Blar i Institutt for helsevitenskap Gjøvik på tittel
Viser treff 1337-1356 av 1734
Radiografens rolle dersom det er tegn på fysisk barnemishandling
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Sammendrag Problemstilling: Hva er radiografens rolle dersom det er tegn på fysisk barnemishandling og hvilke fysiske skader kan indikere at barnet har blitt fysisk mishandlet? Formål: Hensikten med denne oppgaven er ... -
Radiografens rolle i møtet med fysisk mishandlede barn. Hvordan tilfredsstille deres behov – en kvalitativ litteraturstudie.
(Bachelor thesis, 2011)NORSK: Hensikt: Øke kompetansenivået vedrørende møtet med barn som har blitt utsatt for fysisk barnemishandling, hos radiografer, studenter og annet helsepersonell. Metode: Vi har benyttet en kvalitativ litteraturstudie ... -
Radiografers holdninger til dosimeterbruk
(Bachelor thesis, 2010)Introduction The subject of this bachelor’s thesis is radiographers’ use and attitudes towards the dosimeter in relation to guidelines and regulations. The background for the choice of subject is that we have observed ... -
Radium 223: en ny behandlingsmetode for pasienter med avansert prostatacancer?
(Bachelor thesis, 2013)NORSK: Problemstilling: Bruken av radium 223 på skjelettmetastaser fra hormonresistent cancer prostata, en sammenligning av behandlingseffekten ved radium 223 og konvensjonell stråleterapi. Hensik t : Hensikten med ... -
Rasch analysis of the Norwegian version of the Occupational Balance Questionnaire in a sample of occupational therapy students
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background. Recently, the Occupational Balance Questionnaire developed in Sweden was translated into Norwegian. No studies to date have examined the measurement properties of the Norwegian version of this questionnaire. ... -
Real teams and their effect on the quality of care in nursing homes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Background Use of teams has shown to be an important factor for organizational performance. However, research has shown that a team has to meet certain criteria and operate in a certain way to realize the potential benefits ... -
Realistisk trening gir kvalitet og trygge hender: hvordan erfarer spesialsykepleiere i en barneavdeling sin handlingskompetanse i akuttsituasjoner, etter å ha deltatt i simulering?
(Master thesis, 2013)NORSK: Bakgrunn: Med pasientsikkerhet som overordnet mål, avdekkes et behov for å se nærmere på hvordan spesialsykepleieres kompetanse kan utvikles på best mulig måte. Treningsprogrammer anbefales, og simulering av ... -
Recovery - veien mot et stabilt og meningsfullt liv for mennesker med ROP-lidelser.
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)Bakgrunn: ROP-lidelser er sammensatt og brukerne med denne lidelsen kan være vanskelige å behandle. De siste årene har det blitt økt fokus på recovery som behandlingsmetode. Herunder beskrives håp, mestring, empowerment, ... -
Reducing low-value radiological services in Norway –a qualitative multi-professional study on measures and facilitators for change
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background Overuse, underuse, and significant variation in the utilisation of radiological services are well documented in the literature. Several radiological examinations are identified as low-value examinations as ... -
Redusert brystkreftdødelighet med offentlig mammografiscreening?
(Bachelor thesis, 2011)NORSK: Bakgrunn for oppgaven: Det offentlige mammografiprogrammet har pågått i mange år i både Norge, Sverige og Danmark. For at mammografiprogrammet skulle ha noen nytteeffekt, måtte dødeligheten reduseres med 30 %. ... -
Referral assessment and patient waiting time decisions in specialized mental healthcare: an exploratory study of early routine collection of PROM (LOVePROM)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background Norway has prioritized health services according to the principle of “severity of conditions”, where waiting time reflects patients’ medical urgency. We aim to investigate if the “severity-of-condition” ... -
Registerdata innan pleie- og omsorgssektoren
(Rapportserie;07/2017, Research report, 2017)Siktemålet med denne rapporten er å gje ein kort oversikt over kva for registerdata som finst innan omsorgsforskingssektoren i Noreg. Innleiingsvis startar me rapporten med å kort gjere greie for kva registerdata er for ... -
Registered nurses’ experiences with master’s degree competence in the specialist health service: A qualitative descriptive study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The application of master’s degree competence in nursing practice has been a hot topic of debate in various forums in recent years. International findings suggest that nurses with master’s degrees can make a positive ... -
Rehabilitering av brystkreftoverlevere med fatigue
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)Bakgrunn: Fatigue er en av de vanligste symptomene ved kreftbehandling. Tilstanden kan vare fra måneder opptil flere år hos enkelte. Studier viser at opp til 35% av brystkreftoverlevere fortsatt er plaget av utmattelse ... -
(Bachelor thesis, 2016-09-01)Bakgrunn: Personer som lider av schizofreni kan ha liten forståelse for sin lidelse. Dette kan føre til at personen blir innlagt på tvang fordi en kan være til fare for seg selv eller andre. Det kan være utfordrende for ... -
The relationships between health professionals’ perceived quality of care, family involvement and sense of coherence in community mental health services
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Mental health professionals have a responsibility to ensure the best possible quality of care. Family is strongly involved in the patient’s everyday life. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between ... -
Reliability and structural validity of the Norwegian version of the TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Attitudes Questionnaire: A cross-sectional study among Bachelor of Nursing students
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-04)Aim To test the reliability and structural validity of the Norwegian version of the TeamSTEPPS® Teamwork Attitudes Questionnaire (T‐TAQ) among Bachelor of Nursing students. Design Cross‐sectional study. Methods Bachelor ... -
Reliability and structural validity of the Norwegian version of the TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Attitudes Questionnaire: A cross‐sectional study among Bachelor of Nursing students
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Aim To test the reliability and structural validity of the Norwegian version of the TeamSTEPPS® Teamwork Attitudes Questionnaire (T-TAQ) among Bachelor of Nursing students. Design Cross-sectional study. Methods Bachelor ... -
The Reliability and Validity of the Norwegian Version of the Quality of Life in Late-Stage Dementia Scale
(Journal article, 2015)Aim: To translate the Quality of Life in Late-Stage Dementia (QUALID) Scale into Norwegian, and to evaluate the test-retest reliability and validity of the scale. Method: QUALID was translated according to standardised ... -
Reporting radiographers in Norway – A qualitative interview study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Introduction: A number of Norwegian radiographers have attended an advanced programme of educa- tion and training in musculoskeletal reporting, some in the UK and some in Norway. The aim of this study was to examine how ...