesis, wooden roofs are defined as roof structures where the load-bearing structure consists of wood. Such structures are normally built with a ventilated air cavity between the underlayer roof and the roofing. ...
    • Climate Adaptation of School Buildings through MOM – A Case Study 

      Grynning, Steinar; Gaarder, Jørn Emil; Lohne, Jardar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The aim of the study was to map routines and planning tools concerning climate adaptation measures in buildings based on an analysis of a case building. The case was used to assess the strategy and main challenges of ...
    • Climate aging of miscellaneous wood surfaces and their characterization by Fourier transform infrared radiation spectroscopy 

      Straumbotn, Ine Tønnessen (Master thesis, 2023)
      I følge klimamodellene til FNs klimapanel vil behovet for motstandsdyktige byggematerialer øke i tide fremover. Samtidig setter bærekraftsmålene krav til materialvalg, hvor motstandsdyktighet og holdbarhet må balanseres ...
    • Climate and Environmental Monitoring using GNSS Remote Sensing 

      Rajabbi, Mahmoud (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:209, Doctoral thesis, 2024)
      The potential of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals for remote sensing applications has been widely recognized. The widespread availability of GNSS signals, whether in direct form or as reflections, enables ...
    • Climate Change Adaptation Measures for Buildings—A Scoping Review 

      Stagrum, Anna Eknes; Andenæs, Erlend; Kvande, Tore; Lohne, Jardar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Abstract:As the climate changes globally and locally, the built environment will be subject to differentclimatic exposure than in the past. Adaptation measures are required to ensure the long-termintegrity and successful ...
    • Climate change and hydrological analysis of Tekeze river basin Ethiopia: implication for potential hydropower production 

      Adera, Abebe Girmay; Alfredsen, Knut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Climate change is expected to intensify the hydropower production in East Africa. This research investigates the runoff and energy production in the current and future climate for the Tekeze hydropower plant located in the ...
    • Climate Change and impact on Water Resources and Hydropower - The case of Vanatori Neamt in the Carpathian region of Romania 

      Killingtveit, Ånund; Adera, Abebe Girmay (Report, 2017)
      The project “Intelligene Energy Systems in Protected Areas” was initiated by the Technical University of Iasi (TUIASI) with two Norwegian partners, SINTEF Energy Research and Norwegian University of Science and Technology ...
    • Climate Change Assessments for the Gaula River 

      Naher, Kamrun (Master thesis, 2019)
      The effects of climate change were assessed for Gaula, south of Trondheim in Norway as a wetting winter and drying summer are predicted to occur in the future. The research was done in six steps to find the effect of a ...
    • Climate change impact on wastewater networks 

      Wilk, Alicja Helena (Master thesis, 2016)
      The main findings of this thesis are summarized below : The extrapolations from precipitation analysis are too large for long term planning to be use in design drainage system. The 10 years periods of time are too short ...
    • Climate change impacts Norwegian hydropower systems 

      Otel, Andreea-Cristina (Master thesis, 2016)
      Climate change impacts hydropower sytems in Norway
    • Climate robust buildings: towards buildings with a robust energy performance under climate change 

      Moazami, Amin (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:233, Doctoral thesis, 2019)
      Building performance simulation (BPS) is a powerful tool allowing building designers to estimate the behavior of buildings and assess the impacts of their design decisions on their performance. BPS requires large number ...
    • Climate-Informed Planning and Design of Urban Water Systems 

      Kristvik, Erle (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:286, Doctoral thesis, 2020)
      Global warming is expected to cause alterations of the climate with potential impacts on urban water systems. As the knowledge base on climate change expands, and regional climate projections become increasingly available ...
    • Co-Creating Nature-Based Solutions and Green Spaces in a Nordic Municipality 

      Drageset, Anine (Master thesis, 2018)
      Tradisjonell utbygging og økning i andel tette flater skaper utfordringer for byer og tettsteder i møte med konsekvensene av klimaendringene. Det foregår derfor et skifte mot vannsensitiv byutvikling ved hjelp av integrering ...
    • Co-creators of wellbeing - smarter engagement of older residents 

      Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka; Senior, Coline (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      It is acknowledged that technological innovation could help in creating individual and social wellbeing, especially as a supportive tool for seeing the benefits of “sharing is sustainable” and collaborative actions for ...
    • Coastal Erosion Modelling in Hiorthhamn, Longyearbyen (Svalbard) 

      Antonello, Carlo (Master thesis, 2022)
      Kyst erosjon i Arktis er et pågående fenomen som representerer et relevant ingeniøremne for dets sosiale og miljømessige implikasjoner. Det er resultatet av flere prosesser som er veldig avhengige av de lokale innstillingene ...
    • Coastal garbage detection 

      Hermanrud, Nina Tandrevold (Master thesis, 2019)
      Plast i havet er et stadig økende problem. Lokalisering av søppel og ved å engasjeretil søppelplukking, kan bidra til å adressere plastforurensingen. Denne oppgaven kom-mer med et forslag til et system som automatisk ...
    • Coastal-sea-ice action on a breakwater in a microtidal inlet in Svalbard 

      Caline, Fabrice (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2010:226, Doctoral thesis, 2010)
      In order to open a coal mine in Ispallen, a prospect of the company Store Norske, it will necessary to transport the coal across a tidal inlet, Sveasundet, in Svea, Svalbard. In anticipation of this challenge, Store Norske ...
    • Coated Wooden Claddings and the Influence of Nanoparticles on the Weathering Performance 

      Fufa, Selamawit Mamo; Jelle, Bjørn Petter; Hovde, Per Jostein; Rørvik, Per Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Accelerated climate aging experiments and cup measurements have been performed to investigate the effect of adding TiO2 nanoparticles and nanoclay to acrylic stain coatings against the influence of weathering. The coated ...