Now showing items 277-296 of 2351

    • Band gap temperature-dependence and exciton-like state in copper antimony sulphide, CuSbS2 

      Birkett, Max; Savory, Christopher N; Rajpalke, Mohana; Linhart, Wojciech M; Whittles, Thomas J; Gibbon, James T; Welch, Adam W; Mitrovic, Ivona Z.; Zakutayev, Andriy; Scanlon, David; Veal, Tim D (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The temperature-dependence of the band gap of the proposed photovoltaic absorber copper antimony sulphide (CuSbS2) has been studied by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The direct gap rises from 1.608 to 1.694 eV ...
    • Bandwidth Extension of Telephony Speech 

      Johansen, Martin Etnestad (Master thesis, 2009)
      The public switched telephone network (PSTN) restricts the acoustic bandwidth of telephonyspeech to less than 4 kHz. For compatibility with analog telephone networks, a 0.3 − 3.4 kHz passband is common. This bandwidth ...
    • Bandwidth Extension of Telephony Speech 

      Johansen, Martin Etnestad (Master thesis, 2009)
    • Bandwidth-constrained Decentralized Detection of an Unknown Vector Signal via Multisensor Fusion 

      Ciuonzo, D; Javadi, S.; Mohammadi, A.; Salvo Rossi, Pierluigi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
    • Basal Strain Estimation in Transesophageal Echocardiography using Unsupervised Deep Learning 

      Haukom, Torjus (Master thesis, 2019)
      Pasienter med behov for hjertekirurgi løper en risiko for alvorlige komplikasjoner under og etter inngrepet, og blir derfor overvåket gjennom den perioperative perioden. Ekkokardiografisk evaluering kan være en viktig del ...
    • Bathymetric and seasonal effects on the propagation of airgun signals to long distances in the Ocean 

      Tronstad, Tron; Hovem, Jens Martin (Chapter, 2011)
      Marine seismic exploration uses air guns or air gun arrays to generate high energy, short duration acoustic pulses deep into the ocean floor but some of the seismic/acoustic energy remains in the water column and can ...
    • Batteriovervåking 

      Aarflot, Øystein Andreas (Master thesis, 2009)
      Denne rapporten begynner med å presentere de ulike batteritypene som har vært og er aktuelle å benytte i elbiler. Videre er de ulike kildene til feil vurdert. Måleparametere og vanlige metoder for å korrigere avvik og sikre ...
    • Battery-free Wireless Communication for Video Capsule Endoscopy 

      Noormohammadi, Reza; Khaleghi, Ali; Balasingham, Ilangko (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Wireless capsule endoscopy is an advanced application of using ICT in healthcare and medicine. It is a non-invasive method to examine the gastrointestinal (GI) for early diagnosis and treatment. The capsule is equipped ...
    • Bayesian Fault Detection and Localization Through Wireless Sensor Networks in Industrial Plants 

      Tabella, Gianluca; Ciuonzo, Domenico; Paltrinieri, Nicola; Salvo Rossi, Pierluigi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      This work proposes a data fusion approach for quickest fault detection and localization within industrial plants via wireless sensor networks. Two approaches are proposed, each exploiting different network architectures. ...
    • Bayesian range estimate from two-directional phase measurements 

      Forbord, Jenny Aune. (Master thesis, 2023)
      Teknologien utvider seg stadig, og i dag kan man finne elektronikk og programvare i mange ulike gjenstander. Å kunne bestemme posisjonen til en gjenstand er i mange sammenhenger ønskelig. Det finnes flere gode posisjonsløsninger ...
    • Behandling av inkontinens med magneter 

      Landro, Harald (Master thesis, 2013)
      I fattige land hender det at kvinner mister all kontroll over urinblæra etter kompliserte fødsler. Denne oppgaven har undersøkt et mulig hjelpemiddel for disse kvinnene basert på å ha en plugg i urinblæra som styres av en ...
    • Behavioral Modelling and Design of Noise Shaping SAR ADC in 22nm FDSOI 

      Balasubramanian, Shankkar (Master thesis, 2019)
      Successive Approximation Registers(SAR) Analog to Digital Converters(ADCs) are very power efficient for Effective Number Of Bits(ENOB) below 9 bits. Above 9 bits, low noise comparator current could potentially limit the ...
    • Benefiting From State Dependencies in Asymmetric SRAM Cells Through Conditional Word-Flipping 

      Låte, Even; Ytterdal, Trond; Aunet, Snorre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This brief presents an approach that dynamically exploits content dependencies in asymmetric memory cells. By using a capacitive, logic-value majority circuit and an extra column of memory cells, words are conditionally ...
    • Beregning av lyd fra utendørs lydanlegg 

      Josefsen, Amund (Master thesis, 2014)
      I denne masteroppgaven ble lydutbredelsen til et utendørs lydanlegg studert. Lydutbredelsen ble studert ved å utføre målinger og simuleringer av lydutstrålinger fra en enkel høyttaler. Studien ble begrenset til å studere ...
    • Best practice for Games Design: Guidelines for ensuring quality 

      Christie, Petter Tobias Grindstad (Master thesis, 2009)
      The gaming industry is getting bigger for each year and new games hit the market almost every week. But what makes a game a success or a flop? In the end it is the users, gamers, that have decide if they think a game is ...
    • Better coding for learning speech representations 

      Rosberg, Sivert (Master thesis, 2022)
      I denne oppgaven er muligheten for å bruke Non-autoregressive Predictive Coding (NPC) til å lære talerepresentasjoner undersøkt. NPC er en selv-overvåket dyp-læringsmetode som, i motsetning til andre vanlige selv-overvåkede ...
    • Beyond the 2D limit: étendue-squeezing line-focus solar concentrators 

      Johnsen, Håkon Jarand Dugstad; Aksnes, Astrid; Torgersen, Jan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Line-focus solar concentrators are commonly designed by extruding a two-dimensional concentrator in the third dimension. For concentration in air, these concentrators are, by the nature of their design, limited by the ...
    • Beyond the Self: Using Grounded Affordances to Interpret and Describe Others' Actions 

      Saponaro, Giovanni; Jamone, Lorenzo; Alexandre, Bernardino; Salvi, Giampiero (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      We propose a developmental approach that allows a robot to interpret and describe the actions of human agents by reusing previous experience. The robot first learns the association between words and object affordances by ...
    • Bi vacancy formation in BiFeO3 epitaxial thin films under compressive (001)-strain from first principles 

      Xia, Lu; Tybell, Thomas; Selbach, Sverre Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Point defects in BiFeO3 affect both structural and functional properties. To elucidate the role of single Bi vacancies and Bi–O vacancy pairs we investigate their stability and effect on structural and ferroelectric ...
    • Bildetransmisjon basert på 2D-nedsampling og shannonavbildninger 

      Solevåg, Lars Petter (Master thesis, 2006)
      I følge rate-distorsjonsteorien skal de deler av et signalspektra som faller under støynivået ikke overføres. Dersom signalspekteret er monotont avtakende, kan signalet i slike tilfeller lavpassfiltreres og nedsamples. I ...