Blar i Institutt for IKT og realfag på utgivelsesdato
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Aktiv læring i Mikrokontrollarar
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Aktiv læring har vore ein viktig trend i utdanningssektoren i lang tid med både klassiske og moderne proponentar. I praksis skjer det likevel at aktiv læring vert sekundær til tradisjonelle førelesingar og annan passiv ... -
A Simulation Study of Evaluation Heuristics for Tug Fleet Optimisation Algorithms
(Chapter, 2015)Tug fleet optimisation algorithms can be designed to solve the problem of dynamically positioning a fleet of tugs in order to mitigate the risk of oil tanker drifting accidents. In this paper, we define the 1D tug fleet ... -
Ulstein IAS Simulator
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)Ulstein IAS(Integrert automasjonssystem) simulator er eit produkt utvikla som eit verktøy for fabrikktesting(FAT) av Ulstein IAS. Simulatoren vil vere med på å kvalitetssikre det ferdige IAS produktet til Ulstein. På ... -
A Riemannian geometry theory of human movement: The geodesic synergy hypothesis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Mass-inertia loads on muscles change with posture and with changing mechanical interactions between the body and the environment. The nervous system must anticipate changing mass-inertia loads, especially during fast ... -
Scalable And User-Friendly Simulation
(Chapter, 2015)Simulation is an important technique for integrating interacting models for predicting results of hypothetical scenarios. A typical application area for simulators is virtual prototyping (VP). In VP, simulators replace the ... -
Virtual prototyping system for maritime crane design and operation based on functional mock-up interface
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2015)This paper presents the framework of a virtual prototyping system for the design and simulation of maritime crane operations. By combining the rapid-prototyping approach with the concept of interchangeable interfaces, ... -
Posisjons- og avstandsmåling med ett enkelt kamera for maritime løfteoperasjoner
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)Denne rapporten beskriver den avsluttende bacheloroppgaven i studiet automatiseringsteknikk ved Høgskolen i Ålesund. Oppgaven er gitt av Rolls Royce Marine (RRM) ved Norsk Maritimt Kompetansesenter (NMK) i Ålesund. Rolls ... -
Montering i småskalaproduksjon
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)This report was written by three students at Aalesund University College as a part of their bachelor thesis in Automation engineering. The thesis was given by Rolls-Royce Marine Propulsion, by Arild Djupvik. Supervisors ... -
An Analytical Study on Eavesdropping Attacks in Wireless Nets of Things
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The security of Internet of Things (IoT) has received extensive attention recently. This paper presents a novel analytical model to investigate the eavesdropping attacks in Wireless Net of Things (WNoT). Our model considers ... -
Intelligent computer-automated crane design using an online crane prototyping tool
(Chapter, 2016)In an accompanying paper submitted concurrently to this conference, we present our first complete version of a generic and modular software framework for intelligent computer-automated product design. The framework has ... -
Webapplikasjon for reservasjon av dyrepass
(Bachelor thesis, 2016)Mange små og store bedrifter sliter med papirmøller som påvirker effektiviteten på tjenesten bedriften tilbyr, samt kan dette slite på motivasjonen for de ansatte. Vi har i samarbeid med Solhaugen Hundepensjonat laget et ... -
(Bachelor thesis, 2016)Formålet med oppgaven er å utforske muligheten for å automatisere pussestasjonen hos Sandella. Per idag pusses alle putene manuelt. For å pusse puten er det brukt en robot som pusser rundt kanten til puten. Det brukes et ... -
Grey wolf optimizer (GWO) for automated offshore Crane design
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2016)In this paper, a new meta-heuristic optimization algorithm called Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) is applied to offshore crane design. An offshore crane is a pedestal-mounted elevating and rotating lifting device used to transfer ... -
AI & Interactive Art
(Bachelor thesis, 2016)Interactive art is an art form that emerges between the installation and the audience. With the advent of computer-based interactivity in the 1990s, interactive art has become increasingly popular, with programmable machines ... -
A Low Cost USV for Aqua Farm Inspection
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2016)This paper describes the rapid prototyping of a low cost remotely controlled unmanned surface vessel (USV) intended for inspection of aqua farms. There is an increased focus on inspection of ocean-based aqua farms due to ... -
On performance analysis of protective jamming schemes in wireless sensor networks
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) play an important role in Cyber Physical Social Sensing (CPSS) systems. An eavesdropping attack is one of the most serious threats to WSNs since it is a prerequisite for other malicious ... -
USV - Unmanned Surface Vessel
(Bachelor thesis, 2016)Denne rapporten omhandler utvikling av et ubemannet overflatefartøy, som er gitt som en bacheloroppgave av NTNU i Ålesund. Formålet med oppgaven er utvikling av et konsept for et ubemannet overflatefartøy som danner basis ... -
Web-based Data Visualization
(Bachelor thesis, 2016)The purpose of this report is to describe the process of creating web-based data visualization aimed at data collected from maritime operations. The work focuses visualizing data in interactive graphs and illustrations. ... -
A Software Framework For Intelligent Computer-Automated Product Design
(Chapter, 2016)For many years, NTNU in Ålesund (formerly Aalesund University College) has maintained a close relationship with the maritime industrial cluster, centred in the surrounding geographical region, thus acting as a hub for both ...