Now showing items 769-788 of 2351

    • En studie av flutterekko med hensyn på geometrisk akustikk og kantdiffraksjon 

      Skjong, Harald (Master thesis, 2015)
      Flutterekko er et akustisk fenomen som oppstår når gjentatte refleksjoner oppstår mellom to eller flere flater. Dette eksiteres av pulssignal, som for eksempel klapping, og har en etterklang som ofte er lenger enn etterklangen ...
    • En undersøkelse av bølgeutbredelsesforholdene mellom lavbanesatellitter og polare områder, spesielt Svalbard. 

      Holte, Gudmund (Master thesis, 2006)
      Ved support på lavbanesatellitter er den laveste elevasjonsvinkelen det er mulig å følge satellitten ned til bestemmende for tilgjengelig nedlastingstid. Kongsberg Satellitte Service har en jordstasjon på Svalbard(SvalSat) ...
    • En variabel bit lengde 9-bit 50MS/S SAR ADC 

      Sandvik, Jørgen Moe (Master thesis, 2012)
      A 9-bit 50MS/s SAR ADC with a simulated power consumption of 24.5 µW was designed for this thesis. Specifications were made for application with in-probe electronic as part of an ultrasound system. A novel switching-scheme ...
    • Enabling the Internet of Arctic Things with Freely-Drifting Small-Satellite Swarms 

      Palma, David; Birkeland, Roger (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The widespread deployment of Internet-capable devices, also known as the Internet of Things (IoT), reaches even the most remote areas of the planet, including the Arctic. However, and despite the vast scientific and economic ...
    • The End-to-End Molecular Communication Model of Extracellular Vesicle-based Drug Delivery 

      Rudsari, Hamid Khoshfekr; Zoofaghari, Mohammad; Veletic, Mladen; Bergsland, Jacob; Balasingham, Ilangko (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      A closer look at nature has recently brought more interest in exploring and utilizing intra-body communication networks composed of cells as intrinsic, perfectly biocompatible infrastructures to deliver therapeutics. ...
    • Energieffektiv dataoverføring 

      Bjønnum, Rune (Master thesis, 2014)
      Små, batteridrevne enheter som kobles til et datanettverk har medført et økende behov for energieffektiv trådløs datakommunikasjon. Denne oppgaven undersøker hvordan datakompresjon kan benyttes for å redusere behovet for ...
    • Energihøsting i Strømning 

      Langeland, Anders (Master thesis, 2006)
      I denne oppgaven skal det lages det en energihøster som skal kunne høste energi fra en luftstrømning. Det skal benyttes piezoelektrisk PVDF-film for å høste energi fra strømningen. Innledningsvis studeres tidligere arbeid ...
    • Energy Efficiency Effects of Vectorization in Data Reuse Transformations for Many-Core Processors—A Case Study 

      Al Hasib, Abdullah; Natvig, Lasse; Kjeldsberg, Per Gunnar; Cebrian, Juan Manuel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Thread-level and data-level parallel architectures have become the design of choice in many of today’s energy-efficient computing systems. However, these architectures put substantially higher requirements on the memory ...
    • Energy efficient DCT hardware 

      Simovic, Milorad (Master thesis, 2015)
      Energy efficiency in electronic system designs has been playing an important role for years. With the increased usage of battery powered devices and the increased number of functionalities they provide, energy efficiency ...
    • Energy Efficient Floating Point Unit for the SHMAC Platform 

      Hope, Bengt Erik (Master thesis, 2017)
      Floating-point operations are critical for many applications where heterogenous computing is gaining traction. Floating-point implementation can be power hungry, however. As such, this thesis presents the architecture and ...
    • An Energy Efficient Level Shifter Capable of Logic Conversion From Sub-15 mV to 1.2 V 

      Låte, Even; Ytterdal, Trond; Aunet, Snorre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      We propose architectural advances in low voltage, energy efficient, level shifters. A write assist circuit is introduced,to support up-conversion of deep subthreshold inputs. We also present an approach to reduce the leakage ...
    • Energy Efficient Reed-Solomon Error Correction 

      Flaten, Sindre Drolsum (Master thesis, 2013)
      Energy efficient implementations are very important in order to increase the op- erating time for battery-powered devices. In this thesis a Reed-Solomon encoder and decoder have been implemented. The implementations have ...
    • Energy Efficient Subthreshold Digital Building Blocks 

      Hossein Zadeh, Somayeh (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:141, Doctoral thesis, 2022)
      Many IoT applications such as implantable biomedical devices, sensor nodes in the internet of things operate in the kHz range, and power consumption is the primary concern in such applications. However, the required voltage ...
    • Energy Efficient True Random Number Generator 

      Foik, Conrad Georg (Master thesis, 2015)
      For modern cryptography, the availability of true random numbers is indispensable. While recent technology trends require secure communication, they combine this requirement with the need for energy efficient solutions. ...
    • Energy Harvesting for Ambient Backscatter Communications 

      Runde Bolli, Jørgen (Master thesis, 2021)
      I denne avhandlingen blir designet av en 50 Ohm patch antenne og et radiofrekvens energihøstings system egnet for en sannsynelig ambient backscatter kommunikasjons enhet forklart. Systemet er montert på et FR-4 substrat ...
    • Energy Harvesting for Sensor Nodes in the Internet of Things 

      Castillo, Erick (Master thesis, 2015)
      Wireless sensor networks have an extensive range of applications in the real world. From military uses saving lives, to environmental applications monitoring the fauna and weather conditions, but also by checking the health ...
    • Energy optimization through cooperative storage management: A calculus of variations approach 

      Leithon, Johann; Werner, Stefan; Koivunen, Visa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      A framework to optimize energy utilization through battery management in a cooperative environment is proposed. Participating households share access to a community-owned energy farm and are equipped with lossy rechargeable ...
    • Energy Storage Solutions for Offshore Applications 

      Arellano Prieto, Yessica Alexandra; Chavez Panduro, Elvia Anabela; Salvo Rossi, Pierluigi; Finotti, Francesco (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Increased renewable energy production and storage is a key pillar of net-zero emission. The expected growth in the exploitation of offshore renewable energy sources, e.g., wind, provides an opportunity for decarbonising ...
    • Energy-efficiency of Cardiomyocyte Stimulation with Rectangular Pulses 

      Laasmaa, Martin; Lu, Pengfei; Veletic, Mladen; Louch, William Edward; Bergsland, Jacob; Balasingham, Ilangko; Vendelin, Marko (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In cardiac pacemaker design, energy expenditure is an important issue. This work aims to explore whether varying stimulation pulse configuration is a viable optimization strategy for reducing energy consumption by the ...
    • Energy-Efficient Link Adaptation and Resource Allocation in Energy-Constrained Wireless Ad Hoc Networks 

      Krogsveen, Even (Master thesis, 2007)
      Wireless ad hoc networks have a number of advantages over traditional, infrastructure-based networks. Robustness and easy deployment are two of the main advantages. However, the distributed nature of such networks raises ...