• Low Energy AES Hardware for Microcontroller 

      Ekelund, Øivind (Master thesis, 2009)
      Cryptographic algorithms, like the Advanced Encryption Standard, are frequently used in todays electronic appliances. Battery operated devices are increasingly popular, creating a demand for low energy solutions. As a ...
    • Low Energy Implementation of Robust Digital Arithmetic in Sub/Near-Threshold Nanoscale CMOS: For Ultrasound Beamforming 

      Schjolden, Lars-Frode (Master thesis, 2013)
      This thesis will show combinatorial digital design using the 65nm transistor technology operating in near/sub-threshold region. Designing a 16By9Bit adder optimized with regard to power consumption with a speed requirement ...
    • Low Noise Variable Gain Amplifier for Time-Gain Compensation in Ultrasonic Imaging Front-End using 22nm FDSOI 

      Aase, Viktor (Master thesis, 2022)
      Når en ultralyd puls propagerer gjennom kroppen blir den attenuert proporsjonalt til hvor langt bølgen propagerer for refleksjonen kan måles tilbake i proben. Ettersom en ADC har konstant dynamisk område, vil signaler som ...
    • Low Power Capacitive Touch Digital Detection Filter: A Comparative Study of Synchronous and Asynchronous Methodologies 

      Gulbrandsen, Truls Magnus Aamodt (Master thesis, 2012)
      In this thesis, both synchronous and asynchronous methodologies is explored for implementing a capacitive touch digital detection filter circuit.Asynchronous methodologies promise characteristics such as lower power, higher ...
    • Low Power Capacitive Touch Sensing 

      Elden, Edgar Leopold (Master thesis, 2009)
      This thesis will seek to design a capacitive touch sensor that uses as little power as possible while still having decent performance. The study will start by discussing oscillators and find that relaxation oscillators ...
    • Low Power Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma ADC - The robustness of finite amplifier GBW compensation 

      Nistad, Jon Helge (Master thesis, 2006)
      This paper reports on the modeling and simulation of a continuous-time delta-sigma analog to digital converter (ADC) in VHDL AMS. The ADC is intended for use in a microcontroller and is therefore underlying restrictions ...
    • Low Power Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma ADC: The robustness of finite amplifier GBW compensation 

      Nistad, Jon Helge (Master thesis, 2006)
      This paper reports on the modeling and simulation of a continuous-time delta-sigma analog to digital converter (ADC) in VHDL AMS. The ADC is intended for use in a microcontroller and is therefore underlying restrictions ...
    • Low Power Electronic Paper Display Driver with Unipolar Driving Waveform 

      Asp, Mattis Spieler (Master thesis, 2017)
      Electronic paper display (EPD) has reached a position of great maturity. Due to its capability of bistability and great reflectivity, it can display an image without any flowing current. Today, sensors and regulators are ...
    • Low Power Electrophoretic Display Module 

      Gunnerød, Sigbjørn (Master thesis, 2016)
      The electrophoretic display (EPD) technology has great potential for use in small sized, low power portable devices and Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Due to its capability of true bistability and reflectivity, it ...
    • Low Power Environmental Air Quality Monitoring 

      Boland, Connor (Master thesis, 2019)
      Måling av personlig miljøluftkvalitet blir stadig mer relevant i dagens samfunn. Tradisjonell overvåking krever overdimensjonerte, dyre instrumenter, med langsomme og intensive prøvetakingsmetoder. Skalerbare, lavprismonitorer ...
    • Low Power Floating-Point Unit for RISC-V 

      Ness, Torbjørn Viem (Master thesis, 2018)
      When working on a limited energy budget, wireless and battery powered devices that monitor sensors need to do some degree of local computation to save power on transmission. Therefore there is a need for floating-point ...
    • Low power GPS tracker 

      Bjørklund, Eirik Ekrheim; Johansen, Torje Farbu; Saari, Jonas Marelius; Kalliainen, Håvard; Ipsen, Andreas (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Basert p ̊a Nordic Semiconductors nRF9160 SiP ble det utviklet et utlegg som er i stand til ̊a h ̊andtere GPS kommunikasjon, full duplex skykommunikasjon med nRF Cloud der posisjon og annen data overføres. Med laveste ...
    • Low Power Inertial Measurement Unit for Internet of Things Applications 

      Hestnes, Erlend (Master thesis, 2016)
      Motion sensing is an interesting area for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Today, motion sensing for embedded applications is usually achieved by using an inertial measurement unit (IMU). An IMU is a sensor package, ...
    • Low Power USB On-The-Go for AVR 

      Nygård, Håvard (Master thesis, 2007)
      Development of devices, used for connections to personal computers, has mainly been based on the use of the parallel port and serial port on the PC. These interface connections are large and they re being replaced by smaller ...
    • Low Power UWB Signaling over a Time-Varying Multipath Channel using Multiple Receiver Antennas 

      Gjervik, Gunnar (Master thesis, 2011)
      This thesis explore a digital wireless communication system which is intended for commu- nication from the abdominal region to an on-body receiver. Where a capsule is meant for image capturing of the intestine for better ...
    • Low Power Wireless Communication Between Musical Instruments and Controllers 

      Vikanes, Øyvind Høviskeland (Master thesis, 2009)
      This report treats the application of low power wireless communication technology to applications within musical instruments and their controllers. Wireless solutions have been widely adopted in almost all aspects of ...
    • Low power/high performance dynamic reconfigurable filter-design 

      Bystrøm, Vebjørn (Master thesis, 2008)
      The main idea behind this thesis was to optimize the multipliers in a finite impulse response (FIR) filter. The project was chosen because digital filters are very common in digital signal processing and is an exciting ...
    • Low Voltage Logic and Memories on Silicon 

      Låte, Even (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:161, Doctoral thesis, 2021)
      Data centers, sensor nodes in the internet of things, and handheld devices are all systems that require energy efficiency and low power operation to reduce electricity cost, fit within power budgets of energy harvesters, ...
    • Low-Complexity Energy Detection for Spatial Modulation 

      Faddoul, Elio; Kraidy, Ghassan; Krikidis, Ioannis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      In this paper, we present a non-coherent spatial modulation (SM) detection scheme appropriate for low-cost low-powered devices, where channel knowledge is restricted to the magnitude of the fading gains. We first derive a ...
    • Low-Cost FPU: Specification, Implementation and Verification 

      Hornæs, Daniel (Master thesis, 2010)
      This report aims to provide a complete specification of an IEEE-754 1985 compliantdesign, as well as a working, synthesizable implementation in Verilog HDL. Thereport is based on a preliminary project, which analyzed the ...