• Laboratory-based modelling of viscoelastic properties of asphalt pavement 

      Chen, Hao (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:207, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      The Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA) is running a project “VegDim” with the aim of developing and implementing a Mechanistic-Empirical (ME) pavement design system for Norwegian conditions. The traditional ...
    • Labour productivity statistics: a reality check for the Norwegian construction industry 

      Ahmad, Saad Bin Saleem; Mazhar, Muhammed Adeel; Bruland, Amund; Andersen, Bjørn; Langlo, Jan Alexander; Torp, Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Construction is one of the largest sectors that drive the global economy, yet it has failed to receive the necessary attention from the policymakers and investors. The existing construction statistics report the declining ...
    • Labyrintoverløp og lukket flomløp - modellforsøk for dam Storlivatn 

      Hvidsten, Vilde Cecilie Horn (Master thesis, 2019)
      Flomløpet til dam Storlivatn fungerer i dag ikke godt nok til å avlede dimensjonerende avløpsflom, etter krav fra NVE. Ved en slik flom overtoppes brystningen på dammen som ligger på 255,35 moh. I senere år har det blitt ...
    • A Lagrangian approach for the coupled simulation of fixed net structures in a Eulerian fluid model 

      Martin, Tobias; Kamath, Arun; Bihs, Hans (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      A Lagrangian approach for the coupled numerical simulation of fixed net structures and fluid flow is derived. The model is based on solving the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations in a Eulerian fluid domain. The ...
    • Land Value Capture's Potential 

      Bergsland Finsnes, Alexander; Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka (Chapter, 2021)
      The paper discusses the potential for implementing Land Value Capture (LVC) strategies in Norway. In order to evaluate such a potential, case studies have been oriented both to look at a re-zoning’s effect on real estate ...
    • Land Value Capture's potential in Norway 

      Finsnes, Alexander Bergsland (Master thesis, 2019)
      Alle masteroppgaver skrevet på et ikke-skandinavisk språk ved NTNU, Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet, skal ha et sammendrag på norsk. Utgangspunktet for denne masteroppgaven er å vurdere potensialet for å ...
    • Landslide generated waves in dam reservoirs - Experimental investigation on a physical hydraulic model 

      Ponziani, Lorenza; Gardoni, Martina (Master thesis, 2017)
      The impulse waves generated by landslides that occur in an artificial basin may have disastrous impacts on the surrounding environment. For Alpine lakes, impulse waves are particularly significant, because of steep shores, ...
    • Landslide risk reduction through close partnership between research, industry, and public entities in Norway: Pilots and case studies 

      Solheim, Anders; Kalsnes, Bjørn; Strout, James Michael; Piciullo, Luca; Heyerdahl, Håkon; Eidsvig, Unni; Lohne, Jardar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Cross-sectorial and cross-disciplinary collaboration, as well as public-private partnerships are necessary to handle the complexity of climate adaptation. The Research Council of Norway has established the Centres for ...
    • Large scale cfd modelling of wave propagation in Sulafjord for the E39 project 

      Wang, Weizhi; Bihs, Hans; Kamath, Arun; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The coastal high way project E39 aims at building a continuous ferry-free road connection along the west coast of Norway. One of the major challenges in the project is to replace ferries with new fjord-crossing methods ...
    • Large Scale CFD Modelling of Wave Propagation into Mehamn Harbour 

      Wang, Weizhi; Bihs, Hans; Kamath, Arun; Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir (Chapter, 2017)
      Ocean wave propagations into harbours are large scale phenomena with complex wave transformations. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has the advantage of capturing most physics with few assumptions. It has also been ...
    • Large scale model testing of CPTU in sand 

      Eidem, Karina Trøan; Lindgaard, Kristian Werner (Master thesis, 2022)
      Feltundersøkelser er viktig innenfor geoteknisk prosjektering, og kan være uunværlig for å unngå jordskred. CPTU-testen er en viktig feltundersøkelse på grunn av at det er en metode som er enkel og tilgjengelig å bruke, i ...
    • Large scale model testing of CPTU in sand 

      Eidem, Karina Trøan; Lindgaard, Kristian Werner (Master thesis, 2022)
      Feltundersøkelser er viktig innenfor geoteknisk prosjektering, og kan være uunværlig for å unngå jordskred. CPTU-testen er en viktig feltundersøkelse på grunn av at det er en metode som er enkel og tilgjengelig å bruke, i ...
    • Large-Eddy Simulation of a Classical Hydraulic Jump: Influence of Modelling Parameters on the Predictive Accuracy 

      Mukha, Timofey; Almeland, Silje Kreken; Bensow, Rickard E. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Results from large-eddy simulations of a classical hydraulic jump at inlet Froude number two are reported. The computations were performed using the general-purpose finite-volume-based code OpenFOAM®, and the primary goal ...
    • Large-Scale Experimental Wind-Driven Rain Exposure Investigations of Building Integrated Photovoltaics 

      Breivik, Christer; Jelle, Bjørn Petter; Time, Berit; Holmberget, Øystein; Nygård, John Simen Seeberg; Bergheim, Einar; Dalehaug, Arvid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPVs) are photovoltaic materials that replace conventional building materials in parts of the building envelopes, such as roofs or facades, i.e. the BIPV system serves dual purposes, as ...
    • Large-Scale Numerical Modeling of Swell Waves in Bjørnafjorden Using the Phase-Resolving Wave Model REEF3D 

      Davik, Ingebrigt Eriksen (Master thesis, 2020)
      Numerisk simulering av bølger som beveger seg over raskt varierende vanndybde er ofte svært krevende. Bjørnafjorden er et perfekt eksempel på et marint område der små øyer og skjær forstyrrer bølgene, og hvor vanndybden ...
    • Large-Scale Phase-Resolved Wave Modelling for the Norwegian Coast 

      Wang, Weizhi (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:235, Doctoral thesis, 2020)
      The coastal Highway Route E39 aims to build a continuous road connection along the west coast of Norway. Floating bridges are planned to replace the ferries at seven major fjords along the route. These innovative floating ...
    • Last Planner i norsk byggenæring 

      Pedersen, Torstein Ulla (Master thesis, 2020)
      Ulike funn tilsier at byggenæringen har lav produktiviteten og en negativ produktivitetsutvikling. The Last Planner System (LPS) har blitt benyttet i den norske byggenæringen i mange år og er en mulig løsning på denne ...
    • Last Planner System: Comparing Indian and Norwegian approaches 

      Ravi, Ramakrishnan (Master thesis, 2018)
      The Last planner system is currently being used in a variety of construction projects around the world with different approaches. In this paper, we compare the Indian and Norwegian industry because of their contrasting ...
    • Last Planner-inspirert planlegging og usikkerhetsstyring hos en entreprenør i bygg- og anleggsbransjen 

      Samdal, Ola Linge; Schmidt, Lasse (Master thesis, 2020)
      I en tid der byggeprosjekter blir stadig mer kompliserte, stiller det høyere krav til gode planlegging- og styringsmetoder for å gjennomføre vellykkede prosjekter. Flere entreprenører henter inspirasjon fra Lean Construction ...
    • Last Planner-inspirert planlegging og usikkerhetsstyring hos en entreprenør i bygg- og anleggsbransjen 

      Samdal, Ola Linge; Schmidt, Lasse (Master thesis, 2020)
      I en tid der byggeprosjekter blir stadig mer kompliserte, stiller det høyere krav til gode planlegging- og styringsmetoder for å gjennomføre vellykkede prosjekter. Flere entreprenører henter inspirasjon fra Lean Construction ...