Browsing Institutt for elektroniske systemer by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 2423
Segmentation and labelling of speech
(Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 1993:126, Doctoral thesis, 1993)During the last decades, significant research efforts have been aimed at devoloping speech technology products such as speech input and output systems. In order to train and evaluate these systems huge speech databases ... -
Measurability of intersections of measurable multifunctions
(Journal article, 1996)We prove universal compact-measurability of the intersection of a compact-measurable Souslin family of closed-valued multifunctions. This generalizes previous result on intersections of measurable multifunctions. We introduce ... -
Shortest path methods in representation and compression of signals and image contours
(Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2000:64, Doctoral thesis, 2000)Signal compression is an important problem encountered in many applications. Various techniques have been proposed over the years for adressing the problem. The focus of the dissertation is on signal representation and ... -
Influence of Reflections on Crosstalk Cancelled Playback of Binaural Sound
(Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2001:110, Doctoral thesis, 2001)This work has investigated how crosstalk cancelled loudspeaker reproduction of binaural sound intended for anechoic conditions is influenced by taking place under non-anechoic conditions. The scope has been limited to an ... -
Videointerface to rocket PCM encoder
(Bachelor thesis, 2001)Oppgaven bestod i å lage en krets som mottar standard PAL signal fra et kamera, for så å digitalisere og komprimere den datastrømmen. Deretter skulle den komprimerte datastrømmen sendes videre til FFI sin nyutviklede PCM ... -
Model-Based Estimation of Seafloor Parameters by use of Acoustic Backscattering
(Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2001:62, Doctoral thesis, 2001)An algorithm for characterization of the seafloor by use of a parametric acoustic source has been developed. It is called FARIM – Frequency Analysis based Roughness and Impedance estimation method. The work was done within ... -
Digitalt filter
(Bachelor thesis, 2001)Oppgaven går i hovedsak ut på å simulere og vurdere ulike filterstrukturer for en DVB prosessor, og komme med en konklusjon på den best egnede strukturen.Utviklingsverktøyet QuartusII skal i tillegg testes for å se om ... -
Single and Multiple Wavelength DFB Fiber Lasers
(Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2001:59, Doctoral thesis, 2001)Single mode and multiple mode distributed feedback fiber lasers (DFB-FLs) are analyzed and experimentally investigated, with emphasis on properties that have importance for sensor applications. It is experimentally found ... -
(Bachelor thesis, 2001)Et av arbeidsområdene ved Forsvarets Forskningsinstitutt er klimaforskning. Til dette brukes blant annet raketter med måleinstrumenter som skytes ut i atmosfæren. Etter at rakettens ferd er over er det ønskelig å finne ... -
Nonlinear dynamical systems for automatic speech recognition
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2001:39, Doctoral thesis, 2001)In this thesis, we investigate the possibility of using some ideas from nonlinear dynamical systems theory in practical ASR. The work presented in this theses is centered around a speech production model called Chained ... -
Miniatyr s-bånd telemetrisender
(Bachelor thesis, 2002)Oppgaven går i hovedsak ut på å vurdere ulike løsninger for konstruksjon av en s-bånd telemetrisender, komme med en konklusjon om den beste løsningen og videre realisere denne. Utviklingsverktøyet Orcad skal i tillegg ... -
Adaptive Coded Modulation Performance and Channel Estimation Tools for Flat Fading Channels
(Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2002:18, Doctoral thesis, 2002)The need for spectrally efficient transmission on mobile and wireless channels is prevalent. A promising scheme for such transmission is adaptive coded modulation. In this thesis, techniques for assessing the performance ... -
Efficient Space Domaine Method of Moments for Large Arbitrary Scatterers in Planar Stratified Media
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2004:100, Doctoral thesis, 2004)Keywords : Conjugate gradient fast Fourier transform (CG-FFT), Discrete complex image method (DCIM), Electric field integral equation (EFIE), Frequency selective surfaces (FSS), Generalized pencil-of-functions (GPOF), ... -
Optical parametric master oscillator and power amplifier for efficient conversion of high-energy pulses with high beam quality
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2004)We describe a system for parametric conversion of high-energy, Q-switched laser pulses from 1.064 µm to 2.1 µm in KTiOPO4. High beam quality and efficiency are obtained by use of a two-stage system: An optical parametric ... -
Removal of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Artifacts in the Human Electrocardiogram
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2004:91, Doctoral thesis, 2004)Death from heart diseases is the most common type of mortality in western countries and the survival rate of cardiac arrest is dismally low. In the treatment of cardiac arrest, two therapeutic methods are most important: ... -
DVL Velocity Aiding in the HUGIN 1000 Integrated Inertial Navigation System
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2004)The RDI WHN-600 Doppler Velocity Log (DVL) is a key navigation sensor for the HUG1N 1000 Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). HUGIN 1000 is designed for autonomous submerged operation for long periods of time. This is ... -
S-bånd telemetrimottaker
(Bachelor thesis, 2004)FFI driver med blant annet målinger gjort med forskningsraketter. For dette trenger man sender og mottaker som fungerer i frekvensbåndet for space research og earth exploration-satellite som er fra 2,2GHz til 2,3GHz. FFI ... -
Wraparound S-bånd antenne for rakett
(Bachelor thesis, 2004)Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt benytter i dag dyre, kommersielle antenner til bruk på testraketter. De har derfor et ønske om å kunne utvikle slike antenner selv for å spare store kostnader. Vår prosjektgruppe har i ... -
Miniatyr S-bånd telemetrisender
(Bachelor thesis, 2005)Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt har gitt oss i oppgave å videreutvikle en miniatyr S-bånd telemetrisender. Vi måtte derfor ta opp trådene fra arbeidet som ble gjort våren 2003, og konstruere en fysisk liten sender i 2.2 – ... -
Adaptive coded modulation : design and simulation with realistic channel state information
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2005:38, Doctoral thesis, 2005)Spectrally efficient transmission schemes are becoming a more common requirement for digital communication systems. Especially in wireless communication since the bandwidth of available frequencies is a shared resource. ...