Now showing items 607-626 of 2332

    • Development and Optimization of a Contact Tracing Wearable 

      Aalien, Martin Gulbrandsen (Master thesis, 2021)
      Markedet for kroppsbårne elektroniske enheter for helse- og aktivitets-monitorering er i kraftig utvikling. Nylig har det fått oppmerksomhet som en alternativ måte å gjennomføre smittesporing på for å redusere spredningen ...
    • Development and Testing of a Satellite-based Communication System for Submersible Ocean Data Buoys in The Arctic 

      Becker, Leon Helge; Holsen, Espen; Sæternes, Isak Andrade (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Abstract will be available on 2025-05-20
    • Development and Testing of an Acoustic Plankton Recorder 

      Svee, Astrid (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2007:46, Doctoral thesis, 2007)
      Recent years have brought cross-disciplinary focus on possibilities, constraints and consequences of large scale zooplankton harvesting. Development of acoustic measurement technology is an important part of that work. ...
    • Development of 3D-printer for small scale testing of new metal alloys 

      Martini, Mari; Røang, Nils Christoffer Joys; Vadset, Gjermund Johansen; Øvergård, Alexander (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Da det kom til valg av bacheloroppgave, var en av oppgavene vi kunne velge «Utvikling av mini 3D-printer for testing av nye metallegeringer» fra SINTEF. Dette prosjektet baserte seg på å utvikle en mini 3D-printer fra en ...
    • Development of a Data Characterization Software for a Gamma Spectroscopy System 

      Godø, Sofia Olivia Kathea (Master thesis, 2021)
      Basert på egen ASIC, IDE3421, har selskapet IDEAS utviklet et system som tolker spektrometeravlesninger fra flere parallelle CZT-krystaller. GDS-100-systemet har nytte av en programvare som implementerer en kalibreringsprosedyre ...
    • Development of a Dynamic Positioning System for the ReVolt Model Ship 

      Alfheim, Henrik Lemcke; Muggerud, Kjetil; Breivik, Morten; Brekke, Edmund Førland; Eide, Egil; Engelhardtsen, Øystein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      A Dynamic Positioning (DP) control system is developed, implemented and tested for a scale model of DNV GL’s concept ship ReVolt. This model-scale ship is used as a test platform for sensors and control systems used in ...
    • Development of a Nanophotonic Silicon Nitride Waveguide Sensor Platform for Use in SERS 

      Ekern, Joakim (Master thesis, 2023)
      Overflateforsterket Ramanspredning (SERS) er en kraftfull og ikke-ødeleggende sensorteknikk basert på å eksitere vibrasjonsnivåene til et molekyl. Dette resulterer i et unikt emisjonsspekter — et slags molekykært fingeravtrykk ...
    • Development of a Patch Antenna Array between 2-6 GHz with Phase Steering Network for a Double CubeSat 

      Bolstad, Anton Johan (Master thesis, 2009)
      To make a double CubeSat with limited power resources capable of transmitting large amounts of data to Earth a high gain antenna is needed. In this thesis a switched beam MSA array operating at 5.84 GHz has been designed ...
    • Development of a prototype of a candidate camera payload 

      Oltedal, Jon Kalevi (Master thesis, 2016)
      The second prototype for the NUTS camera module have been tested to confirm if changes made from the first prototype were successful. The first prototype suffered from noise issues when operating at the maximum clock ...
    • Development of a Universal Verification Component for CPU UVM Verification 

      Bakken, Bernhard (Master thesis, 2018)
      The time used debugging and developing testbenches in FPGA and ASIC/IC projects is around 60% of the total time spent in verification. The last years has shown an increase in the adoption of the Universal Verification ...
    • Development of speckle reduction technology in laser projection displays 

      Tong, Zhaomin (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:52, Doctoral thesis, 2013)
      Lasers as illumination sources in displays have excellent features compared to lamps and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). Lasers have the following advantages: high luminance, small etendue, long lifetime, linear polarization, ...
    • Development of the Control Interface for the Fast Magnet Current Change Monitor (FMCM): Part of the LHC Machine Protection System at CERN 

      Jevard, Tonje Vik (Master thesis, 2007)
      A large number of magnets, both superconducting and normal conducting, are installed for the guidance of the two proton beams around the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world's largest particle accelerator currently under ...
    • Development of tunable Y-junction laser diodes for trace-gas sensing applications 

      Tran, Thanh-Nam (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:422, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      Y-junction laser diodes are promising light sources needed for trace-gas sensing systems based on tunable diode-laser absorption spectroscopy. The merit of this laser structure is the fabrication simplicity and the ability ...
    • DFT studies of BaTiO3 interfaces 

      Tuset, Sindre (Master thesis, 2016)
      This thesis has explored some of the nuances of Density Funtional Theory, ferroelectricity and oxide perovskites, BaTiO$_3$ in particular. The effects of strain and crystal orientation on phase diagram and polarization in ...
    • Dialektgjenkjenning 

      Sandberg, Susanne Barkhald (Master thesis, 2012)
      Dette arbeidet har blitt utført med et mål om å utvikle et system for automatisk gjenkjenning av dialekter basert på akustisk modellering. Systemet ble utviklet ved bruk av Hidden Markov ToolKit (HTK), et samling av ferdige ...
    • Diamagnetism and the dispersion of the magnetic permeability 

      Dirdal, Christopher Andrew; Skaar, Johannes (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      It is well known that the usual Kramers–Kronig relations for the relative permeability function μ(ω) are not compatible with diamagnetism (μ(0) < 1) and a positive imaginary part (Im μ(ω) > 0 for ω > 0). We demonstrate ...
    • Dielectric media considered as vacuum with sources 

      Hågenvik, Hans Olaf; Bløtekjær, Kjell; Skaar, Johannes (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Conventional textbook treatments on electromagnetic wave propagation consider the induced charge and current densities as “bound” and therefore absorb them into a refractive index. In principle, it must also be possible ...
    • Diffusion-Based Model for Noise-Induced Hearing Loss 

      Aas, Sverre (Master thesis, 2007)
      Among several different damaging mechanisms, oxidative stress is found to play an important role in noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). This is supported by both findings of oxidative damage after noise exposure, and the ...
    • Diffusion-Based Molecular Communications in Wireless Pacemakers 

      Thodesen, Elisa Ulvøen (Master thesis, 2016)
      Molecular communications is a novel communication technique that has many advantages over the traditional radio frequency technologies used in body area medical applications. It is based on the body`s own biological ...
    • Digital Audio Restoration: Denoising phonograph recordings 

      Hella, Vegard (Master thesis, 2013)
      This master's thesis realize an audio noise reduction tool by use of digital signal processing. The tool is used to restore phonograph recordings. The recordings are restored on behalf of Ringve Museum, Norway's national ...