Now showing items 742-761 of 2349

    • Efficient Streaming and Compression of Hyperspectral Images 

      Fjeldtvedt, Johan Austlid (Master thesis, 2018)
      As a part of the SmallSat project at NTNU, a satellite payload capable of capturing and processing of hyperspectral images is being developed. Several processing steps are performed on-board in the satellite, as well as ...
    • Efficient Verification with Portable Stimulus 

      Kragseth, Karianne Krokan (Master thesis, 2018)
      Portable Stimulus is an upcoming technique for increasing productivity and quality of verification of digital designs. A single test description shall be used to generate tests between multiple abstraction levels and ...
    • Efficient video scaling algorithms implemented and optimized for FPGA. 

      Lindø, Svein Erik (Master thesis, 2011)
      The goal of this thesis was to find an alternative to a reference video scaler, providing the same or higher visual quality at faster operation, requiring less FPGA area and memory.The first part of the report is used to ...
    • Eigenmodal Analysis of Anderson Localization: Applications to Photonic Lattices and Bose-Einstein Condensates 

      Ying, Guanwen; Kouzaev, Guennadi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      We present the eigenmodal analysis techniques enhanced towards calculations of optical and Bose-Einstein non-interacting condensate (BEC) modes formed by random potentials and localized by Anderson effect. The results are ...
    • Ekstern detektor for farlige gasser 

      Ahmed, Ayub Idris; Kokowski, Aleksander (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Oppgaven går ut på å utforske potensialet til realisering aven varslingsenhet innen røyk, propan, butan, temperatur ogfuktighet, med kommunikasjon med mobiltelefon via appliaksjon på IOS og Android. Formålet med oppgaven ...
    • Elastodynamic full waveform inversion on GPUs with time-space tiling and wavefield reconstruction 

      Aaker, Ole Edvard; Raknes, Espen Birger; Arntsen, Børge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Full waveform inversion (FWI) is a procedure used to determine the elastic parameters of the Earth by reducing the misfit between observed elastodynamic wavefields and their numerically modelled counterparts. The numerical ...
    • Electrical Power System of the NTNU Test Satellite: Design of the EPS 

      Jacobsen, Lars Erik (Master thesis, 2012)
      The NTNU Test Satellite (NUTS) project is aiming to launch a 10×10×20 cm nanosatellite by the year 2014. The goal is to design and develope a low cost satellite by exploring the use of commersially available components. ...
    • Electrical Transport Studies of (111)-Oriented BTO/LSMO-Based Heterostructures 

      Raa, Kristoffer Skogen (Master thesis, 2015)
      Strain-induced magnetoelectric coupling in thin film heterostructures is a popular topic in the emerging field of multiferroic materials. Normally such heterostructures are grown with a (001) orientation, but (111)-oriented ...
    • Electrically Tunable Perfect Terahertz Absorber Using Embedded Combline Graphene Layer 

      Maghoul, Amir; Rostami, Ali; Barzinjy, Azeez Abdullah; Mirtaheri, Peyman (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Graphene is a powerful 2-D matter with the capability of extraordinary transparency, and tunable conductivity is employed in emerging optoelectronics devices. In this article, the design of an electrically tunable ...
    • Electrochemically driven degradation of chemical solution deposited ferroelectric thin-films in humid ambient 

      Dahl-Hansen, Runar Plunnecke; Polfus, Jonathan Marc; Vøllestad, Einar; Akkopru-Akgun, Betul; Denis, Lyndsey; Coleman, Kathleen; Tyholdt, Frode; Trolier-Mckinstry, Susan E; Tybell, Per Thomas Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The ambient humidity significantly accelerates the degradation of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) films in microelectromechanical systems; the cause of such degradation is under debate. Here, it is shown that the degradation ...
    • Electronic design for high speed liquid crystal display shutter 

      Nesheim, Henning (Master thesis, 2008)
      The main objective of this thesis is the electronic design and driving of a high speed liquid crystal display shutter. This is one of the main components in a 3D display system developed by Setred® AS. The thesis can be ...
    • Electrooptical modeling of semiconductor nanowires 

      Svendsen, Guro K. (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:99, Doctoral thesis, 2013)
    • Embedded demonstrator for audio manipulation 

      Larsen, Jarle (Master thesis, 2010)
      Demonstration of embedded systems is a good way to motivate and recruit students to a future career in electronics. For Department of Electronics and Telecommunication at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology ...
    • Embedded Demonstrator for Video Presentation and Manipulation 

      Jonassen, Cato Marwell (Master thesis, 2010)
      In this master thesis there has been implemented an embedded demonstrator for video presentation and manipulation, based on the specification presented in the project thesis written last semester. The demonstrator was ...
    • Embedded System for Electronic Circuit Education 

      Venjum, Kai André (Master thesis, 2010)
      Embedded systems are ideal as electronic demonstrators because they provides the designer with wide possibilities for optimization through codesign. In many situations, like school visits at the Norwegian University of ...
    • Embedded system for styring og signalprosessering av NIR spektrometer og probe. 

      Syverstad, Bjørnar (Master thesis, 2006)
      Dette prosjektet ble gitt av Prediktor AS som utvikler og leverer avanserte datainnsamlings- og styringssystemer til industrien. Prosjektet gikk ut på å utvikle embedded elektronikk til Prediktors eksisterende måleprobe. ...
    • Embedded System for Underwater Data Acquisition 

      Halsos, Odd Inge (Master thesis, 2020)
      En små-skala oppdrftsaktuator, designet for a holde en gitt dybde mellom 0 og 50 meter, har potensial til å bli et nyttig verktøy med bruksområde relatert til kart- legging av undervannsstrømmer og innsamling av data. Ut ...
    • Emergent premises in student experiences of a first-year electrical engineering course 

      Bolstad, Torstein; Wallin, Patric; Lundheim, Lars Magne; Larsen, Bjørn B.; Tybell, Per Thomas Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This study explores how project-based learning in combination with other pedagogical scaffolding approaches influences students’ experiences during their transition into the university. Based on the thematic analysis of ...
    • Emerging Technologies for Digital Twins 

      Storøy, Olav Skadsem (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne oppgaven utforsker bruken av flere toppmoderne maskinlæringsteknikker for å forbedre implementeringen og verdien av digitale tvillinger. Teknikkene inkluderer Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF), punktskysegmentering, ...
    • Empirical Path Loss Models for Wireless Sensor Network Deployment in Snowy Environments 

      Cheffena, Michael; Mohamed, Marshed Kassim (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Abstract: In this paper, practical sensor nodes are utilized to study the path loss effects of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) at 2.425 GHz in a ground covered by snow at different heights from the ground. The measurement ...