• A Very Low SEF Neural Amplifier by Utilizing a High Swing Current-Reuse Amplifier 

      Naderi, Kebria; Habibzadeh Tonekabony Shad, Erwin; Molinas, Marta Maria Cabrera; Heidari, Ali; Ytterdal, Trond (Chapter, 2020)
      Although current-reuse amplifier has been widely used in biomedical applications because of their low input-referred thermal noise, they don't have high output swing and their gain is limited. In this article, a rail-to-rail ...
    • Vessel contrast enhancement in hyperspectral images 

      Bjorgan, Asgeir; Denstedt, Martin Anders Fredrik; Milanic, Matija; Paluchowski, Lukasz A.; Randeberg, Lise Lyngsnes (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Imaging of vessel structures can be useful for investigation of endothelial function, angiogenesis and hyper-vascularization. This can be challenging for hyperspectral tissue imaging due to photon scattering and absorption ...
    • Video metric measurements in an FPGA for use in objective no-reference video quality analysis 

      Nordeng, Eirik Tørud (Master thesis, 2013)
      This thesis presents a way of performing objective video quality analyses in order to point out faults in the hardware of a video system that uses analogue video transmission technologies. The approach focuses on performing ...
    • Video Quality Assessment in Broadcasting 

      Prytz, Anders (Master thesis, 2010)
      In broadcasting, the assessment of video quality is mostly done by a group of highly experienced people. This is a time consuming task and demands lot of resources. In this thesis the goal is to investigate the possibility ...
    • Videointerface to rocket PCM encoder 

      Nysted, Frode; Trøvolt, Morgan (Bachelor thesis, 2001)
      Oppgaven bestod i å lage en krets som mottar standard PAL signal fra et kamera, for så å digitalisere og komprimere den datastrømmen. Deretter skulle den komprimerte datastrømmen sendes videre til FFI sin nyutviklede PCM ...
    • Videreutvikling av styringsenhet og brukergrensesnitt av system for diabetesbehandling med nær-infrarødt lys 

      Ahmed, Taheera; Fyksen, Mina Johanne Eftestøl; Havmo, Anne Elise Ljosdal; Steen, Vilma Andrea (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Oppgaven omhandler utviklingen av en prototype for å undersøke effekten av nær-infrarødt lys (NIR) på insulinopptaket i kroppen. Diabetes type 1 er en sykdom som påvirker mange mennesker rundt om i verden og dette krever ...
    • Videreutvikling og testing av tobeinet robotprototype 

      Au, Knut Harald Gabow; Sæbjørnsen, Tor Berge; Sundelin, Karl Magnus; Løvø, Tove Ingeborg (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Rapporten omhandler en underaktuert tobeinet robotprototype, dens tilknyttede komponenter og programvare gjennom vårt bachelorprosjekt våren 2022. Bilde av roboten sees i figur 3.1. Oppgaven bygger videre på tre tidligere ...
    • Videreutvikling system for posisjonering/DP - test av prototyp system med øyesikker 1550 nm laser diode/fiber laser teknologi 

      Neteland, Iselin Silvana Haugen (Master thesis, 2017)
      This master work deals with investigating a laser based range finding system. The laser has a wavelength of 1 550 nm and the system will be comparable to SpotTrack, which uses 905 nm. This paper will build on the work ...
    • Virtual MIMO Wireless Sensor Networks: Propagation Measurements and Fusion Performance 

      Dey, Indrakshi; Salvo Rossi, Pierluigi; Butt, Majid; Marchetti, Nicola (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      In this paper, we investigate the practical implications of employing virtual multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems for prototyping future-generation wireless sensor networks (WSNs), especially in the light of ...
    • Virtual prototype of low-power digital architectures in SystemC 

      Thiab, Motaz (Master thesis, 2020)
      Nordic Semiconductor is considering to include the use of SystemC virtual prototypes into their System-on-Chip (SoC) design flow. These prototypes would be useful in the development of embedded software. Nowadays, the ...
    • Virtual Prototypes for Embedded Software Testing: A SystemC Based Proof of Concept Implementation for Nordic Semiconductor 

      Barahona Pereira, David (Master thesis, 2020)
      The use of virtual prototypes in the semiconductor industry has proven to be a successful approach to deliver products earlier and with superior quality. This thesis focuses on implementing a system that can serve as a ...
    • Viscously damped acoustic waves with the lattice Boltzmann method 

      Viggen, Erlend Magnus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
    • Visual and Quantitative Analyses of Virus Genomic Sequences using a Metric-based Algorithm 

      Belinsky, Alexandra; Kouzaev, Guennadi (Journal article, 2022)
      This work aims to study the virus RNAs using a novel accelerated algorithm to explore anylength repetitive genomic fragments in sequences using Hamming distance between the binaryexpressed characters of an RNA and a query ...
    • Visual Echolocation Concept for the Colorophone Sensory Substitution Device Using Virtual Reality 

      Bizoń, Patrycja; Osinski, Dominik; Wierzchoń, Michał; Konieczny, Jarosław (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Detecting characteristics of 3D scenes is considered one of the biggest challenges for visually impaired people. This ability is nonetheless crucial for orientation and navigation in the natural environment. Although there ...
    • Visualisation of Limb Movements by Accelerometers in Sedated Patients 

      Harbo, Erlend; Fuglerud, Silje Skeide; Skjaervold, Nils Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The prognostication of neurological outcome in sedated ICU patients is challenging. Multiple clinical scoring schemes and examinations are used, where different motoric responses are important input variables. Accelerometery ...
    • Visualizing Extracellular Vesicles and Their Function in 3D Tumor Microenvironment Models 

      Ural, Evran E.; Toomajian, Victoria; Hoque Apu, Ehsanul; Veletic, Mladen; Balasingham, Ilangko; Ashammakhi, Nureddin; Kanada, Masamitsu; Contag, Christopher H. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are cell-derived nanostructures that mediate intercellular communication by delivering complex signals in normal tissues and cancer. The cellular coordination required for tumor development and ...
    • Vocal tract anatomy of king penguins: Morphological traits of two-voiced sound production 

      Kriesell, Hannah Joy; Le Bohec, Céline; Cerwenka, Alexander F.; Hertel, Moritz; Robin, Jean Patrice; Ruthensteiner, Bernhard; Gahr, Manfred; Aubin, Thierry; Düring, Daniel Normen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Background The astonishing variety of sounds that birds can produce has been the subject of many studies aiming to identify the underlying anatomical and physical mechanisms of sound production. An interesting feature of ...
    • Voice Control 

      Buskenes, Jo Inge; Bjørnerud, Rune André; Taksdal, Kasper Viggen (Bachelor thesis, 2007)
      Voice Control er et system for talegjenkjenning som skal være virksomt sammen med LON Works teknologien, og kunne styre ulike noder i et komplett system av talestyrte enheter. Grunntanken for konstruksjonen er å kunne ...

      Okujagu, Diepiriye Deinma (Master thesis, 2022)
      Stemmekonvertering (VC) er prosessen med å endre en høyttalers ord til å se ut som om en annen person snakker dem. Talesignalet fra den første taleren, kjent som kildetaleren, skal beholde sitt språklige innhold i sin ...
    • Voice Conversion using Deep Learning 

      Haug, Jon Magnus Momrak (Master thesis, 2017)
      This thesis aims to implement a voice conversion system that transforms one persons voice into another persons voice. Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients are used as coefficients for one set of tests, while STRAIGHT ...