Browsing Institutt for marin teknikk by Title
Now showing items 2900-2919 of 3579
Safe and efficient operation and maintenance of offshore wind farms
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2014:70, Doctoral thesis, 2014)This PhD work has been carried out when early experience is obtained from the first offshore wind energy projects and new projects with large capacity are in preparation. The importance and challenges of operation and ... -
Safe Autonomy in Marine Robotics
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:44, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The use of marine robots has become increasingly common in various disciplines and industries, such as oceanography, marine biology, archaeology, transportation, offshore energy, fisheries, and security. However, the marine ... -
Safety and efficiency enhancement of anchor handling operations with particular emphasis on the stability of anchor handling vessels
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:209, Doctoral thesis, 2017)The overall objective of this thesis is the development of a framework for enhancing the safety and efficiency of anchor handling vessels (AHVs) during anchor handling operations (AHOs). In other words, the proposed ... -
Safety and Verification of Advanced Maritime Vessels - An Approach Based on Systems Theory
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:119, Doctoral thesis, 2018)The past few decades have seen rapid technological development in ships and offshore vessels. Advanced electrical power plants and dynamic positioning (DP) systems are now widespread, and the growing demand for greener and ... -
The Safety Case for Autonomous Systems: An Overview
(Research report, 2023)The International Workshop for Autonomous System Safety (IWASS) is a joint effort by the B. John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA-GIRS), the Norwegian University of ... -
Safety climate as an indicator for major accident risk: Can we use safety climate as an indicator on the plant level?
(Journal article, 2016)Measuring safety climate is regarded a proactive approach to safety management. With increased focus on developing indicators for major accidents, there is a need to critically assess the effectiveness of current practices ... -
Safety in Exposed Aquaculture Operations Strategies and methods for reducing risk
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:73, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Norway is the largest producer and exporter of farmed Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout worldwide. The national ripple effects of the fishing industry are significant. New concepts are being developed and tested for fish ... -
Safety in Norwegian Fish Farming - Concepts and methods for improvement
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:75, Doctoral thesis, 2019) -
Safety in Offshore Platforms - Use of QRA in the Norwegian Offshore Industry
(Chapter, 2018)The chapter is concerned with the development and status of Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) in the Norwegian offshore industry. The chapter outlines the background to the use of QRA and how the regulations have developed ... -
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2016:278, Doctoral thesis, 2016)The work of this thesis attempted to undertake the task of establishing knowledge of the level of safety within the Norwegian fishing fleet, with the objective to both understand previous occurrences and exploit succinct ... -
Safety performance monitoring of autonomous marine systems
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-03)The marine environment is vast, harsh, and challenging. Unanticipated faults and events might lead to loss of vessels, transported goods, collected scientific data, and business reputation. Hence, systems have to be in ... -
Safety, Reliability and Security Modelling and Methods for Autonomous Systems
(Chapter, 2019)The introduction of autonomy into systems adds new layers of complexity regarding safety, reliability and security (SRS). The main challenges related to methods for SRS assessment concern the following: i) the adequacy of ... -
Sail-induced resistance on a wind-powered cargo ship
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article explores the added resistance due to side forces from wingsails, called the sail-induced resistance. A cargo ship is tested with varying speed, appendages, number of sails, and control algorithms for the sails. ... -
Salmon Emergency Response Vessel Design of a new vessel type using system based ship design with added insight through discrete event simulation
(Master thesis, 2021)Den norske lakseoppdrettsnæringa har eit behov for å forbetre beredskapen for krisesituasjonar. Dette blei tydeleg mellom anna våren 2019 då ein storskala algeoppblomstring råka Nord-Noreg. Resultatet var massedødelegheit ... -
Sammenligning av moment og spiralmodeller for utmatningsanalyse av fleksible stigerør
(Master thesis, 2014)There are still quite a lot of unknown and unexplainable fields in riser section, whose fatigue damage may cause loss of lives, environmental pollution and threats to the economy. In this thesis, two methods to find the ... -
Sammenligning av ulike lastearrangement for vindturbinkomponenter på et transportfartøy med fokus på stabilitet
(Master thesis, 2020)Utbyggingen av offshore vindkraft er i sterk vekst, og det forventes at samlet installert effekt i verden vil mer enn dobles fra dagens nivå innen 2024. Teknologiutvikling medfører stadig mer effektive vindturbiner gjennom ... -
Sand waves in free surface flow : a study with emphasis on hydrodynamic aspects
(Doktor ingeniøravhandling;Thesis no. P-1-84, Doctoral thesis, 1984)The problem of sand wave generation in free surface flow has been presented and its engineering and scientific significance has been pointed out. A survey of the existing literature on the subject has been performed. The ... -
Scalable SCADA-Based Calibration for Analytical Wake Models Across an Offshore Cluster
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)A multi-level hyperparameter optimization framework is performed to calibrate analytical wake models in the context of multiple wind farms within the Belgian-Dutch offshore cluster. The calibration, applied on the TurbOPark ... -
Scaling laws for the water entry of a three-dimensional body
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The present experimental investigation is a new way of conducting tests on model scale and of interpreting the results for the water entry of a free-falling conical body shape entrapping an air cavity. A three-dimensional ... -
Scenario analysis of fish escapes in Norwegian aquaculture for implementation of barrier management and improved learning from accidents
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Learning from accidents is decisive for establishing barriers to prevent future accidents and ensuring safety in socio-technical systems. Farmed fish escape is a major concern in the aquaculture industry and there is limited ...