Video metric measurements in an FPGA for use in objective no-reference video quality analysis
This thesis presents a way of performing objective video quality analyses in order to point out faults in the hardware of a video system that uses analogue video transmission technologies. The approach focuses on performing simple digital processing and analyses of the video data coherently using an FPGA. Several metrics that correlates with specific distortions are developed. These metrics give good indications of the state of the video system components. The algorithms are tested using MATLAB and mapped to an FPGA. The key components are implemented and verified in VHDL, and synthesized for an Altera Cyclone II FPGA. The thesis concludes that the proposed system has the ability to discover board-level faults in a video system that utilizes an FPGA and analogue video transmission. The system also has the ability to supplement external quality assessment systems in most cases, and function as a good alternative in cases where a quick and simple assessment of a video system is desired.