Now showing items 2344-2350 of 2350

    • X-ray diffraction studies of InAs/GaAs heterostructures 

      Wrålsen, Arnt Joakim (Master thesis, 2012)
      Intermediate band solar cells (IBSC) is a proposed new type of solar cell device that has an intermediate energy band in the band gap. One possible implementation of IBSCs is by using arrays of nano-sized semiconductor ...
    • Yield improvements in anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic feedstocks 

      Hashemi, Sayedbehnam; Sarker, Shiplu; Lamb, Jacob Joseph; Lien, Kristian Myklebust (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The new EU bioenergy sustainability criteria demonstrate that bioenergy sustainability can be a challenge (Schlegel and Kaphengst, 2007). In 1990s, the energy crops were the main source for biogas production in Europa; ...
    • Ytelse for multippel antenne teknikker i LTE 

      Bjerke, Eystein Dyb (Master thesis, 2011)
      This thesis is about doing test runs at an LTE base station at Telenor at Fornebu. The tests are performed to find out how good the systems work, and specifically for this thesis to explore the possibilities of spectral ...
    • Zero Delay Joint Source Channel Coding for Multivariate Gaussian Sources over Orthogonal Gaussian Channels 

      Floor, Pål Anders; Kim, Anna N.; Ramstad, Tor Audun; Balasingham, Ilangko (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-05-31)
      Communication of a multivariate Gaussian source transmitted over orthogonal additive white Gaussian noise channels using delay-free joint source channel codes (JSCC) is studied in this paper. Two scenarios are considered: ...
    • Zero-Emission Autonomous Ferries for Urban Water Transport: Cheaper, Cleaner Alternative to Bridges and Manned Vessels 

      Reddy, Namireddy Praveen; Zadeh, Mehdi Karbalaye; Thieme, Christoph Alexander; Skjetne, Roger; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan; Aanondsen, Svein Aanond; Breivik, Morten; Eide, Egil (Journal article, 2019)
      Because water is an integral part of day-to-day life for humans, civilizations have generally flourished either in coastal areas or near river basins. Today, about 40% of the world?s population lives near a coast and many ...
    • Zinc Oxide Nanolaser: Photoluminescence spectroscopy and optical pumping of zinc oxide nanowires 

      Heitmann, Filip August (Master thesis, 2012)
      This Master's thesis is a continuation of the specialization project I did during the spring of 2011. The goal of said project was to set up a system for UV-photoluminescence experiments in the Nanophotonics laboratory at ...
    • Zinc Oxide Nanostructures and Thin Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition 

      Weigand, Christian Carl (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2012:188, Doctoral thesis, 2012)
      ZnO nanostructures have received great attention during the past decade due to numerous potential applications. In order to enable the fabrication of functional devices, reproducible preparation of such nanostructures is ...