Now showing items 486-505 of 3471

    • Back to the Future: Rebirth of Pure Wind Propelled Ships 

      Haugbråten, Mathias Frøiland; Caspari, Håkon (Master thesis, 2023)
      For å møte målene presentert i Parisavtalen og begrense global oppvarming må den maritime sektoren gjennomføre store endinger for å redusere utslipp. Overgangen fra petroleumsbaserte drivstoff til nye løsninger er en måte ...
    • Back to the Future: Rebirth of Pure Wind Propelled Ships 

      Haugbråten, Mathias Frøiland; Caspari. Håkon (Master thesis, 2023)
      For å møte målene presentert i Parisavtalen og begrense global oppvarming må den maritime sektoren gjennomføre store endinger for å redusere utslipp. Overgangen fra petroleumsbaserte drivstoff til nye løsninger er en måte ...
    • Bag and floater motions of a fabric membrane cage 

      Mukhlas, Muhammad; Lader, Pål Furset; Kristiansen, David; Kristiansen, Trygve; Kanazawa, Motoyasu (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
    • Barents Sea Oil and Gas 2025: Three Scenarios 

      Øverland, Indra; Bambulyak, Alexei; Bourmistrov, Anatoli; Gudmestad, Ove Tobias; Mellemvik, Frode; Zolotukhin, Anatoly (Chapter, 2015)
    • Barge transportation of heavy objects 

      Karlsen, Stefan Hjønnevåg (Master thesis, 2010)
      The topic for this master thesis is transportation of heavy platform modules on barges. The goal is to find the short-term extreme accelerations, or design accelerations, that are limiting for the feasibility of the ...
    • Batteries for marine applications 

      Troncoso Abelleira, Maria Teresa (Master thesis, 2013)
      The significant reduction in environmental emissions stated by the new IMO legislation, which specifies an amount of sulphur in fuels below 5% for 2020 and a NOx limit with an 80% reduction respect to the actual IMO limit ...
    • Battery integration for retrofit electrification of marine vessels; With a case study of the NTNU Research Vessel Gunnerus 

      Jensen, Thomas; Granaune, Daniel Andreassen; Prytz, Berge Kierulf (Master thesis, 2024)
      Økende miljøbekymringer, som stigende globale temperaturer og mer ekstreme værforhold, driver den maritime industrien til å redusere sine klimagassutslipp. Den maritime industrien for omtrent 3\% av de globale klimagassutslippene. ...
    • Battery integration for retrofit electrification of marine vessels; With a case study of the NTNU Research Vessel Gunnerus 

      Jensen, Thomas; Granaune, Daniel Andreassen; Prytz, Berge Kierulf (Master thesis, 2024)
      Økende miljøbekymringer, som stigende globale temperaturer og mer ekstreme værforhold, driver den maritime industrien til å redusere sine klimagassutslipp. Den maritime industrien for omtrent 3\% av de globale klimagassutslippene. ...
    • Battery integration for retrofit electrification of marine vessels; With a case study of the NTNU Research Vessel Gunnerus 

      Jensen, Thomas; Granaune, Daniel Andreassen; Prytz, Berge Kierulf (Master thesis, 2024)
      Økende miljøbekymringer, som stigende globale temperaturer og mer ekstreme værforhold, driver den maritime industrien til å redusere sine klimagassutslipp. Den maritime industrien for omtrent 3\% av de globale klimagassutslippene. ...
    • Battery Management System for a low-cost ROV 

      Gulsvik, Knut Amund Knutsen (Master thesis, 2017)
      A combination of advanced State-of-charge (SoC), State-of-Health (SoH) and State-of-Power (SoP) estimation techniques have been combined into a novel scheme to ensure safe and efficient operation of a battery pack. A ...
    • A Bayesian Approach to Risk-Based Autonomy, with Applications to Contact-Based Drone Inspections 

      Rothmund, Sverre Velten; Thieme, Christoph Alexander; Utne, Ingrid Bouwer; Johansen, Tor Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Enabling higher levels of autonomy while ensuring safety requires an increased ability to identify and handle internal faults and unforeseen changes in the environment. This article presents an approach to improve this ...
    • A Bayesian Approach to Supervisory Risk Control of AUVs Applied to Under-Ice Operations 

      Bremnes, Jens Einar; Thieme, Christoph Alexander; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan; Utne, Ingrid Bouwer; Norgren, Petter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are efficient sensor-carrying platforms for mapping and monitoring undersea ice. However, under-ice operations impose demanding requirements to the system, as it must deal with uncertain ...
    • Bayesian Estimation of Non-Stationary Ship Response Spectra 

      Møgster, Christian (Master thesis, 2015)
      The main topic of this master thesis is to obtain spectral information of non-stationary ship responses, with the motive of facilitating improvement of sea state estimation methods, that are using the wave buoy analogy. ...
    • A Bayesian network risk model for predicting ship besetting in ice during convoy operations along the Northern Sea Route 

      Xu, Sheng; Kim, Ekaterina; Haugen, Stein; Zhang, Mingyang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      To facilitate shipping in ice and to meet the increasing requirements of icebreaker services, convoy operations are the most effective alternative. However, convoy operations are among the most dangerous operations as they ...
    • A benchmarking exercise for environmental contours 

      Haselsteiner, Andreas F.; Coe, Ryan G.; Manuel, Lance; Chai, Wei; Leira, Bernt Johan; Clarindo, Guilherme; Soares, Carlos Guedes; Hannesdóttir, Ásta; Dimitrov, Nikolay; Sander, Aljoscha; Ohlendorf, Jan-Hendrik; Thoben, Klaus-Dieter; Hauteclocque, Guillaume de; Mackay, Ed; Jonathan, Philip; Qiao, Chi; Myers, Andrew; Rode, Anna; Hildebrandt, Arndt; Schmidt, Boso; Vanem, Erik; Huseby, Arne Bang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Environmental contours are used to simplify the process of design response analysis. A wide variety of contour methods exist; however, there have been a very limited number of comparisons of these methods to date. This ...
    • Benchmarking of a computational fluid dynamics- based numerical wave tank for studying wave load effects on fixed and floating offshore structures 

      Nematbakhsh, Ali; Gao, Zhen; Moan, Torgeir (Journal article, 2017)
      A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) based numerical wave tank (NWT) is developed and verified to study wave load effects on fixed and free floating offshore structures. The model is based on solving Navier–Stokes equations ...
    • Benefits and Barriers using Operations Research based Decision Support Software in Dry Bulk Chartering 

      Garnås, Sindre Joakim (Master thesis, 2014)
      The objective of this thesis is to address the benefits and barriers in using operations research (OR) based decision support software (DSS) in the evaluation of cargo and vessel fixtures within dry bulk chartering. The ...
    • Bestemme GM ved hjelp av rulleperiodetest 

      Hjelvik, Vegard Nesset (Master thesis, 2016)
      Intaktstabilitet er en viktig parameter i designfasen for et fartøy, og har stor innvirkning på hoveddimensjoner og skrogform. For at fartøyer og mannskap skal være trygge, settes det derfor krav til stabiliteten fra ...
    • Big Data Analytics As a Tool to Monitor Hydrodynamic Performance of a Ship 

      Gupta, Prateek; Steen, Sverre; Rasheed, Adil (Chapter, 2019)
      A modern ship is fitted with numerous sensors and Data Acquisition Systems (DAQs) each of which can be viewed as a data collection source node. These source nodes transfer data to one another and to one or many centralized ...
    • Bilge keel induced roll damping of an FPSO with sponsons 

      Ommani, Babak; Fonseca, Nuno; Kristiansen, Trygve; Bakksjø, Hanne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      The bilge keel induced roll damping of an FPSO with sponsons is investigated numerically and experimentally. The influence of the bilge keel size, on the roll damping is studied. Free decay tests of a three-dimensional ...