Browsing Institutt for IKT og realfag by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 615
The BUMP model of response planning: Variable horizon predictive control accounts for the speed-accuracy tradeoffs and velocity profiles of aimed movement
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)The BUMP model is a comprehensive discrete-time computational model of response planning. Developed within the Adaptive Model Theory framework, it is based on intermittent optimal control. The theory posits a basic unit ... -
A Receding Horizon Genetic Algorithm for Dynamic Resource Allocation: A Case Study on Optimal Positioning of Tugs
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)This paper presents a receding horizon genetic algorithm (RHGA) for dynamic resource allocation. The algorithm combines methods from control theory and computational intelligence to simultaneously solve the problems of (i) ... -
Multi-Agents in a Virtual Regional Landscape
(Chapter, 2012)The Virtual Region More was a research project to investigate how to utilize visualization and simulation methods as planning tools for research and teaching in the More region on the west coast of Norway. The project was ... -
Enterprise modeling practice in a turnaround project
(Chapter, 2012) -
Wood shrinkage coefficient and dry weight moisture content estimations from CT-images
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)The aim of this work was to try out an algorithm for estimating wood shrinkage coefficients from X-ray computed tomography images. The maximal amount of shrinkage that could occur from a green wood to oven-dry wood condition ... -
ECMS 2013 Conference Proceedings
(Book, 2013) -
A sustainable model for optimal dynamic allocation of patrol tugs to oil tankers
(Chapter, 2013)Oil tanker traffic constitutes a vital part of the maritime operations in the High North and is associated with considerable risk to the environment. As a consequence, the Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA) administers ... -
Dynamic Resource Allocation with Maritime Application (DRAMA): Final Report
(Research report, 2014)An important challenge within the offshore industry and sea traffic preparedness is how to plan and optimise the positioning of a fleet of vessels in a dynamic, everchanging environment such that operating costs and risks ... -
An improved receding horizon genetic algorithm for the tug fleet optimisation problem
(Chapter, 2014)A fleet of tugs along the northern Norwegian coast must be dynamically positioned to minimise the risk of oil tanker drifting accidents. We have previously presented a receding horizon genetic algorithm (RHGA) for solving ... -
Development of adaptive locomotion of a caterpillar-like robot based on a sensory feedback CPG model
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)This paper presents a novel Control mechanism for generating adaptive locomotion of a caterpillar-like robot in complex terrain. Inspired by biological findings in studies of the locomotion of the lamprey, we employ sensory ... -
Undervisningsrefleksjoner fra et konkurranseprosjekt i samarbeid med næringslivsaktør
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)Med rammeplanforskriften og visjonsbeskrivelsen av fremtidens ingeniør som bakteppe presenteres gjennomføring av et undervisningsopplegg med næringslivskontakt i et 10-vekttallsfag i systemutvikling og modellering i et ... -
A Software Architecture for Simulation and Visualisation based on the Functional Mock-up Interface and Web Technologies
(Chapter, 2015)This paper presents a software architecture for a collaborative virtual environment (CVE) for simulation and visualisation based on the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) for co-simulation and web technologies. FMI has ... -
Evaluation heuristics for tug fleet optimisation algorithms: a computational simulation study of a receding horizon genetic algorithm
(Chapter, 2015)A fleet of tugs along the northern Norwegian coast must be dynamically positioned to minimise the risk of oil tanker drifting accidents. We have previously presented a receding horizon genetic algorithm (RHGA) for solving ... -
A computer-automated design tool for intelligent virtual prototyping of offshore cranes
(Chapter, 2015)In close collaboration with the maritime industry, virtual prototyping with maritime application has been an important research topic for Aalesund University College for some years. In this paper, we describe the development ... -
Bruk av kamera som relativ posisjonsmålar på DP-fartøy
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)Denne rapporten omhandlar bacheloroppgåva: "Bruk av kamera som relativ posisjonsmålar på DP-fartøy", gitt av Rolls-Royce Marine og Høgskolen i Ålesund. Hensikta med oppgåva er å utvikle eit hjelpeverktøy for kvalitetssikring ... -
Digital art application development: A project to increase motivation in systems development courses for bachelor students in computer engineering
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)In this demonstration, we present some in-progress results of using digital art application development as an example of entertainment computing for increasing motivation and participation in a computer engineering ... -
Man/machine interaction through EEG
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)This report has the objective of describing the process of creating a virtual reality game environment that allows the user to practice BCI (Brain Computer Interface) through controlling a BCI enabled wheelchair. It ... -
Gangway docking assistant
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)Gangways are a common facility to transport personnel in offshore operations. Docking the gangways is challenging, and system developers of Uptime International gangways, ICD Software, desires a system to assist the ... -
Kleven Robot Controller
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)Dette er en prosjektrapport som tar for seg utviklingen av en Android applikasjon som i en viss grad skal erstatte bruken av en robot-kontroller av typen Motoman DX100. Prosjektet er gjennomført i samarbeid med Kleven ... -
Konkurranse som driver for læring - erfaringer fra et emne i dataingeniørstudiet.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Denne artikkelen sammenligner to konkurranser i emnet Systemutvikling og modellering på bachelorutdanningen i data ved Høgskolen i Ålesund. Den første konkurransen handler om å utvikle en nettbutikkløsning for en lokal ...