Now showing items 1859-1878 of 2351

    • S-bånd : telemetrimottaker 

      Johansen, Martin Etnestad; Würgler, Eivind Andreas (Bachelor thesis, 2006)
      Målet var å konstruere en mottaker for telemetridata. Den skal virke i Sbåndet, 2.2-2.3 GHz, med kanalavstand 500kHz. Mottatt signal er modulert etter Sundes FSK. Målet for mottakeren er å kunne motta data i hastigheter ...
    • S-bånd telemetrimottaker 

      Olufsen, Eskil Viksand; Roberg, Tom Erik Wittingsrud; Taranrød, Andreas Bjerknes; Øen, Vegard (Bachelor thesis, 2004)
      FFI driver med blant annet målinger gjort med forskningsraketter. For dette trenger man sender og mottaker som fungerer i frekvensbåndet for space research og earth exploration-satellite som er fra 2,2GHz til 2,3GHz. FFI ...
    • S-bånd: telemetrimottaker 

      Furesund, Stian; Røislien, Nina T. (Bachelor thesis, 2007)
      Målet var å konstruere en mottaker for telemetridata. Den skal virke i S-båndet, 2.2-2.3 GHz, med kanalavstand 500kHz. Mottatt signal er modulert etter Sundes FSK. Målet for mottakeren er å kunne motta data i hastigheter ...
    • The Sacra Infermeria—a focus group evaluation of an augmented reality cultural heritage experience 

      Barbara, Jonathan; Bellini, Mattia; Makai, Péter Kristóf; Sampatakou, Despoina; Irshad, Shafaq; Koenitz, Hartmut (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The digital representation of our past has long been an important tool in the interpretation of cultural heritage in museums. The recent rise in the use of Augmented Reality (AR) has seen various approaches to adding dynamic ...
    • Sammenligning av strømforbruket mellom LoRaWAN og NB-IoT 

      Alfsen, Amund; Solvik, Martin (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Denne oppgaven har som formål å sammenligne to forskjellige trådløse kommunikasjonsteknologier, og oppgaven er gitt av Telenor. NB-IoT og LoRaWAN er en del av LPWAN kategorien innenfor trådløs kommunikasjon, og egner seg ...
    • SAR ADC in 22 nm FDSOI 

      Fon, Henrik (Master thesis, 2018)
      Successive Approximation (SAR) Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) are among the most energy efficient ADCs and has therefore received enormous attention in medical and wireless applications. The great energy efficiency ...
    • Satellite Cluster Consepts: A system evaluation with emphasis on deinterleaving and emitter recognition 

      Bildøy, Bent Einar Stenersen (Master thesis, 2006)
      In a dense and complex emitter environment, a high pulse arrival rate and a large number of interleaved radar pulse sequences is expected, from both agile and stable emitters. This thesis evaluates the combination of ...
    • Satellite Communication in the Aquaculture Industry 

      Målen, Frode (Master thesis, 2006)
      The aquaculture industry is growing as a global business and experiences an increasing demand for modern communication solutions. But as the production locations are farm-installations situated off shore in sheltered ...
    • Satellite uplink interference measurements in the 437 MHz UHF amateur radio band onboard LUME-1 

      Quintana Diaz, Gara; Ekman, Torbjörn; Camanzo, Alejandro; Birkeland, Roger; Lago, José Miguel; Muíño, Alberto González; Aguado, Fernando (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Satellite operators struggle to communicate with their satellites over Europe in the UHF amateur band (430–440 MHz) due to high power in-orbit interference. Statistical characterisation of the interference beyond average ...
    • Satellite-Earth Propagation Effects at Low Elevation Angles; Measurements and Modelling 

      Rytir, Martin (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:109, Doctoral thesis, 2017)
      Connectivity and high speed data communication have become one of the basic needs of a modern society. The ability to communicate with high data rates nearly anywhere has allowed development of many applications and services ...
    • Satellittbasert system for AIS-meldinger 

      Aas, Olav Ådne (Master thesis, 2006)
      Innen 1.juli 2008 skal alle skip over 300 tonn i internasjonal trafikk og 500 tonn i nasjonal trafikk ha installert Automatic Identification System (AIS). AIS fungerer både som et antikollisjons og overvåkningssystem. I ...
    • Scalable FPGA fabric for parallelising 2D-surface trajectory cost calculations: Design and Evaluation of Application and Hardware 

      Jana, Dibyajyoti (Master thesis, 2014)
      One way of simplifying the two dimensional trajectory cost computation is to partition the 2D domain (i.e. the map ) into a grid of unit squares, and approximate the cost functions by constants within these sub-domains ...
    • Seamless Access to Home Content 

      Høiby, Ola (Master thesis, 2006)
      This thesis documents the mobile phone authentication in the data world and evaluate potential methods for seamless authentication. Telenors Mobil's authentication tool and Wap Gateway have been configured to provide the ...
    • Secure Implementation of a RISC-V AES Accelerator 

      Waage, Aleksander (Master thesis, 2022)
      Teknologi har blitt en viktig del av hverdagen, og det forventes at det er sikkert å bruke det. Sikkerhet er dermed en kritisk faktor i hvert steg under utviklingen. Konfidensiell informasjon blir ofte skjult ved bruk av ...
    • Securing data integrity: Raspberry Pi-based anti-tampering system with Zymbit Protokit and Zymkey module 

      Sukurica, Armin; Sun, H. D. Vincent; Volkovas, Modestas (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Høysensitiv informasjon lagret på en enhet kan være et verdifullt mål for hackere eller en fremmed stat. For å forhindre at angripere får tilgang til denne informasjonen, er det avgjørende å sikre enheten. Denne oppgaven ...
    • Securing Next Generation Multinodal Leadless Cardiac Pacemaker System: A Proof of Concept in a Single Animal 

      Awan, Muhammad Faheem; Cordero, Rafael; Kansanen, Kimmo; Feuerstein, Delphine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      As the next generation of implanted medical devices for cardiac rhythm management moves towards multi-nodal leadless systems that do without the limitations of transvenous leads, new security threats arise from the wireless ...
    • Securing the Distributed Kalman Filter Against Curious Agents 

      Moradi, Ashkan; Dasanadoddi Venkategowda, Naveen Kumar; Talebi, Sayedpouria; Werner, Stefan (Chapter, 2021)
      Distributed filtering techniques have emerged as the dominant and most prolific class of filters used in modern monitoring and surveillance applications, such as smart grids. As these techniques rely on information sharing ...
    • Security concerns on machine learning solutions for 6G networks in mmWave beam prediction 

      Catak, Ferhat Özgur; Kuzlu, Murat; Catak, Evren; Cali, Umit; Unal, Devrim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      6G – sixth generation – is the latest cellular technology currently under development for wireless communication systems. In recent years, machine learning (ML) algorithms have been applied widely in various fields, such ...
    • Security in Offline Web Applications 

      Svartberg, Anja (Master thesis, 2009)
      Offline Web applications are increasingly popular. The possibility to have both the advantages of Web applications and traditional desktop applications is exiting. An offline Web application can be accessed from all ...
    • Security of QKD-systems with detector efficiency mismatch 

      Lydersen, Lars Vincent van De Wiel (Master thesis, 2008)
      The rules of quantum mechanics makes it possible to exchange a secret key at a distance. This is called quantum key distribution (QKD). In theory the key exchange can be made completely secure. Real QKD implementations ...