Now showing items 361-380 of 2558

    • C*-algebras associated to Boolean dynamical systems 

      Carlsen, Toke Meier; Ortega Esparza, Eduard; Pardo, Enrique (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-01-18)
      The goal of these notes is to present theC∗-algebraC∗(B,L,θ) of a Boolean dynamical system(B,L,θ), that generalizes theC∗-algebra associated to labelled graphs introduced by Bates and Pask, and todetermine its simplicity, ...
    • C*-crossed products 

      Wanvik, Martin Kristen Reed (Master thesis, 2008)
      We define and study the so-called C*-crossed product construction, primarily from the point of view of C*-dynamical systems, but we will also look at how crossed products (by commutative C*-algebras) arise as C*-algebras ...
    • Can students' attitudes and behaviors be changed by educational interventions? A comparative case study 

      Gynnild, Vidar; Tyssedal, John Sølve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This study examined engineering students’ attitudes and behaviors in a first-year Calculus course. Not surprisingly, High School mathematics and physics grades correlated closely with self-reported Calculus grades, and a ...
    • Cantor Minimal System 

      Lunde Hauge, Max (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      In this thesis, we consider the construction of the Cantor set with its unique mathematical properties, together with different equivalent representations of the set in both metric spaces and general topological spaces. ...
    • Cardiac MRI-Image Segmentation by Parametric Curve Learning 

      Huglen, Vetle Birkeland (Master thesis, 2020)
      Datadrevne metoder ser stadig mer bruk innen medisin, og gir oss bedre forståelse av sykdommer, lar oss simulere effekten av ulike behandlingsmetoder og assisterer kirurger i operasjoner. Dataen disse metodene baserer seg ...
    • CAS - bruke for å lære, eller lære å bruke? 

      Moe, Tora Irene (Master thesis, 2019)
      Studien har hatt til hensikt å følge utviklingen av en prosess, kalt instrumentell skapelse, hvor R1-elever benyttet CAS i GeoGebra i arbeid med vektorer. Studien skulle besvare spørsmålet: hvilke hindre kan identifiseres ...
    • A case study in learning spaces for physical-virtual two-campus interaction 

      Støckert, Robin; Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Xambó, Anna; Brandtsegg, Øyvind (Journal article, 2019)
      In this paper we present results from our ongoing project Student Active Learning in a Two campus Organization(SALTO). This is funded as part of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology’s (NTNU) Teaching Excellence ...
    • Categorial Independence and Lévy Processes 

      Gerhold, Malte; Lachs, Stephanie; Schürmann, Michael (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
    • Categorical matrix factorizations 

      Bergh, Petter Andreas; Jorgensen, David A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • Categorification and the quantum Grassmannian 

      Jensen, Bernt Tore; King, Alastair; Su, Xiuping (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    • The category of extensions and a characterisation of n-exangulated functors 

      Bennett-Tennenhaus, Raphael; Haugland, Johanne; Sandøy, Mads Hustad; Shah, Amit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Additive categories play a fundamental role in mathematics and related disciplines. Given an additive category equipped with a biadditive functor, one can construct its category of extensions, which encodes important ...
    • A category of wide subcategories 

      Buan, Aslak Bakke; Marsh, Robert James (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
    • Catlin's boundary systems for sums of squares domains 

      Aidoo, Nicholas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      For any given sum of squares domain in Cn , we reduce the complexity in Catlin's multitype techniques by giving a complete normalization of the geometry. Using this normalization result, we present a more elementary proof ...
    • Censored Weibull Distributed Data in Experimental Design 

      Støtvig, Jeanett Gunneklev (Master thesis, 2014)
      Give an introduction to experimental design. Investigate how four methods handle Weibull distributed censored data, where the four methods are the quick and dirty method, the maximum likelihood method, single imputation ...
    • Challenges and motivation for teachers transitioning to active learning spaces 

      Aga, Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Research indicates that active learning and Active Learning Spaces (ALSs) may improve student learning. Four teachers in mathematics and statistics at a Norwegian university are examined as they transition to ALSs. The ...
    • Change of rings and singularity categories 

      Oppermann, Steffen; Psaroudakis, Chrysostomos; Stai, Torkil Utvik (Journal article, 2019)
      We investigate the behavior of singularity categories and stable categories of Gorenstein projective modules along a morphism of rings. The natural context to approach the problem is via change of rings, that is, the ...
    • Changepoint model selection in Gaussian data by maximization of approximate Bayes Factors with the Pruned Exact Linear Time algorithm 

      Bakka, Kristin Benedicte (Master thesis, 2018)
      In this thesis we consider the changepoint detection in independently distributed Gaussian data. Detection of multiple changepoints in a data set is treated as a model selection problem where the model complexity is ...
    • Changepoint Models 

      Ramsnes, Kristine Behné (Master thesis, 2009)
      In this thesis we study recursion methods for making Bayesian inference on a class of multiple changepoint models, introduced in Fearnhead(2006). We present and implement recursion algorithms, and we evaluate how parameter ...
    • Characteristics of temporal changes in communities where dynamics differ between species 

      Solbu, Erik Blystad; Engen, Steinar; Diserud, Ola Håvard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Communities with different phenotypic variation among species can have identical species abundance distributions, although their temporal dynamics may be very different. By using stochastic species abundance models, both ...
    • Characterization and boundary behavior of harmonic functions in growth spaces 

      Eikrem, Kjersti Solberg (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:227, Doctoral thesis, 2013)