Browsing Institutt for matematiske fag by Title
Now showing items 5-24 of 2558
A Bayesian Inversion Approach to Filtering and Decision Making with Applications to Reservoir Characterization
(Doctoral Theses at NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:275, Doctoral thesis, 2013)The main objectives of this thesis are the estimation/filtering and decision making problems with a Bayesian inversion point of view, and in geophysical systems. In addition, determining the information content in the ... -
A Bayesian Model for Area and Point Predictions - A Case Study of Predictions of Annual Precipitation and Runoff in the Voss Area.
(Master thesis, 2016)In this work we perform predictions of annual precipitation and runoff by spatial interpolation. For this purpose, we utilise both point observations of precipitation and/or area observations of runoff from several years. ... -
A Bayesian model for lithology/fluid class prediction using a Markov mesh prior fitted from a training image
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)We consider a Bayesian model for inversion of observed amplitude variation with offset data into lithology/fluid classes, and study in particular how the choice of prior distribution for the lithology/fluid classes influences ... -
A Bayesian Model for Prediction of Heat Consumption
(Master thesis, 2019)Når man planlegger utbygging av nye områder, er det viktig med korrekte prognoser for varmeforbruk for å kunne sikre et passende kraftnett. I denne oppgaven presenterer vi latente gaussiske modeller, implementert i R-INLA, ... -
A Bayesian model for the dependence structure in binary Markov random fields.
(Master thesis, 2014)In this thesis a reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method for simulation of the graph structure of a binary Markov random field (MRF) is presented. The reversible jump MCMC method allows for simulation of ... -
A Bayesian spatial assimilation scheme for snow coverage observations in a gridded snow model
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006)A method for assimilating remotely sensed snow covered area (SCA) into the snow subroutine of a grid distributed precipitation-runoff model (PRM) is presented. The PRM is assumed to simulate the snow state in each grid ... -
A blockyness Constraint for seismic AVA Inversion
(Master thesis, 2008)The aim of seismic inversion is to determine the distribution of elastic parameters from recorded seismic reflection data. If a combination of elastic parameters is known, they indicate a certain fluid or lithology. Elastic ... -
A Brief Introduction to the Theory of Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Vi går gjennom deler av Slepians artikkel ``Some comments on Fourier analysis, uncertainty and modelling" og prøver og forstå noen grunnleggende detaljer om prolate sfærisk bølgefunsksjoner. Vi legger til ekstra detaljer ... -
A categorical approach to Cuntz-Pimsner C*-algebras
(Master thesis, 2015)Using a $C^*$-algebra $A$, a Hilbert $A$-module $E$ and a $C^*$-correspondence $(E,\phi_E)$ we use the language of category theory to construct $\mathcalO_{(E,\phi_E)}(J)$, the Cuntz-Pimsner representation relative to an ... -
A Class of Tests for Trend in Time Censored Recurrent Event Data
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Statistical tests for trend in recurrent event data not following a Poisson process are generally constructed for event censored data. However, time censored data are more frequently encountered in practice. In this article, ... -
A classifying space for principal G-bundles with connection, in the category of simplicial presheaves
(Master thesis, 2019)I denne masteroppgaven studerer vi hoved-G-bunter over glatte mangfoldigheter med kobling, og hvordan man kan lage universelle objekter for å klassifisere dem, tilsvarende Grassmannians for vektorbunter. Konstruksjonene ... -
A comparative study of beam element formulations for nonlinear analysis: corotatinal vs. geometrically exact formulations
(Chapter, 2017)In this work the geometrically exact three-dimensional beam theory has been used as basis for development of a family of isoparametric higher order large deformation curved beam elements. Geometrically exact three-dimensional ... -
A comparison of accuracy and computational efficiency between the Finite Element Method and the Isogeometric Analysis for two-dimensional Poisson Problems
(Master thesis, 2009)For small error the isogeometric analysis is more efficient than the finite element method. The condition number is lower in the isogeometric analysis than the finite element method. The isogeometric analysis produce general ... -
A Comparison of Factor Based Methods for Analysing Some Non-regular Designs
(Master thesis, 2016)Non-regular designs have nice properties regarding run economy. However, standard methods of analysing regular designs are not applicable as a results of possible non-orthogonal contrast columns. We investigated three ... -
A Comparison of Model-Based and Design-Based Methods for Spatial Modelling Using Complex Survey Data
(Master thesis, 2019)I de siste årene har det blitt gjore store framskritt i estimering av barnedødelighet på subnasjonalt nivå med survey data. De mest brukte metodene er design-baserte, som er enkle å implementere og produserer estimater som ... -
A Comparison Study of Different Optimizing Criteria and Confounding Patterns For Multi-Level Binary Replacement and Other Designs Used in Computer Experiments
(Master thesis, 2011)We have constructed four different types of designs for computer experiments. Thedesign types are based on latin hypercube sampling (LHS), orthogonal arrays (OA), ran-dom sampling and the recently proposed multi-level ... -
A comprehensive evaluation of predictive performance of 33 species distribution models at species and community levels
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)A large array of species distribution model (SDM) approaches has been developed for explaining and predicting the occurrences of individual species or species assemblages. Given the wealth of existing models, it is unclear ... -
A Conditional Bound for the Riemann zeta-function in the Critical Line
(Master thesis, 2022)Denne oppgaven bestemmer eksplisitte konstanter for den øvre begrensningen av logaritmen til Riemann zeta-funksjonen på den kritiske linja, under antakelsen av Riemann-hypotesen. Dette krever to betraktninger. Vi finner ... -
A Conjoint Analysis Applied to Consumers Choice of Tablets.
(Master thesis, 2019)Conjoint analysis is increasingly used in the applied consumers choice of products and services. This method is widely applied in many market research projects. In this thesis, we used the conjoint analysis applied to ... -
A Construction of Peak Functions on Weakly Pseudoconvex Domains
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Som forberedelse til å konstruere det som kalles "peak functions" så studerer vi egenskaper til subharmoniske polynomer.