• Verdiskaping i klippfisknæringa 

      Bjørndal, Trond; Danielsen, Rannva; Nesset, Erik Alfred (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • VIZPLAN: A Visual Analytics Platform for the assessment of multidimensional indicators over time 

      Leplat, Léo; Torres, Ricardo; Aspen, Dina Margrethe; Amundsen, Andreas (Chapter, 2022)
      In this paper, we introduce VizPlan, a new platform to support the assessment of multidimensional indicators over time. VizPlan includes a visualisation scheme based on a radial visual structure that allows the direct ...
    • Vurdering av budsjett som styringsverktøy for virksomheter 

      Stensøe, Alexandra Gabrielle; Giske, Lena Elise Paulsen (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Formålet med denne utredningen er å vurdere budsjettet som styringsverktøy. Over de siste tiårene har kritikken mot det tradisjonelle budsjettet økt, og som anklages for å være tid og kostnadskrevende, lite fleksibelt ...
    • WANTED: Strømmetjenestenes samfunnsansvar? 

      Kvien, Elise; Ellefsen, Jan-Erik Listou (Bachelor thesis, 2018)
      Hypotesen ”lineær-TV er død” har vært omdiskutert i lengre tid. Det interessante er å kunne avdekke om dette er sant eller ikke. Derfor har man satt fokuset over på strømmetjenester og konkurransen mot lineær-TV. Problemene ...
    • The Way Forward 

      Fet, Annik Magerholm; Keitsch, Martina Maria (Chapter, 2023)
      This chapter points to the way ahead by introducing five recommendations to meet the requirements set forward by the Stockholm+50 agenda. The requirements identify co-working as vital to addressing the planetary crisis of ...
    • What Are Demanding Operations In Subsea Work? 

      Håvold, Jon Ivar; Vederhus, Lillian; Nistad, Steinar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      In recent years, offshore operations have changed from a focus on anchor handling and rigging to more subsea installation and IMR (inspection, maintenance, repair). Situations where large and heavy modules are placed on ...
    • What can schools do to increase the entrepreneurial intentions among young women? Analysis of data from Norway and Slovakia. 

      Årethun, Torbjørn; Nesse, Jon Gunnar; Kolosta, Stanislav; Flaska, Filip; Håvold, Jon Ivar (Chapter, 2019)
      In this paper we document and analyze gender differences in entrepreneurial intentions (EI) among Norwegian and Slovak youths. We have collected data from high schools in Norway and Slovakia. In total, we have 1457 respondents ...
    • What drives SME’s to their choice of bank? 

      Haugland, Olav (Master thesis, 2022)
      Abstract This master thesis seeks out to answers the question “which factors influence the choice of bank for small and medium sized businesses”. Small businesses is defined as a firm with 20 or less employees, while a ...
    • What Is the Effect of Synergy Provided by International Collaborations on Regional Economies? 

      Ivanova, Inga; Strand, Øivind; Leydesdorff, Loet (Journal article, 2017)
      In the present paper, we analyze the effect of international collaboration on regional markets. We compare two Norwegian counties with very different profiles in terms of how international or regional cooperation affects ...
    • What Matters for Gender Stereotyping in Leadership: Masculinity, Gender Egalitarianism or Cultural Tightness? 

      Mustafa, Ghulam; Almazrouei, Hanan Saber (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
    • Where are you from? The influence of an unfamiliar sub-national region of origin from familiar and unfamiliar countries on quality perceptions and purchase intentions 

      Pasquine, Mark Vincent; Moen, Øystein; Glavee-Geo, Richard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This paper examines how consumer quality perceptions and purchase intentions are influenced by country of origin level, specifically for an unfamiliar region of origin (ROO) and by parent country familiarity. We conducted ...
    • Women’s career advancement in Switzerland 

      Grimm, Helena (Master thesis, 2018)
      Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this study is to address the research gap on the glass ceiling in Switzerland and to examine employee’s perceptions of the factors in relation to women’s career advancement in Switzerland. ...
    • “You might also like” -The technological consumers understanding of transparent AI 

      Haugstulen, Emilie Kristin (Master thesis, 2021)
      Kunstig intelligens begynner å bli et viktig verktøy i digital markedsføring brukt av markedsførere for å påvirke forbrukerne i en online beslutningsprosess. Anbefalingsalgoritmer kan gi forbrukerne bedre produkter for å ...
    • Økonomisk analyse av klippfisknæringa 

      Bjørndal, Marianne Tranberg; Bjørndal, Trond; Ekerhovd, Nils-Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Samandrag Eksportverdien av klippfisk var i 2014 på cirka 3,6 milliarder kroner. Klippfiskindustrien på Nordvestlandet er tyngdepunktet for norsk klippfiskproduksjon og eksport og over 90 prosent av eksporten skjer frå ...
    • Økonomisk og strategisk analyse av Foods Import s.p.a. 

      Aksel Haagensen; Jonas Ahmad (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      I denne bacheloroppgaven har vi analysert lønnsomhetsutviklingen i den italienske saltfiskimportbedriften Foods Import i perioden 2015-2021. Videre har vi undersøkt årsakene til denne utviklingen og gitt en prognose på ...
    • Østersgutta 

      Kragseth, Arne; Leikanger, Torstein Trym; Oftedal, Rolf; Bogen, Dennis; Bjerke, Thomas Åkerholm (Bachelor thesis, 2016)
      Vi i Østersgutta vil spise oss ut av problemene! Vår bedrift vil gjøre et miljøproblem om til en ressurs. Prosjekt vårt går ut på å høste opp den invaderende arten Stillehavsøsters og selge til grossister, restauranter og ...