Now showing items 2176-2195 of 2434

    • Testing the effect of quantitative genetic inheritance in structured models on projections of population dynamics 

      Simmonds, Emily Grace; Cole, Ella F; Sheldon, Ben C; Coulson, Tim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Global climate change is altering the timing of life history events for species living in seasonal environments. These shifts in phenology can lead to the disruption of interspecific relationships with implications for ...
    • Text Classification via Topological Data Analysis 

      Løvlie, Bendik (Master thesis, 2023)
      Moderne generative språkmodeller som ChatGPT har en bemerkelsesverdig evne til å generere tekster som er vanskelige å skille fra menneskeskrevne tekster. Topologisk dataanalyse (TDA) brukes til å studere formen på data, ...
    • Text-Video Retrieval Using Encoder and Cross Encoder Models 

      Skjetne, Ingrid Sofie (Master thesis, 2022)
      I denne oppgaven undersøker vi hvordan dyp læring med enkodermodeller kan brukes til videosøk. Motivasjonen for å bruke nettopp enkodermodeller er den store suksessen de har hatt på flere tekst-bildeoppgaver og deres ...
    • The 2-Kronecker Quiver and Systems of Linear Differential Equations 

      Rye, August Benjamin (Master thesis, 2013)
      We present a way of classifying all the indecomposable representations of the 2-Kronecker quiver over an algebraically closed field. We do this mainly by constructing classes of irregular indecomposable representations by ...
    • The 4 Subspace Problem 

      Forbregd, Tore A. (Master thesis, 2008)
      We present a complete solution to the 4 subspace problem in the generality of an algebraically closed eld. We do this by means of Auslander-Reiten theory and give the Auslander-Reiten quiver of the extended $D_4$ Dynkin ...
    • The 4 Subspace Problem 

      Hamre, Torbjørn Eliassen (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Fireunderromsproblemet handlar om å finne alle ikkje-dekomponerbare system som består av eit vektorrom med fire underrom. Denne avhandlinga oversetter uttrykket system om til underromsrepresentasjonar av stjernekogger og ...
    • The Algebraic Bivariant Connes-Chern Character 

      Austad, Are (Master thesis, 2017)
      In this thesis we present many properties of bivariant periodic cyclic homology with the purpose of then constructing two bivariant Connes-Chern characters from algebraic versions of Kasparov's KK-theory with values in ...
    • The Analysis of Continuous Mark-Recapture Data 

      Olsen, Inge Christoffer (Doctoral thesis, 2006)
      The purpose of this thesis is to develop a general methodology for the analysis of continuously sampled data from open populations. The thesis consists of four parts and one appendix. The four parts may be read independently ...
    • The argument principle and its first applications. 

      Darwish, Khorshed (Master thesis, 2023)
      I denne masteroppgaven skal vi utforske opphavet til argumentprinsippet og dets utvikling over tid. Vi vil også undersøke noen av nøkkelapplikasjonene, inkludert bruken i studiet av Riemann zeta funksjonen. Mot slutten av ...
    • The Arnold Conjecture 

      Oldervoll, Trygve Poppe (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Arnolds formodning sier at en Hamiltonsk symplektomorfi på en symplektisk mangfoldighet har minst like mange fikspunkter som en funksjon på mangfoldigheten har kritiske punkter. I denne oppgaven gir vi en introduskjon ...
    • The Balian–Low theorem and noncommutative tori 

      Luef, Franz (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      We point out a link between the theorem of Balian and Low on the non-existence of well-localized Gabor–Riesz bases and a constant curvature connection on projective modules over noncommutative tori.
    • The Balmer Spectrum of the Local Equivariant Stable Homotopy Category 

      Gaukstad, Sigurd (Master thesis, 2022)
      Vi introduserer tensor triangulert geometri, med et mål for å regne ut Balmer spektrumet til den lokale 𝐺-ekvivariante stabile homotopi kategorien, for en en- delig gruppe 𝐺. Vi starter ved å definere grunnleggende ...
    • The Cauchy problem for a model of immiscible gas flow with large data 

      Sande, Hilde (Doctoral Theses at NTNU, 1503-8181; 2009:4, Doctoral thesis, 2009)
    • The Choice of screening design 

      Tyssedal, John Sølve; Chaudhry, Muhammad Azam (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      A screening design is an experimental plan used for identifying the expectedly few active factors from potentially many. In this paper, we compare the performances of 3 experimental plans, a Plackett-Burman design, a minimum ...
    • The Derived Category of Exact Categories and Classification of Exact Structures 

      Berre, Ole (Master thesis, 2021)
      I denne avhandlingen vil vi se på Verdier-lokalisering og asykliske komplekser for å kunne definere den deriverte kategorien. I tillegg finner vi en klassifisering av eksakte strukturer på idempotent komplette kategorier ...
    • The Dominative p-Laplacian and Sublinear Elliptic Operators 

      Brustad, Karl Kristian (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:128, Doctoral thesis, 2018)
      Utgangspunktet for avhandlingen er den såkaltep-Laplace-ligningen. Den er en andregrands partiell differensialligning (PDE), oger en ikke-lineær generalisering av den mer berømte Laplace-ligningen. I 2003 ble det oppdaget ...
    • The duration of gastrin treatment affects global gene expression and molecular responses involved in ER stress and anti-apoptosis 

      Selvik, Linn-Karina M.; Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten; Flatberg, Arnar; Steigedal, Tonje; Misund, Kristine; Anderssen, Endre; Doseth, Berit; Langaas, Mette; Tripathi, Sushil; Beisvag, Vidar; Lægreid, Astrid; Thommesen, Liv; Bruland, Torunn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Background How cells decipher the duration of an external signal into different transcriptional outcomes is poorly understood. The hormone gastrin can promote a variety of cellular responses including proliferation, ...
    • The Dynamical Behaviour of some Automorphisms of C^2 that fixes the axes 

      Bugge, Egil Aleksander (Master thesis, 2016)
      We use existing theory of Hakim and Weickert in order to identify a complex line which is such that close to the origin the stable set of the origin will be situated close to this line. Then we study the dynamical behaviour ...
    • The effect of emergency department delays on 30-days mortality in Central Norway 

      Asheim, Andreas; Nilsen, Sara Marie; Carlsen, Fredrik; Næss-Pleym, Lars E.; Uleberg, Oddvar; Dale, Jostein; Bjørnsen, Lars Petter Bache-Wiig; Bjørngaard, Johan Håkon (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Objective: To assess whether prolonged length of stay in the emergency department was associated with risk of death. Methods: We analysed data from 165,183 arrivals at St. Olav’s University Hospital’s emergency ...
    • The Effects of Crude Oil on Stock Markets with use of Markov Switching Models 

      Wiese, Thor August Mediaas (Master thesis, 2016)
      In this thesis, a two regime Markov switching (MS) model is implemented to examine the relationship between crude oil, both brent oil and WTI, and stock markets. In particular, the model is applied to stock markets in both ...