Now showing items 2272-2291 of 2349

    • Vanninntrengningsmonitor til undervanns-kontrollsystemer 

      Guddingsmo, Alvar; Hofstad, Georg Bøni; Leirvik, Iver; Lund, Eirik (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Prosjektrapporten beskriver utvikling og vurdering av en VIM. I undervanns-kontrollmoduler er vanninntrenging et problem, som kan føre til systemfeil og i verste fall driftsstans. Dette er alvorlig, da dette kan føre til ...
    • Variational Mode Decomposition-Based Threat Classification for Fiber Optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing 

      Abufana, Saleh A.; Dalveren, Yaser; Aghnaiya, Alghannai; Kara, Ali (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      In this study, a novel method is proposed to detect and classify the threats for fiber optic distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) systems. In the study, phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometry (phase-OTDR) is ...
    • Varmereguleringssystem for testing av komponenter i termisk vakuum 

      Gløsmyr, Martin Kristoffer; Graffer, Sverre; Mathisen, Håkon Dahl; Senkaya, Sacit Ali (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Orbit NTNU er en teknisk organisasjon som konstruerer kubesatellitter. Før en slik satellitt skytes ut i verdensrommet er det viktig at den blir testet grundig, for å sjekke at den tåler vakuum-tilstanden i rommet og ...
    • VCSEL for an Interferometric Glucose Sensor 

      Skjellerud, Håvard (Master thesis, 2020)
      Abstract will be available on 2023-12-23
    • Vectorized 128-bit Input FP16/FP32/FP64 Floating-Point Multiplier 

      Stenersen, Espen (Master thesis, 2008)
      3D graphic accelerators are often limited by their floating-point performance. A Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) has several specialized floating-point units to achieve high throughput and performance. The floating-point ...
    • Vekst av BaSnO med Pulset Laser Deponering 

      Valset, Kjetil (Master thesis, 2007)
      I denne Masteroppgaven ble det dannet filmer av BaSnO på substrat av STO og Nb:STO. Filmene ble grodd i serier der parametrene som ble endret var laserfrekvens, lasereffekt(ved 2Hz og 10Hz)og temperaturen til substratet(ved ...
    • Velocity Estimation in muscular Tissue by Ultrasound 

      Dahl, Trond-Olav (Master thesis, 2007)
      When estimating tissue velocities, the conventional autocorrelation method (AM) is only biased if the demodulation frequency is correctly estimated. While AM assumes the received centre frequency to be constant, the modified ...
    • Verification of a Large Heterogeneous Many-core Computer 

      Gamst, Eivind; Mitacc, Edward (Master thesis, 2016)
      The historical trend of steady increase in processor performance with each technology generation has slowed down during the last years due to power limitations. As transistor sizes reduce, the power density on a chip does ...
    • Verification of an AES RTL Model with an Advanced Object-Oriented Testbench in SystemVerilog 

      Ruud, Henrik (Master thesis, 2007)
      This Master's thesis reports the verification planning and verification process of a Verilog RTL model. Modern verification techniques like constrained randomization, assertions, functional coverage analysis and object ...
    • Vernier enhanced Mach Zehnder interferometer for dissolved methane detection 

      Mariero, Magnus (Master thesis, 2016)
      In this thesis the theory describing a vernier enhanced Mach Zehnder interferometer for detecting dissolved methane is discussed. A method for effectively simulating photonic components, with features ranging from centimeter ...
    • Vertical GaN nanocolumns grown on graphene intermediated with a thin AlN buffer layer 

      Liudi Mulyo, Andreas; Rajpalke, Mohana Krishnappa; Kuroe, Haruhiko; Vullum, Per-Erik; Weman, Helge; Fimland, Bjørn-Ove; Kishino, Katsumi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      We report on the self-assembled growth of high-density and vertically-oriented n-doped GaN nanocolumns on graphene by radio-frequency plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Graphene was transferred to silica glass, which ...
    • A Very Low SEF Neural Amplifier by Utilizing a High Swing Current-Reuse Amplifier 

      Naderi, Kebria; Habibzadeh Tonekabony Shad, Erwin; Molinas, Marta Maria Cabrera; Heidari, Ali; Ytterdal, Trond (Chapter, 2020)
      Although current-reuse amplifier has been widely used in biomedical applications because of their low input-referred thermal noise, they don't have high output swing and their gain is limited. In this article, a rail-to-rail ...
    • Vessel contrast enhancement in hyperspectral images 

      Bjorgan, Asgeir; Denstedt, Martin Anders Fredrik; Milanic, Matija; Paluchowski, Lukasz A.; Randeberg, Lise Lyngsnes (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Imaging of vessel structures can be useful for investigation of endothelial function, angiogenesis and hyper-vascularization. This can be challenging for hyperspectral tissue imaging due to photon scattering and absorption ...
    • Video metric measurements in an FPGA for use in objective no-reference video quality analysis 

      Nordeng, Eirik Tørud (Master thesis, 2013)
      This thesis presents a way of performing objective video quality analyses in order to point out faults in the hardware of a video system that uses analogue video transmission technologies. The approach focuses on performing ...
    • Video Quality Assessment in Broadcasting 

      Prytz, Anders (Master thesis, 2010)
      In broadcasting, the assessment of video quality is mostly done by a group of highly experienced people. This is a time consuming task and demands lot of resources. In this thesis the goal is to investigate the possibility ...
    • Videointerface to rocket PCM encoder 

      Nysted, Frode; Trøvolt, Morgan (Bachelor thesis, 2001)
      Oppgaven bestod i å lage en krets som mottar standard PAL signal fra et kamera, for så å digitalisere og komprimere den datastrømmen. Deretter skulle den komprimerte datastrømmen sendes videre til FFI sin nyutviklede PCM ...
    • Videreutvikling av styringsenhet og brukergrensesnitt av system for diabetesbehandling med nær-infrarødt lys 

      Ahmed, Taheera; Fyksen, Mina Johanne Eftestøl; Havmo, Anne Elise Ljosdal; Steen, Vilma Andrea (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Oppgaven omhandler utviklingen av en prototype for å undersøke effekten av nær-infrarødt lys (NIR) på insulinopptaket i kroppen. Diabetes type 1 er en sykdom som påvirker mange mennesker rundt om i verden og dette krever ...
    • Videreutvikling og testing av tobeinet robotprototype 

      Au, Knut Harald Gabow; Sæbjørnsen, Tor Berge; Sundelin, Karl Magnus; Løvø, Tove Ingeborg (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Rapporten omhandler en underaktuert tobeinet robotprototype, dens tilknyttede komponenter og programvare gjennom vårt bachelorprosjekt våren 2022. Bilde av roboten sees i figur 3.1. Oppgaven bygger videre på tre tidligere ...
    • Videreutvikling system for posisjonering/DP - test av prototyp system med øyesikker 1550 nm laser diode/fiber laser teknologi 

      Neteland, Iselin Silvana Haugen (Master thesis, 2017)
      This master work deals with investigating a laser based range finding system. The laser has a wavelength of 1 550 nm and the system will be comparable to SpotTrack, which uses 905 nm. This paper will build on the work ...
    • Virtual MIMO Wireless Sensor Networks: Propagation Measurements and Fusion Performance 

      Dey, Indrakshi; Salvo Rossi, Pierluigi; Butt, Majid; Marchetti, Nicola (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      In this paper, we investigate the practical implications of employing virtual multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems for prototyping future-generation wireless sensor networks (WSNs), especially in the light of ...