Det humanistiske fakultet (HF)
Recent Submissions
Tekstutvikling og skrivarutvikling etter den første skriveopplæringa
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU;2024:470, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Norsk sammendrag Avhandlinga Tekstutvikling og skrivarutvikling etter den første skriveopplæringa handlar om korleis skrivarar på barnetrinnet utviklar tekst- og skrivekompetanse etter den første skriveopplæringa. Avhandlinga ... -
Global perspectives on the management of primary progressive aphasia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Speech-language therapists/pathologists (SLT/Ps) are key professionals in the management and treatment of primary progressive aphasia (PPA), however, there are gaps in education and training within the discipline, with ... -
Motstandsfilmen - Ei sjangergransking
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne oppgåva ser på fire filmar om motstandsrørsla frå fire europeiske land for å granske om det går an å identifisere ei sjangertilhøyrelegdom mellom filmane på tvers av landegrensene. Med bruk av semiotisk sjangerteori ... -
Midtnorske Historier
(Book, 2021) -
Arbeidsmarkedet for tjenestefolk i Trondheim på slutten av 1700-tallet En historisk undersøkelse av avisannonser i Adresseavisen mellom 1767 og 1801
(Master thesis, 2024)Formålet med denne masteroppgaven har vært å undersøke hva avisannonser trykket i Adresseavisen mellom 1767 og 1801 kan fortelle oss om arbeidsmarkedet for tjenestefolk i Trondheim på slutten av 1700-tallet. For å gjøre ... -
Harte Fakten, große Aufgaben: Die Arbeitsrealität Comicschaffender im deutschsprachigen Raum
(Research report, 2024)Wer macht eigentlich Comics im deutschsprachigen Raum? Können Comickünstler*innen von ihrer Arbeit leben? Was für Ansätze gibt es, um Arbeitsbedingungen zu verbessern und Zugang zu Ressourcen gerecht zu gestalten? Die ... -
Unravelling the Norwegian meat reduction controversy: navigating contested sustainabilities and the role of meat
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Controversy surrounds research reports that promote reduced meat consumption in Norway. By studying these controversies in the media, we ask why meat reduction is polarised seemingly between environmental and agricultural, ... -
Probing the Nature of Roots through Language Contact
(Chapter, 2024) -
Forteljingar om å vera skeiv innvandrar og skeiv på bygda i Noreg i 2010-åra
(Chapter, 2022)I dette kapittelet analyserer me forteljingar om å vera skeiv med innvandrarbakgrunn og vera skeiv på bygda i Noreg på 2010-talet. Analysane er basert på kvalitative intervju med til saman 51 skeive, som er gjennomført i ... -
Investigating Question-Asking in Norwegian Sign Language: A Multi-Method Approach
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:414, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Humans use language to, among other things, exchange information and work together in order to establish and negotiate shared understandings during interaction. One way this may be achieved is through questions. This ... -
The making and unmaking of demand for dairy and chicken in Norway: a systems of provision perspective
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study examines the supply and demand for chicken meat and fresh cow’s milk in Norway and argues that understanding demand as being co-constituted and interrelated with supply is crucial for reducing consumption. This ... -
Exploring materiality as a driving component when co-creating fantasy worlds
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The aim of this article is to investigate how paper materials can be used as a dramaturgical premise when co-creating a fantasy world together with kindergarten children. Four exploratory workshops were carried out with a ... -
Navigating acceptance and controversy of transport policies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The current study contributes to the literature by exploring the acceptance and controversy surrounding different transport policies, examining how public preferences/attitudes explain these dispositions in the context of ... -
Reproduction of assimilationist thinking in Norwegian social studies: Breaking the cycle through reflective practice
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Highlights: * We have learned that we, as teachers and teacher educators, need to be aware of the risk of reproducing uncritical approaches in educational interventions on migration. * Without crucially reflecting on their ... -
This Drum Is Not the Devil's Instrument: The Development and Performance of Drum Tunes in Norwegian Folk Music
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Trommeslåtter (drum tunes) have played a vital role in Norwegian traditional music for several hundred years. This article examines the development and performance of drum tunes in Norway, with a special focus on the work ... -
Polyphonic Processes for Bass and Voice
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:134, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Polyphonic Processes for Bass and Voice' carries dual meaning, referring first to a musical and instrumental methodology at the project's core, while accommodating an unexpected diversification of artistic discipline as ... -
Was war, ist, wird Comicforschung – für uns? 10 Jahre ComFor e.V. als eingetragener Verein
(Book, 2024)Die Gesellschaft für Comicforschung (ComFor) wurde am 11. Februar 2005 in Koblenz gegründet. Zweck war und ist die Förderung und Vernetzung von interdisziplinärer Comicforschung im deutschsprachigen Raum, zu deutschsprachigen, ... -
Kompis eller konkurrent? En brukerstudie av KI-verktøyet ChatGPT på arbeidsplassen
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven handler om språkmodellen ChatGPT, som er en type generativ KI. Ved lanseringen i november 2022 opplevde chatboten en enorm oppmerksomhet og tiltrakk seg en million brukere på kun fem dager. Selv om det ... -
Kompis eller konkurrent? En brukerstudie av KI-verktøyet ChatGPT på arbeidsplassen
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven handler om språkmodellen ChatGPT, som er en type generativ KI. Ved lanseringen i november 2022 opplevde chatboten en enorm oppmerksomhet og tiltrakk seg en million brukere på kun fem dager. Selv om det ... -
Hard Times, Hard Choices Missing Girls in Norway ca. 1735 to 1900
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:413, Doctoral thesis, 2024)This dissertation investigates the possibility of excess female mortality, which could be interpreted as sex-selective neglect, unequal allocation of resources or infanticide of children in Norway during the 18th and 19th ...