Now showing items 964-983 of 2348

    • GaAs/AlGaAs Nanowire Array Solar Cell Grown on Si with Ultrahigh Power-per-Weight Ratio 

      Mukherjee, Anjan; Ren, Dingding; Vullum, Per Erik; Huh, Junghwan; Fimland, Bjørn-Ove; Weman, Helge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Here we demonstrate a more effective use of III–V photoconversion material to achieve an ultrahigh power-per-weight ratio from a solar cell utilizing an axial p-i-n junction GaAs/AlGaAs nanowire (NW) array grown by molecular ...
    • Galvanic Impulse Wireless Communication for Biomedical Implants 

      Noormohammadi, Reza; Khaleghi, Ali; Balasingham, Ilangko (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Wireless intra-body communication is a promising approach for providing efficient and secure connectivity for medical implants. The low power consumption of the electronics and the conductivity of the biological tissues ...
    • GaN/AlGaN nanocolumn ultraviolet light-emitting diode using double-Layer graphene as substrate and transparent electrode 

      Høiaas, Ida Marie; Liudi Mulyo, Andreas; Vullum, Per Erik; Kim, Dong Chul; Ahtapodov, Lyubomir; Fimland, Bjørn-Ove; Kishino, Katsumi; Weman, Helge (Journal article, 2019)
      The many outstanding properties of graphene have impressed and intrigued scientists for the last few decades. Its transparency to light of all wavelengths combined with a low sheet resistance makes it a promising electrode ...
    • Gaps in Knowledge Relevant to the “Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-Varying Electric and Magnetic Fields (1 Hz–100 kHz)” 

      Marino, Carmela; Croft, Rodney; Feychting, Maria; Green, Adele C; Hirata, Akimasa; d'Inzeo, Guglielmo; Oftedal, Gunnhild; Okuno, Tsutomu; Röösli, Martin; Sienkiewicz, Zenon; van Rongen, Eric; Watanabe, Soichi; Lagroye, Isabelle; Karipidis, Ken; Mattsson, Mats-Olof; Woods, Andrew (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Sources of low-frequency fields are widely found in modern society. All wires or devices carrying or using electricity generate extremely low frequency (ELF) electric fields (EFs) and magnetic fields (MFs), but they decline ...
    • Gas flow through shallow sediments - A case study using passive and active seismic field data 

      Landrø, Martin; Wehner, Daniel; Vedvik, Noralf; Ringrose, Philip; Løhre, Nora Løw; Berteussen, Karl-Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Offshore Quaternary sediment sequences are generally weak and unconsolidated, and fluid flow through these rock formations is hard to predict or model. Surface flow observations, such as gas seeps, often appear random and ...
    • GATT Based Network Solution For Bluetooth Mesh 

      Storrø, Anders (Master thesis, 2021)
      Denne avhandlingen presenterer undersøkelser, designet, og implementeringen av en alternativ nettverksløsning for Bluetooth mesh-standarden. Formålet med denne løsningen er å oppnå bedre ytelse med tanke på utførselshastighet ...
    • Generation, and nonlinear Parameter Estimation, of Reflection Spectra from an Intravascular Fabry-Perót Sensor, for detecting Temperature and Glucose Concentrations 

      Rokkones, Didrik (Master thesis, 2017)
      GlucoSet AS has developed an intravascular Fabry-Perót (FP) glucose sensor. The sensor consists of a hydrogel cast on an optical fiber cut, representing a low finesse FP cavity. The cavity changes length with respect to ...
    • Generic operational amplifier for MCU integration 

      Johansen, Erland (Master thesis, 2017)
      The versatility and useability of the opamp makes it widely used in hardware design. Thus having a general purpose opamp built in to the MCU can save many hardware developers both time, effort and money. As Microchip's ...
    • Geometrical lattice engineering of oxide interfaces 

      Hallsteinsen, Ingrid (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:45, Doctoral thesis, 2017)
    • Geometrical Study of Virus RNA Sequences 

      Belinsky, Alex; Kouzaev, Guennadi (Journal article, 2021)
      In this contribution, some applications of the earlier developed fast algorithm of calculating coordinates of single nucleotides and RNA fragments are considered to create multi-scale geometrical models of RNAs and their ...
    • Geophysical Monitoring of Heavy Oil Reservoir – Seismic Traveltime and Electric Resistivity Tomographic Inversion 

      Ke, Ganpan (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:104, Doctoral thesis, 2013)
    • Gjenskapning av kildekarakteristikk ved hjelp av nærfelts akustisk holografi 

      Blesvik, Trond (Master thesis, 2010)
      Denne oppgaven tar for seg teori, implementering, testing og mulighetene som ligger i målemetoden nærfelts akustisk holografi (NAH). Det har blitt konstruert et komplett målesystem med tanke på studie av en platehøyttaler. ...
    • The Global DAS Month of February 2023 

      Wüstefeld, Andreas; Spica, Zack; Aderhold, Kasey; Huang, Hsin-Hua; Ma, Kuo-Fong; Lai, Voon Hui; Miller, Meghan; Urmantseva, Lena; Zapf, Daniel; Bowden, Daniel; Edme, Pascal; Kiers, Tjeer; Rinaldi, Antonio; Tuinstra, Katinka; Jestin, Camille; Diaz-Meza, Sergio; Jousset, Philippe; Wollin, Christopher; Ugalde, Arantza; Ruiz-Barajas, Sandra; Gaite, Beatriz; Currenti, Gilda; Prestifilippo, Michele; Araki, Eiichiro; Tonegawa, Takashi; de Ridder, Sjoerd; Nowacki, Andy; Linder, Fabian; Schoenball, Martin; Wetter, Christoph; Zhu, Hong-Hu; Baird, Alan F.; Rørstadbotnen, Robin Andre; Ajo-Franklin, Jonathan; Ma, Yuanyuan; Abbott, Rober E.; Hodgkinson, Kathleen M.; Porritt, Rober W.; Stanciu, A. Christian; Podrasky, Agatha; Hill, David; Biondi, Biondo; Yuan, Siyuan; Luo, Bin; Nikitin, Sergei; Morten, Jan Petter; Dumitru, Vlad-Andrei; Lienhart, Werner; Cunningham, Erin; Wang, Herbert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      During February 2023, a total of 32 individual DAS systems acted jointly as a global seismic monitoring network. The aim of this Global DAS Month campaign was to coordinate a diverse network of organizations, instruments, ...
    • Globally vs. Locally Trained Machine Learning Models for Landslide Detection: A Case Study of a Glacial Landscape 

      Ganerød, Alexandra Jarna; Lindsay, Erin Rose Pilaar; Fredin, Ola; Myrvoll, Tor Andre; Nordal, Steinar; Rød, Jan Ketil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Landslide risk mitigation is limited by data scarcity; however, this could be improved using continuous landslide detection systems. To investigate which image types and machine learning models are most useful for landslide ...
    • Glucose sensing by absorption spectroscopy using lensed optical fibers 

      Fuglerud, Silje Skeide; Milenko, Karolina Barbara; Ellingsen, Reinold; Aksnes, Astrid; Hjelme, Dag Roar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The bulkiness of common transmission spectroscopy probes prevents applicability at remote locations such as within the body. We present the fabrication and characterization of lensed fibers for transmission spectroscopy ...
    • GNSS/INS Integration in Urban Areas 

      Muhammad, Shafiq (Master thesis, 2014)
      The Satellite based navigation systems are often integrated with inertial navigationsystems in order to provide greater accuracy and reliability in the positionand velocity parameters. For this purpose high quality inertial ...
    • GNSS/INS-integrasjon for veiprising i urbane områder 

      Sæstad, Tore Havsø (Master thesis, 2014)
      Teknologiutvikling og stor etterspørsel etter enheter som GPS-er og smarttelefoner har redusert prisen på mikroelektromekaniske systemer som akselerometer og gyroskop og GNSS-mottakere. Q-Free har utviklet flere prototyper ...
    • Goldstone-like phonon modes in a (111)-strained perovskite 

      Marthinsen, Astrid; Griffin, Sinead M; Moreau, Magnus; Grande, Tor; Tybell, Per Thomas Martin; Selbach, Sverre Magnus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Goldstone modes are massless particles resulting from spontaneous symmetry breaking. Although such modes are found in elementary particle physics as well as in condensed-matter systems like superfluid helium, superconductors, ...
    • GPS-mottaker 

      Engelien, Elin; Oppegård, Karl Otto; Åsberg, Simen Andrè (Bachelor thesis, 2001)
      Et av arbeidsområdene ved Forsvarets Forskningsinstitutt er klimaforskning. Til dette brukes blant annet raketter med måleinstrumenter som skytes ut i atmosfæren. Etter at rakettens ferd er over er det ønskelig å finne ...
    • GPU Implementation of Aliasing-Resistant Blood Flow Estimation Using Doppler Ultrasound 

      Braserud, Emil (Master thesis, 2019)
      Denne masteroppgaven presenterer en ny metode for aliasing-korreksjon av Doppler ultralydmålinger, og en pipeline fra beamforming, til blodstrøms-estimasjon på en GPU/Tensorflow platform er presentert. Metoden bruker Doppler ...