Now showing items 3253-3272 of 3473

    • Towards supervisory risk control of autonomous ships 

      Utne, Ingrid Bouwer; Rokseth, Børge; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan; Vinnem, Jan Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The objective of this paper is to outline a framework for online risk modelling for autonomous ships. There is a clear trend towards increased autonomy and intelligence in ships because it enables new functionality, as ...
    • Tower Design for a 10MW Floating Offshore Wind Turbine with Reduced Stiffness 

      Fiskvik, Stian (Master thesis, 2020)
      Abstract will be available on 2023-07-01
    • Tower design for very large floating wind turbines 

      Fredheim, Rikke Olsen (Master thesis, 2022)
      Flytende havvind kan utnytte vindpotensial på dypere vann og være en verdifull kilde til fornybar og ren energi. For at disse vindturbinene skal bli kostnadseffektive, er det nødvendig å oppskalere. Ved oppskalering kan ...
    • Trajectory Planning for Navigation Aiding of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 

      Sture, Øystein; Norgren, Petter; Ludvigsen, Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Autonomous underwater vehicles can perform seabed surveys with a higher resolution and quality than from equivalent ship-mounted sensors. Although high-grade inertial navigation systems aided by Doppler velocity logs can ...
    • Trajectory Tracking Motion Control System for Observation Class ROVs 

      Fernandes, Daniel de Almeida; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan; Donha, Decio C. (Journal article, 2013)
      This paper proposes a MCS (Motion Control System) with trajectory tracking capability for observation class ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicle) used to carry out automated high-resolution image capturing missions, e.g. ...
    • Transfer Learning in Underwater Operations 

      Skaldebø, Martin Breivik; Sans-Muntadas, Albert; Schjølberg, Ingrid (Journal article, 2019)
      This paper investigates a method for reducing the reality gap that occurs when applying simulated data in training for vision-based operations in a subsea environment. The distinction in knowledge in the simulated and real ...
    • Transient Dynamic Response of Ship Hull 

      Liu, Meitong (Master thesis, 2015)
      Slamming often occurs in severe sea states particular for high speed vessels, which can cause damage to ship hulls or even equipment on ships. Analysis of transient dynamic response of ship hulls is useful in establishing ...
    • Transient dynamics of drilling riser during disconnect 

      Bratseth, Svein (Master thesis, 2011)
      Drilling of petroleum wells have traditionally be done by adjusting the mud weight to balance pressure of the well. A new method of controlling well pressure is called controlled mud cap drilling. The method uses high mud ...
    • Transient Performance and Emissions of a Turbocharged Diesel Engine for Marine Power Plants: Numerical Simulation and Experimental Investigation 

      Yum, Kevin Koosup (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:237, Doctoral thesis, 2017)
      New marine power and propulsion plants have to meet increasingly stringent environmental regulations and requirements for flexible and efficient operations. Such a multi-objective task requires a systems approach in which ...
    • Transient Performance in Dynamic Positioning of Ships: Investigation of Residual Load Models and Control Methods for Effective Compensation 

      Værnø, Svenn Are Tutturen (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:355, Doctoral thesis, 2020)
      This thesis concerns how the dynamic positioning (DP) control system can better handle transient events, where the loads experienced by the vessel change significantly over a short time frame. The material is intended for ...
    • Transitional wake flow behind an inclined flat plate : computation and analysis 

      Yang, Dan (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:179, Doctoral thesis, 2013)
      The flow past an inclined flat plate is characterized by fixed separation points at both edge and an asymmetric wake pattern. The present doctoral thesis investigates the threedimensional characteristics in the wake of an ...
    • Transportation for deep sea mining using underwater vehicle: Conceptual design using a systematic approach 

      Solheim, Astrid Vamråk (Master thesis, 2019)
      Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å foreslå designløsning (er) på konseptuelt nivå for undervannstransport av malm fra havbunn til havn for gruvedrift. Essensen av dyphavs gruvedrift er å utvinne mineraler fra en marin ...
    • Transverse tensile armour buckling of flexible pipes 

      Zhou, chongyao (Master thesis, 2014)
      During the installation and operation process, the empty flexible pipe will experience a largeend fitting load which is the compression load at the ends of the pipe. At the same time, the dynamicload from wave and current ...
    • Transverse Viscous Loads in Maneuvering 

      Ramachandran Nair Rajasree, Vishnu (Master thesis, 2022)
      The main objective of the thesis is to improve the estimation of transverse viscous loads in ship maneuvering. The traditional approach for calculating the transverse viscous loads in most of the maneuvering models is based ...
    • Trawl interference loads for offshore power cables 

      Halse, Ask (Master thesis, 2020)
      Målet med denne avhandlingen var å undersøke hvilke trållaster som oppstår som en følge av interaksjon mellom klumpvekter og offshore kraftkabler med fokus på pull-over stadiet. I tillegg skulle sensitivitet av treffvinkel, ...
    • Truncated least square support vector machine for parameter estimation of a nonlinear manoeuvring model based on PMM tests 

      Xu, Haitong; Hassani, Vahid; Guedes-Soares, C. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      A new version of least square support vector machine (LS-SVM), the truncated LS-SVM, is proposed to estimate the nondimensionalized hydrodynamic coefficients. Truncated LS-SVM is shown to be an efficient and robust method ...
    • Tuning of transfer functions for analysis of wave–ship interactions 

      Nielsen, Ulrik Dam; Mounet, Raphaël Emile Gilbert; Brodtkorb, Astrid H. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Transfer functions are often used together with a wave spectrum for analysis of wave–ship interactions, where one application addresses the prediction of wave-induced motions or other types of global responses. This paper ...
    • Tuning of vessel parameters including sea state dependent roll damping 

      Han, Xu; Sævik, Svein; Leira, Bernt Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Online tuning of vessel models based on onboard measurement data can reduce the uncertainties of vessel motion prediction, and therefore potentially increase the safety and cost efficiency for marine operations. Among the ...
    • Turbulence modeling of transverse flow on ship hulls in shallow water 

      Jakobsen, Ken-Robert Gjelstad (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2010:174, Doctoral thesis, 2010)
      The hydrodynamic forces acting on a ship that travels in restricted water vary greatly with water depth and the geometry of the ship hull. This will affect the ship maneuverability in terms of various flow effects like for ...
    • Turbulence Modelling of the Flow Around a Prolate Spheorid 

      Larssen, Henrik Stumberg (Master thesis, 2018)
      In numerous engineering disciplines, including naval and offshore engineering, the accurate prediction of turbulent flows is essential for cost-efficient and safe designs. For industrial applications, the turbulence must ...