Browsing Institutt for helsevitenskap Gjøvik by Title
Now showing items 924-943 of 1734
I akuttmottaket: Hvordan erfarer sykepleiere vold utøvd av pasienter eller pårørende?
(Bachelor thesis, 2020)Bakgrunn: Vold mot sykepleiere globalt er av stor bekymring. Sykepleiere i akuttmottaket er dog i større fare for å oppleve dette fra pasienter og deres pårørende. Hensikt: Hensikten med litteraturstudien er å belyse ... -
Ikke-medikamentelle tiltak ved dyspné hos lungekreftpasienter
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)NORSK: Introduksjon: Lungekreft er en av de vanligste kreftformer. Lungekreft er den krefttypen som krever mest menneskeliv, og har svært dårlig prognose. I 2013 døde 2162 mennesker av lungekreft i Norge. Studier viser at ... -
IKT-arbeid i helse- og omsorgssektoren
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)This chapter reports from three studies of implementation and use of electronic patient records and systems for health information exchange. In contemporary health care such large ICT systems are implemented on all levels. ... -
Image De-Quantization Using Plate Bending Model
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Discretized image signals might have a lower dynamic range than the display. Because of this, false contours might appear when the image has the same pixel value for a larger region and the distance between pixel levels ... -
Image rejects in digital skeletal radiography in two public hospitals in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Introduction The proportion of diagnostic images not applied for diagnostic purposes is an indicator of image quality, safety, and efficiency in radiography. Despite increased awareness, image reject is still a substantial ... -
Image rejects in general direct digital radiography
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Background: The number of rejected images is an indicator of image quality and unnecessary imaging at a radiology department. Image reject analysis was frequent in the film era, but comparably few and small studies have ... -
Image texture and radiation dose properties in CT
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The aim of this study was to compare image noise properties of GE Discovery HD 750 and Toshiba Aquilion ONE. The uniformity section of a Catphan 600 image quality assurance phantom was scanned with both scanners, at different ... -
Immateriell kulturarv i Stjørdal – en gammel bryggetradisjon holdes i hevd
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)Hvordan ivaretar tradisjonsbærere den gamle gårdsøltradisjonen, og hvordan ser de for seg å videreføre tradisjonen i fremtiden? Hvilken rolle kan en kulturinstitusjon som et museum spille i denne sammenhengen? -
Immigrants’ Experiences of Volunteering; A Meta-Ethnography
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Among policy makers and governments in the Global North, the voluntary sector is considered a central arena for immigrant integration. The aim of this interpretive synthesis was to systematically review research to understand ... -
Impact of an online training tool on individual and organizational resilience and mindfulness among radiological personnel in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Impact of prebiopsy MRI on prostate cancer staging: Results from the Norwegian Prostate Cancer Registry
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The aim of this study is to evaluate the 2015 introduction of prebiopsy magnetic resonance imaging of the prostate (MRI-P) as the standard of care for diagnosing prostate cancer (PCa) by the Norwegian public health care ... -
Implementation fidelity in a complex intervention promoting psychosocial well-being following stroke: an explanatory sequential mixed methods study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background Evaluation of complex interventions should include a process evaluation to give evaluators, researchers, and policy makers greater confidence in the outcomes reported from RCTs. Implementation fidelity can be ... -
Implementering av personsentrert omsorg - en studie om helsepersonells erfaringer
(Master thesis, 2023)Det ble i 2020 satt i gang et forbedringsprosjekt i en middels stor bykommune i Norge. Hensikten med prosjektet var å implementere personsentrert omsorg (PSO) på sykehjemsavdelingene i kommunen. Pleiepersonalet skulle få ... -
Implementering av personsentrert omsorg - en studie om helsepersonells erfaringer
(Master thesis, 2023)Det ble i 2020 satt i gang et forbedringsprosjekt i en middels stor bykommune i Norge. Hensikten med prosjektet var å implementere personsentrert omsorg (PSO) på sykehjemsavdelingene i kommunen. Pleiepersonalet skulle få ... -
Implementering av velferdsteknologi. En kvalitativ studie: hvilken nytte og hvilke utfordringer erfarer ansatte i kommunal helsetjeneste?
(Senter for omsorgsforskning, rapportserie;1/15, Research report, 2015)Denne rapporten bygger på en kvalitativ studie utført av Senter for omsorgsforskning Midt-Norge. Studien tar for seg ansattes erfaringer fra et prosjekt med implementering og bruk av velferdsteknologiske sensoralarmer i ... -
Improvement of drug dose calculations by classroom teaching or e-learning: a randomised controlled trial in nurses
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Introduction: Insufficient skills in drug dose calculations increase the risk for medication errors. Even experienced nurses may struggle with such calculations. Learning flexibility and cost considerations make e-learning ... -
In Limbo: Seven Families` Experiences of Encounter with Cancer Care i Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Abstract Introduction: Like many other countries, Norway has seen a shift from inpatient to outpatient cancer care, with pathways aimed at improving the integration and coordination of health services. This study explores ... -
In pursuit of goodness in bioethics: Analysis of an exemplary article
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background What is good bioethics? Addressing this question is key for reinforcing and developing the field. In particular, a discussion of potential quality criteria can heighten awareness and contribute to the quality ... -
Incidental findings of uncertain significance: To know or not to know--that is not the question
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Background Although the “right not to know” is well established in international regulations, it has been heavily debated. Ubiquitous results from extended exome and genome analysis have challenged the right not to know. ...